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Tag: online marketing

  • 3 Non-Obvious Features of Universal Google Analytics

    Today we will talk about new functionalities of Universal Google Analytics that you might not know about. Very often, when analyzing traffic. On your site, you can find that the. Statistics in google analytics do not always. Display real data. For example, during the. Promoted period, you observe an increase. In referral traffic on the site, but in. Reality this growth is due to an increase in the number. Of spam referrals, whose time spent. On the site is 0 minutes. Or you want to. Understand how effectively the resource is being promoted, identify the amount. Of search traffic on the site, as well as the most .effective search queries.<p>Today you don’t have to “reinvent the wheel” and think about how to get real statistics. For these purposes, there are a number of new Universal Google Analytics functions that will allow you to easily exclude traffic from unwanted referrals and search queries, as well as increase or decrease the session timeout if your site requires it.

    >1 Session Timeout Handling Function

    By default, the session timeout is 30 minutes, but today you can adjust the session duration depending on the specifics of your site. The minimum session timeout you can set is 1 minute.


        1. If your site is set to automatically end a session after a certain amount of time, then the session duration should also be the same.
        2. If you are the owner of an electronic library or a movie portal, then it makes sense to increase the session waiting time. However, if your site has little content, then the session waiting time can be reduced.


    How to change session timeout in Google Analytics?

        1. Open your resource in Google Analytics
        2. Go to the “Administrator” tab
        3. In the “Resource” column, select your resource.
        4. Open the “Tracking code” item and select the “Session settings” sub-item.
        5. In the “Timeout Management” field, specify the desired session time and click the “Apply” button:


    Search query exclusion function

    Another equally useful feature of Universal Google Analytics is the search query exclusion feature. This feature allows you to exclude certain brazil telegram data search queries so that data for these queries does not appear in search traffic reports in Google Analytics.

    For example, in the previous article I already told you,how to track branded and non-branded search traffic in google analyticsusing the advanced filter setting, and today I’ll tell you how to do it using the search query exclusion feature.

    How does it work? We exclude certain search queries, after which Google Analytics intercepts the clicks on these queries and interprets them database d not as search traffic, but as direct traffic. So, you can exclude search queries with the company name, and after users click on these queries, Google Analytics will count these clicks as direct traffic. Thus, branded traffic is direct traffic, and non-branded traffic is search traffic.

    How to exclude queries from search traffic?

        1. Select your resource in Google Analytics
        2. Go to the “Administrator” tab
        3. Select “Tracking code” — “List of excluded search queries”, and click the “Create search query” button
        4. In the “Search query” field, enter the keyword or phrase that we want to exclude.
        5. Click the “Create” button.




    Transition Exclusion Function

    Referral traffic — transitions to our site from third-party web resources. Google Analytics automatically determines where the user was before going to the site and registers this domain name as a referral source. Universal Google Analytics allows you to exclude transitions from certain domains.

    Typically, this feature is used when you want to exclude a transition from a third-party shopping cart/checkout page so that returning from it to the checkout page does not create a new session and does not count the transition.

    By default, each time a referral is sent, a new session is created. If the referral domain is excluded, then traffic coming from it does not create a new session.

    <strong>NB Only traffic from domains included in the list 10 days before the launch of the sales of excluded referral sources and their subdomains is excluded. Traffic from domains in which only part of the string matches the entry in the list is not excluded. If you want to exclude traffic from these referrals, you should also include them in the list of excluded referral sources.


  • Case. Traffic growth by 1745% in 4 months of search engine promotion

    We continue to share with you the experience of developing our clients’ businesses.This time we will tell. You how in 4 months. Of work on search engine optimization. Of an auto-themed website, we increased its. Traffic by 1745% .It is worth noting that the online. Of the set goals (increase in traffic, and, of. Course, increase in sales) , it was decided to.  Pages were conversion-oriented. To lose the existing traffic and attract new customers.

    To Solve the Tasks Set We Took the Following Steps

    Conductedwebsite usability audit, formulating clear requirements for landing page conversion optimizationWe created technical specifications and designed the architecture of the updated web project.

    We have compiled an expanded. Semantic core – more than 1000. Keywords are in the works.

    Optimized meta tags of site pages Case. Traffic growth by 1745% in

      • conduct internal linking of the site pages
      • configur micro-markup on the site pages
      • configur page pagination
      • We work on the content australia telegram data component of the project – we wrote and post sales texts , we actively blog, and regularly publish product reviews
      • We are Case. Traffic growth by 1745% in building up high-quality external link mass .
      • Set up goals and e-commerce .

    Traffic growth dynamics:


    Changes in page view depth:

    Increase in the number of pages view:


    Case. Traffic growth by 1745% in  The results we achiev in 4 months of work:

    Site traffic increas by 1745%

    Pageview depth increas by 1966% 

    The number of pages view database d per month increas by 12% 


    58% of keywords are in the TOP-10 of Google search results

    Conversion rate increas by 700%May 15, Kharkov — the course “Internet Marketing for Online Stores” starts fromI- Marketing School. More details here (with the promo code. “artjoker” you will get a 5% discount.

    Total number of phrases the site ranks for in search results

    May 16, Kiev — intensive course on online business development from Artjoker (registration and details here)

    May 18, Kharkov — start of animate the main page and lower level pages the course “Corporate PR”PRyanik schools(with promo code “Artjoker” discount 200 UAH .)

    May 23, Kharkov — conference “Case. Traffic growth by 1745% in Management, Marketing, Sales”, within the framework of which we supervise the flow of Internet marketing (registration here)

    How to exclude traffic from a referral source?

    1. Select your property in Google Analytics
    2. Go to the Administrator tab.
    3. In the “Resource” column, select “Tracking code” — “List of excluded referral sources”.
    4. Click the “Add referral source exclusions” button.
    5. In the “Domain” field, enter the name of the domain from which you want to exclude traffic.
    6. Click the “Create” button

    June 2 — launch of Case. Traffic growth by 1745% in  the course “Blogs: from creation to monetization”PRyanik schools

    Constantly – courses from free to paid from the Academy of Internet Marketing WebPromoExperts (more information on the website.

  • Checklist for those who want to become an Internet marketer

    Marketers working with traditional channels are increasingly looking to online promotion opportunities, thinking about redirecting the vector of their profession towards working with attracting clients via the Internet.

    Internet marketing still remains something complicated and incomprehensible for many, which is not surprising, because in essence it is a car with a complex mechanism that requires daily inspection and careful attention. If you decide to get behind the wheel, the following checklist items will help you step on the gas.


    Part 1: Understanding Key Performance Metrics

    Unlike offline customer acquisition channels, where everything is measured by reach and the understanding of conversion is rather vague, in Internet marketing you can measure the effectiveness of almost every source (thanks, Google Analytics).

    Key metrics of the effectiveness of Internet marketing channels are various indicators, ranging from the number of subscriptions to a page in social networks, traffic to the site, CTR of an advertisement, and ending with the most important indicator – conversion (a completed target action on the site: a purchase, subscription, sent brief, application, question).

    In order to improve each of these metrics, you need to gain basic knowledge about:

    • the online sales process
    • potential clients 
    • usability
    • methods to increase conversion 
    • lead generation management

    Part 2. Understanding the toolkit

    You can choose a narrow niche in Internet marketing (for example, become an SEO specialist), or cover the entire spectrum of this area, skillfully managing each tool for attracting clients. After all, even if you have highly specialized employees on your staff, you must understand the key features of each one’s activities.

    We recommend that you learn more about the following tools:

    • Search engine optimization of a website (how do Google algorithms work, what influences ranking? how to conductinternalAndexternalwebsite optimization?how to choose a semantic core? how to improve positions in search results?)
    • Contextual advertising (what are the possibilities in Google AdWords? How to create a selling ad? What is CTR and how to improve it? What influences the place in the search results for contextual advertising?what is google remarketing? how to set up a PPC advertising campaign correctly?) 
    • Targeted advertising in social networks (what are the advertising options on Facebook? and on Vkontakte?what to consider when setting up?) 
    • Email Marketing (Which Service Should You Choose for Sending?how to write a sales letter? what should be the frequency and time of sending?what else should be taken into account?)
    • Content Marketing (what is it and how to use it correctlyhow to write quality content? how to promote a corporate blog? how to promote your brand on social networks using content marketing?)
    • Video marketing (what videos can be made for the target audience? How to promote video content? How to use YouTube for business?How to implement video marketing into your practice?)


    Part 3. Understanding the user and his needs

    Having brought a potential client to the site, it is important to convince him to make a purchase. To do this, you need, firstly, to ensure that belgium telegram data the resource is easy to use for him – that same notorious usability that is talked about so much, but often neglected.

    Secondly, it is important to place “traps” on the site that will encourage a person to make a conversion – buy, ask, subscribe.

    To establish a communication process database d between you and a potential client through the website, ensure the following:

    • Adherence to the AIDA principle on the landing page (Read more here)
    • Clarity of purpose of each page of the site at first glance
    • Ease of navigation and absence of distracting factors from conversion 
    • Having leverage to persuade and influence the client’s decision (the list is here)
    • Lead Capture Traps on Every Page
    • Each screen contains CTA elements to increase conversion (usability checklist)Here)
    • Working on mistakes – a guidehere!

    Part 4. Creating quality content

    Writing texts for a website, blogging, social media – all of this is also part of the marketer’s job. Of course, you can hire a copywriter, but you should be able to generate content yourself. To do this:

    • Check out the copywriting maxims (they are here)
    • Make it a rule to be skeptical how to use semrush for keyword research? about what you write and edit your texts 5 times (assistant)
    • Come up with somethingnew headings, find ideas for cool content inbooks,movies,TV series
    • Write, write and write again – only practice will teach you to write well

    Part 5. Training and development of skills

    Be prepared for constant learning. Of course, applying all the knowledge you gain in practice, otherwise it will simply evaporate from your memory without any need. You can learn not only alone, but also in the company of like-minded people ininternet marketing schools. Constantly striving for new things and developing skills is necessary in any type of activity, but here it is especially valued.

    We offer a list of current offline courses for the coming month, which you can sign up for right now.

  • 8 Ideas for Urban Mobile Apps

    There is a stereotype that mobile applications are created either for business or for entertainment. But sales and games are not the only purpose of mobile applications. Non-commercial applications created to meet the needs of the user, improve his life are becoming popular now. Today we can say with confidence that mobile technologies can solve numerous problems of residents of specific cities and regions.

    If you care about the fate of the city and want to kuwait telegram data create an application that can improve it, then in this article you will find ideas for creating superhero applications that can change lives for the better.

    City life

    Interaction with the mobile audience is an opportunity to connect brands with consumers in real time. In our case, to connect citizens with public activities, with the government, to give them the right to vote and provide them with communication with city council representatives.

    Our team decided to create a unique application for Ukraine that will help residents of our city to take an active part in its life and will attract Kharkiv residents to implement their ideas for the development of the city – and we succeeded! Wedeveloped a mobile application”Active Kharkivite” is a simple and accessible way to take an active part in the life of the city and communicate with the government.

    Thanks to the project, citizens can make their suggestions for improving the city in various spheres of life. This is an innovative form of communication between city residents and their government. Agree, it is cool to be able to get quick access to news database d and main sections on the official website of the city council at any time.

    You can read more about the applicationHere.


    City services

    Developers are increasingly concerned. About the comfort of their users and generate. Ideas for applications that make life in a metropolis. As easy as possible: services for car owners. And pedestrians with information about city. Transport, applications with interactive maps of city infrastructure. Directories of city contact information, a map. Of parking lots, establishments, and government agencies.

    Here, Artjoker is also in business — we have developed a mobile application that all drivers will appreciate. The iMoika application allows you to call a remote car wash team at a specified time and place and gives you the opportunity to wash your car with the help of a remote team that arrives at a certain time and place. Each user has access to a personal account, which stores information about the car model, as well as the ability to avoid temporarily popular keywords add several cars. iMoika significantly simplifies the lives of drivers — it eliminates the need to go to a car wash specially, now specialists can do it by arriving on their own.


    Safety of citizens

    Everyone strives to reach the level of Western developers, so I will give examples of several cases of foreign guys.

    In New York, there is an official app of the police department “Police Department. City of New York”. The mission of the police is to improve the quality of life in New York, maintain peace, and ensure a safe environment. The app provides statistical information about crimes, news and videos, as well as a list of wanted criminals.


  • Web Tuning. 10 Tricks for an Online Electronics Store

    As promised, we are resuming the columnWeb tuningToday we will share with you ideas on how to improve your online electronics store.

    Background video

    In the article aboutweb design trendswe wrote that in 2015 more videos on the backgrounds of main pages will be popular. This feature has long been used on sites of various topics. Before you have time to read the description of the product, you already imagine how you will use it. A background video in a product card produces an immediate effect on the user, perfectly engages his attention and adds life to the site.

    Demonstration of GoPro camera functionality on the go-refuel website:


    Video example on the main page of thisisbeyond:


    Example of background video on the mmimontbeliard website:


    Product card in the catalog

    For greater user convenience when choosing a product, many sites offer the ability to read information about the product without going to a separate page. One click — and the user gets a full list of product parameters, its characteristics or a list of recommended models. 

    An example of viewing a product without going to a separate page on the neemble website:

    When choosing any product, we compare all the parameters of the product. On the website of an online store of equipment, such an option is extremely important, because the buyer’s choice will depend on the advantages of a particular product.

    The ability to compare several products by characteristics on the 2d3d website:



    You can ensure that your site is informative using the “News” and “Blog” sections. Innovations happen regularly in the world of electronics and technology, so you can share thematic news with your clients according to a compiled content plan. A blog will help establish communication with visitors thanks to comments, and SEO specialists will be happy: you will be able to post articles with keywords there, which will then be used in optimizing and promoting the site. Search engines treat sites well where content is frequently updated. And most importantly, visitors who see useful information will definitely return to the site again.

    Example of a blog on the NomerMD website:


    3D product view

    In order for users to get to know the product as much as possible, you can provide them with the ability to view 3D images of the products. A very convenient feature, with which you literally let them “touch” the product.

    Example of a 3D product demonstration on the Stadlelform website:

    Additional modules

    To increase sales and orders, we implement korea telegram data additional modules for conversion growth: related products, gift products, discounted products, guarantees, product settings packages.

    Cross-sale block on the website online store Avic:


    Unusual footer

    An online store implies strictly serious and informative content. But there is always room for fun. Entertainment elements will not interfere, but on the contrary, will attract the visitor’s attention and will be remembered.

    An example of the original footer on the thinkgeek website:

    Thematic categorization

    One of the conversion elements on the website of an online store is the unification of goods into thematic categories. Thus, instead of a kettle for the dacha, a client can buy a lamp, a wireless charger, and something else that he or she would hardly want to look for at all.

    Categorization on the M-Video website:

    Large-scale product card

    Even if the product itself fits in the palm of your hand, this is not a reason to place tiny photos in its description. Large fonts and scale are not only database d a web design trend, but also a mandatory conversion element.

    Example on the website Uncrate:


    10 Video instead of description

    It is much easier to watch a minute-long video than to read a lengthy description, especially when it comes to technology. Moreover, a video the dates for implementing these seo actions can contain much more information, and it is easier to perceive it by ear. Therefore,  a video product card is an excellent solution for an online electronics store.

    Example in the online store thinkgeek:


    Creating videos is a great marketing move. You can make video descriptions of a product, instructions for use, do crash tests, in general, attract a client in any way. And upload all the videos to a branded YouTube channel.

    Example of an online store channel NCIX:

    Find inspiration on websites with the same theme and constantly upgrade your online store. And next week we will share with you a new batch of ideas for website features. 

  • How is it done? We write good articles

    Writing an article – it would seem, what’s so difficult about it? You just go and write, and at that moment a crowd of readers has already frozen in front of the monitor screen, waiting for a new publication.

    In reality, it turns out that writing a good article is not an easy task, and in order for the reader to like it, and not just you, you need to put in the effort. And it doesn’t matter whether you write for a personal blog, a start-up media outlet, or an authoritative print magazine. You always need to try.

    Today I will share with you my principles of writing a good article. Over 5 years of running the corporate blog Artjoker, I have written a fair number of posts (something like 700), so I have something to tell 


    So, first let’s figure out how the article writing process works:

    Deciding on a topic is a logical first step when we just understand what we are going to write about now. With the search for a topicthis article will help.

    Analyze the available data – before you start writing, study the topic in more detail. The better you understand the topic, the better the material will be. When the author is floating – it is visible, and repels the reader.

    Studying articles on the topic — it is equally important to analyze materials that have already been created by other authors. How do they japan telegram data present information? What is missing? Is your vision excellent? Argue with them! Find non-obvious moments. You must give people something unique so that they do not have a sense of déjà vu.

    We make a plan and theses

    we sketch out the skeleton of the article. This will help to maintain the logic of the presentation and not to drown later in the stream of your consciousness. Remember: first the plan – then the text itself.

    1. We detail – we describe each thesis in more detail. At this point, the article begins to take shape, but this is only a sketch, it is still far from the final.
    2. Write with a pitch! — pitch is incredibly important for an author. It makes your articles unique, cool, engaging. You can write about banal topics, but if you have a pitch (and by this I mean not only the style and design, but also the author’s vision, his character) — you will be read, and they will want to read more.

    It is important not to confuse the database d presentation with senseless and merciless pseudo-creativity, when the author “plays” at being a writer, and the result is not an article, but nonsense.

    We reread and mercilessly edit 

    we look not only for grammatical errors, but also check for water, logic, clarity, and usefulness.


    Let me say right away – if you have never written before, or have written little, or are used to writing texts for robots, not people (which is quite common now) – do not expect that you will write a masterpiece right away. And even if you have been writing for several years – all the same, there is always something to improve and where to develop. To do this, always analyze your articles, look for both weak and strong points in them. Get rid of the weak ones, strengthen the strong ones.

    Speaking about weaknesses, it is worth what are trending searches on google? highlighting common mistakes that beginners face:

    1. Uselessness – the article is empty for the reader, the impression that the author “wrote for the sake of writing”. Often observed in bloggers who want to write, but have a hard time coming up with topics, so they write “about nothing”.
    2. Meaninglessness – perhaps the author wanted to convey something to the reader, but got confused in the stream of consciousness. As a result, the essence of the article is not clear, and the reader is perplexed.


  • Comparison by characteristics

    Each article should have a goal, and the reader should get something after reading it – new knowledge, interesting ideas, tips for implementation, motivation.

    Plenty is not the same as volume. You can write a 500-character post and it will be more useful than a 10,000-character stream of consciousness.

    Don’t pour water – this is what deprives your article of that very “completeness”. It is better to overdry than to overwater.

    Ease of assimilation

    Make sure you don’t overload the reader and the information is easy to understand. It’s better to simplify than to complicate. Instead of complicated words, use “human” ones. Believe me, simple doesn’t mean stupid. But by complicating everything, you will only scare away readers.

    Structure of presentation

    The article should have logic. The reader should italy telegram data not have the feeling that the article is incoherent, and the author jumps from one thought to another without bringing each of them to the end.

    Structure the information into subsections, lists, headings, highlight smart thoughts and focus on the most important. Make your article easy to read.


    I have already written about presentation above. I got this concept not from cooking, but from dancing. You may have noticed that when demonstrating the same combination, one dancer can light up the audience, while another, although performing the same movements, does not win them over at all. So, that very fire of the first dancer is called “presentation”.

    What do articles and writing have to do with it? Essentially, the author is a dancer, and his text is a dance. And success depends on how well he manages to ignite the reader. Surely you have favorite authors who, even when discussing banal topics, attract database d you with their vision, style, and “presentation.” Your task is to develop your own, and ignite the reader with your articles.

    How can you do this? Practice, regular practice — that’s the only way. Write every day. Write short posts on social networks, write full-fledged articles on your blog — analyze your mistakes, learn from them. Notice what you do well, and improve on it. And then you will have both a “presentation” and good articles that people enjoy reading, want to share, and come back to again and again.

    And as an appetizer, a presentation for a lecture on writing articles for the PRyanik course:

    1. Boring – an article overloaded with terms, complex language, lack of interesting thoughts and ideas. Such an article is boring to read, so readers will leave after the first paragraph.
    2. Copying competitors – you find a find related queries to beat the competition successful blogger in your field, and simply repeat all of his ideas. He writes about Venice – tomorrow you write about Venice too. He gives style advice from Walter White – you give style advice from Walter White. It won’t work that way.

    What kind of article can be called good? We can have long discussions, but I have identified 4 key points, by implementing which in your texts, you will certainly be liked by readers.


  • Avoid temporarily popular keywords

    Is a new keyword gaining traction or is it just a passing phase? When you need to know if the keyword people are searching for is a legitimate trend or just a fad today, Google Trends can help. On the left sidebar of the tool, you’ll find the “Year in Searches” tab, which lets you explore search interest in popular topics over the past 12 months. “Spikes” are clearly visible and typically occur around unique moments in time.

    When creating search terms, it’s best to avoid ones that are only popular on Google during a special or limited time period (like Christmas or the Olympics), as they won’t bring as many new visitors to your business’s homepage throughout the year as more carefully chosen terms.

    A great example of a term that faded as quickly as it became popular is “Tiger King.” Released at the end of March on Netflix, you’ll notice a spike just before April, with the term not really gaining popularity since then.

    Find relevant and trending topics

    Good content creators should always be thinking about their future content. Google Trends is very useful for this, as a basic look at word trends on indonesia telegram data Google also provides related topics. A table appears next to the search term, listing the top five related searches. You can use these topics to fuel your content and build links.

    Using trend forecasts

    Using Google Trend forecasts can be an easy way to help you with your keyword research. In recent years, Google has added forecast and trend data for existing keywords to the Google Trends tool . If a keyword related to your business is predicted to increase in search volume in the coming months or even a year, seize the opportunity and target that keyword.

    In addition to related topics in any Google Trends search, you’ll also discover related queries. These allow you to see what types of search terms people are using in conjunction with the ones you’ve entered, and analyze a popular search by tamrin mahon senior director, finance comparing it to other searches for the topic you’re interested in. This type of information can be very helpful when choosing keywords or creating content calendars for marketing or social media campaigns.

    For example, let’s say you want to create a blog post about “marathon training.” If you favor the pillar/cluster model for content, you can use the related queries section in Google Trends to generate cluster topic ideas .

    Optimizing your local SEO strategy

    Just like Google Trends allows you to filter for specific locations and sub-regions, you can use it to uncover local trends to refine your local SEO strategy.

    For example, if you live in a coastal town and run a small graphic design business, seeing that a search term like “horseshoe crab” has become very popular may influence the imagery of the next business logo you design.

    A key takeaway is that almost every competing data on marketer is using the same keyword breadcrumbs from Google Trends as you. So, innovating with local search often means getting creative with long-tail phrases.

    If we take the “marathon training” example. From above, you might be. Surprised to learn which metropolitan. Areas are the most searched for on. Google—something that can be incredibly. Useful when defining a regional seo strategy.


  • Animate the main page and lower level pages

    For this classification step, I usually use tools like Mindmeister . A mind mapping software that allows you to put down the different ideas and build a tree structure in a logic of granularity.

    Example with the fishing shop:

    Another example of a tree structure with the cat shop:

    Step 3: Creating pages

    Depending on the different interesting keywords to target, which you have identified via the two previous steps, you will be able to define the pages to create or optimize.

    For the most competitive queries, it will be interesting to create semantically solid pages with optimized content.

    Dedicated sales pages give you much more freedom but require certain resources: content creation, internal linking, product classification, etc.

    For less competitive and very specific product-related queries, you can very well optimize the “native” pages of your e-commerce site as sales approach.

    Most of the time, this is enough to position you effectively since the competition is not necessarily working on the long tail.

    The main page

    The best practice found in most e-commerce brands is the creation of a main page. This page is intended to target the flagship query and will kuwait telegram data benefit from dense and optimized content.

    It will also serve as a pillar to strengthen the other lower level pages.

    Here are some examples inspired by popular e-commerce sites:




    You should also know that during “non-sales” periods, the pages of these sites are quite static. In order to carefully analyze what is happening on these different pages as the sales approach and during the period, I invite you to use the Wayback Machine tool .

    This site allows you to view pages from specific dates. If the page no longer exists or has been modified since then. The tool may have saved old versions. In a few clicks, you can enter, for example, the URL of a sales page and you can access the saved and available archives.

    Tracking and monitoring

    The main pages of these sites are intended to. Target competitive queries such as. Sales” and “Sales + [Brand]”. You must therefore adapt your strategy to your resources and your themes, but it is always interesting to take inspiration from them!

    Obviously, the basics of SEO are respected. With optimized Titles and timeless URLs.

    To return to the theme of fishing, the main page of a site specializing in this sector of activity will, for example, target the keywords “Sales + [Fishing]” and “Sales + [Name of its brand]” with its main page.

    Regulatory Point: As you can see on these pages, outside of the sales period, you are prohibited from selling products on sale. You are therefore obliged to specify, for example, that the sales are approaching and to indicate the dates. This good practice allows you to remain legal, while working on the SEO of your pages throughout the year.

    Pages level 2 and above!

    Once this main page is created. The principle steve douglas founder will be the same as in. A pillar page logic or even a silo structure . You will go down the tree structure and create more specific pages to target more precise requests.

    To follow this logic, it is interesting to mesh these pages from the main page while making the links from level 2 go up to it. It is also interesting to integrate a breadcrumb trail dedicated to this “Sales” part. And of course, do not hesitate to optimize your internal anchors!

    Here are some examples of internal linking from data on the main page to secondary pages:


    frequently detecting new text on the page, crawlers will be more interested in it and will come back more often.

    For example, you can present the products that you are going to sell off, provide advice on how to make the most of the sales, etc.


  • How to use Semrush for keyword research?

    Keyword research is an integral part of any digital marketing strategy, and its importance will never go away. Here’s a guide to help you.

    This guide answers the following questions: 

    • What is keyword research?
    • What terms and metrics should I know for keyword research? 
    • How to find hot topics for content?
    • How to find the best keywords for organic traffic?
    • How to find the most profitable keywords for a PPC campaign?
    • How can I track my website’s performance for specific keywords?
    • What are advanced keyword research tactics?

    What is keyword research?

    Keywords are the terms that people type into search engines to find information. Keyword research is the study of these search terms to learn where search traffic is coming from in your market and determine which keywords your website can target through marketing.

    Keyword research helps you:

    • Understanding and reaching your audience 
    • Find new relevant topics to cover on your site
    • Get qualified leads 
    • Increase sales
    • Improve ad campaigns, get clicks and impressions 
    • Build brand awareness

    Why You Should Do Keyword Research Regularly

    • Keywords change: There will always be laos telegram data multiple ways to say the same thing, and trends often change the queries people use online. 
    • Your audience is growing and evolving, and the way people use search engines is changing. 
    • Search engines are also evolving; algorithms are becoming more sophisticated to better understand content and better respond to user intentions. 
    • You need to constantly update your content to keep it relevant.

    The Basics of Keyword Research

    The Semrush toolkit gives you several ways to collect the best keywords. Good foundations are never lost, and traditional keyword research is a great place to start. 


    1. Get a quick analysis
    2. Build a master keyword list
    3. Find a competitive advantage

    Keyword Overview: Get a Quick Analysis

    Keyword Overview is the easiest way to get a quick analysis of your keywords. A comprehensive summary of all the main keyword metrics: volume, CPC, paid search competition, top ranking pages, ad text, and more. 

    Launch the report, enter your keyword in the search box and start analyzing.

    Keyword Overview: Ad History Report

    The Ad History report allows you to identify advertising trends and understand if the keyword was actively used in paid search.

    See all domains that bid on the given keyword and had a PPC ad in the last 12 months.

    The number in the cross-section indicates the jonathan stokes validation & commissioning engineer paid position the ad held during the given month. Note that this position is not necessarily the ad’s location on the search results page. Even if you are the highest bidder, your ad may appear below the organic search results.

    You can also see the amount of ad traffic, the price of ad traffic, and the total number of ads for that keyword.

    Keyword Magic Tool: Build a Master Keyword List

    Keyword Magic Tool is a powerful tool for in-depth keyword analysis and creating outstanding top lists. Explore your niche and find semantically related long tail keywords  , divided into subgroups based on the topic.

    Start with a single root keyword:

    Hit Search and get to work:

    Explore suggested groups and subgroups of related topics to find niche long tails and ideas for your PPC ad groups. Sort groups by volume or keyword count; exclude groups you don’t need with the eye icon. Remember, any advanced filters you’ve data on applied will also apply to the topic list.

    Pay attention to match modifiers, which allow you to broaden or narrow the keyword selection as needed.

    Use Question Filters; this handy feature sorts keywords into questions. These keywords generate tons of quality traffic and often trigger featured snippets, which can serve as a shortcut to reaching the top of SERPs.

  • The dates for implementing these SEO actions

    The Boulanger site places links to lower pages related to sales right in the heart of the main page.


    Decathlon has a sidebar menu dedicated to the sales tree which links to the level 2 pages:

    Now that you have discovered some examples of layouts to set up your internal linking to the lower pages, here are some level 2 pages:


    Rakuten does this very well, with many pages that target different themes.

    On each of these pages, you will also find links to other levels of the tree structure which target even more specific queries (examples: TV sales, laptop sales, etc.).


    For all of these pages, good SEO practices apply: optimized title, adapted Hn structure, addition of content under the product listing, coherent internal meshing, presence of pages in the sitemap, etc.

    Rakuten does this very well with optimized tags that comply with regulations (we also note the emojis in the meta description that attract Internet users!):

    Step 4: Page optimization

    Now that you have your landing pages well-built to target the top keywords related to your product categories, you will identify the existing pages on your site that you can optimize.

    Typically, this work is done on the product sheets that you are going to sell, but you can also do it on subcategories. Again, this will depend on your possibilities and resources.

    For these different pages, you just need to korea telegram data optimize the Title tag as the sales approach, to position yourself on very specific intentions that your competitors are not necessarily working on.

    With a page that contains the word “Sales” in the Title, the search engine will find your content relevant and will be more likely to position you above those that do not have it.

    Regulatory point: A few days before the sales, you cannot add elements like “Sales” or “Sales -40%” to your tags. To remain legal, you must only mention information like “Sales in X days”, “Sales from…” or “Sales from X”.

    With this strategy, you start positioning yourself on product queries with the keyword sales before they even start. So you might as well take advantage of it!

    Internal meshing will be a determining point to bring power to your different pages. Given that most of the time, these will be hidden in your site, the interest of progressive meshing will be to give them back, little by little, power.

    Crawlers will then discover the internal links you add, and visit the different pages more frequently.

    1 month before the launch of the sales

    • Added main page link in footer

    One month before the sales start, you can add mounia mechbal vice president communications the main page to the footer of your site.

    According to the logic of the reasonable surfer and the transmission of PageRank, the footer link does not, of course, have the same weight as a full text link. On the other hand, added to all the pages, it has a certain interest to start sending power to your page.

    Added links from native categories to semantically related sale pages

    The idea here is to take advantage of your existing categories to add links to sales pages on the same theme.

    For example, on your native category “Fishing rods”, you will discreetly add within the text present in the heart of the page “sales are approaching on data on our fishing rods” and make a link to the page “Fishing rod sales”.

    You can also take advantage of your subcategories or even your products to include other internal links. The most important thing is to maintain a certain semantic coherence at the mesh level.

    The more internal links the pages created for the sales have, the more powerful they will be.


    Then, to make these pages more dynamic, you can also add content regularly. As with news sites, by

  • 10 Days before the launch of the sales


    As I indicated above, for the pages to be optimized, this technique consists of adding the terms “Sales from …” or “JX Sales” in your tags to start positioning yourself on long tail and product queries.

    Depending on the size of your site, it also takes some time for crawlers to visit and discover the new tags on your different pages. By getting a head start, you ensure you’re up and running on the big day!

    At the start of the sales

    Add the “Sales” page to the site menu

    Now that the sales are launched, give maximum japan telegram data visibility to the event and add the link to your main page directly in the menu!

    If you wish, you can also add the link in full content on your homepage and integrate your other level 2 pages into the menu.

    • Animate landing pages

    During this period, it is important to continue to keep your various sales pages alive.

    Add the word “Sales” to the Titles and H1 of sale products

    Finally, modify the “Sales from XX” or “Sales JX” on all native pages, to highlight that the sales are officially launched!

    After the sales

    • Remove the various links to the main page and secondary pages (menu, footer, categories, product sheets, etc.)
    • Remove the “Sales” mention in the Titles and H1 of native pages
    • Maintain discreet internal linking in a few places on the site to continue sending PageRank throughout the year to the sales pages
    • Repeat the strategy during the next sales!

    Finally, some good practices

    URL that lasts over time

    As you will have understood, the pages that debra wunderlich human resources manager you are going to create for the sales period must remain in time. It is therefore necessary to opt for a timeless URL. Keep the same one each year and do not indicate a date in the URL.

    The technical lever

    To be effective during this period, regularly run crawls of your site with tools like Semrush’s Site Audit . In just a few clicks, you’ll be able to see error HTTP codes, page depth, loading times, etc.

    Link Acquisition

    Throughout the year, also consider acquiring new backlinks to the main page and secondary pages.


    You should get into the habit of tracking the results of your SEO optimizations. For sales pages, keep the same mindset by monitoring and analyzing your positions and improvement avenues!

    The regulation

    Finally, as I have mentioned several times, sales data on are governed by various laws. It is therefore advisable to respect them to avoid penalties.

    With the best practices listed in this article, you can significantly improve your SEO strategy during this period, while remaining legal.

    By applying this methodology, you will be able to improve your SEO strategy during the sales period and increase your sales tenfold. However, do not put aside other marketing levers.

    During this event, it is important to take advantage of all the communication channels available to you: social networks, advertising, competitions, emailing, brand image, cross selling… Everything is good for successful sales.