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Tag: Digital Marketing

  • Web Tuning. 20 Tricks for an Online Store of Home Comfort Products

    The cold weather has come, and we don’t really feel like going outside. But we don’t mind sitting at home. Some people like to wrap themselves in a blanket and watch a movie or a new season of their favorite TV series, some like to read a book while sitting by the heater, and some play board games with a group of friends. But to make it pleasant to be at home, you need to make everything around you as comfortable as possible, so that every detail adds +10 to the karma of comfort.In today’s “Web Tuning” we will talk about online stores where these very “cozy” little things are sold. If you are a representative of this type of business, be sure to read this article, because in it you will find 20 tricks that will make the selection process for visitors to your web project easier and more comfortable.

    In the menu there are photos, not icons

    Here is a product that is bought with the eyes, and that is decorative elements and knick-knacks for the home. Cute, stylish or just a good color – we take it. Therefore, when presenting a category navigation menu, it is better to use high-quality photographs instead of graphic icons.

    Example of using photos in the categorizer:


    And another good example of a menu with photos:


    Section title as in the album

    To make the site visitor feel as if he is not looking at a web page, but browsing through a large catalog or even an album, you can use large poland telegram data headings, with a visual filter by category. Drawn elements in combination with typography, if used correctly, will give a strong visual series.

    An example of the design of the page header of a section similar to the landscape oneOne Kings Lane:


    Large photos

    If your products are small, this is not a reason to display them in microscopic size on the site. Large photos are always a great solution, especially for those who sell products that are most often chosen based on their appearance.

    You can use both photos of products and gambler data compositions in which they participate on the website.

    Example of using large photographs Zarahome:


    Example larger photo on One Kings Lane:

    Experiment with placement of conversion elements

    When people visit your site, they expect. Something out of the ordinary. Because often the process of decorating. Your home is creative. In this regard, you. Can even experiment with the location of. Conversion elements, such as, for example. Call-to-action buttons on the product page. This does not mean that they should. Be hidden in unexpected places, but, for. Example, swapping them with a product photo is very possible.

    An example of how to swap elements on a product pageOne Kings Lane:


    Gift Ideas Block

    As a rule, not knowing what to give a person, we choose some cute trinket that we can use to decorate the house. And not only for New Year, but also for any other holiday, including a birthday. And this means that you definitely need to make blocks e-commerce sales: regulations & complete seo strategy with gift ideas on your site, categorizing them by the recipient’s characteristics (woman, man, child, friend, loved one, colleague, etc.), and even by price range.

    Example of a block submission with Dawanda gift candidates.

  • Web Tuning: 10 Tips for Branded Websites

    While selecting material for today’s post, I was extremely upset by how few decent sites there are among Ukrainian brands. If small companies, due to savings, can be forgiven for having meager online presence, then brands have budgets! It would seem that there is a check forwebsite developmentcompared to the millions they invest in television, print media and other traditional advertising media?In the new issue of “Web Tuning” we have collected 10 tricks that are definitely worth implementing on a branded website. Show yourself in all your glory 


    A brand website is not the place to put microscopic images, icons, or any other elements. You are a brand, so go all out. Scale is not only a web design trend, but also a necessary rule for a brand website. Put large photos on the website, use large fonts — don’t hold yourself back.

    For example, we used scale on the Creamoire brand website:


    An example of scaleMcD Cafe:

    One Page Website

    A branded website can be made within one page. For interactivity, I recommend using an effect such as parallax. With its help, you can implement the boldest ideas and evoke the cherished WOW feeling in the visitor.

    Example of scrolling on a website”Morosha”:


    Example of cool parallax on a websiteOfficeline:

    Background video sequence

    Place the video as a background row on the first screen of the main page of the site. Enjoy) It is important that the video is of high quality, ideally created specifically for the web page, and not just a video for TV.

    Example of background video on the site”Khortytsia”:


    Drawn elements

    The concept of many brands allows using illustrations on the site. If you are among those whose positioning is not limited by “solidity”, add drawn elements to your site – these can be icons and other details, as well as entire sections with graphics.

    An example of drawn elements on the siteJaffa:

    Creative menu

    On branded websites, flights of fancy are oman telegram data welcome, and you can experiment to your heart’s content with the arrangement of page components, including the menu.

    An example of a non-standard menu on the Geox website:


    Brand Stories

    You know about itstorytelling? So apply its principles when creating a page with information about the brand. Say “no” to boring templates, like “our brand has been on the market for so long, it is high-quality and everyone loves it.” No one is interested in this. Behind every brand there is a person who created it, there is a fascinating story of exploits and failures, so boldly tell about it.

    An example of an interesting presentation of information about a brand on a websiteDomestos:

    Conceptual Copywriting

    The texts on your website should reflect the “soul” of your brand, its character. Believe me, where people read texts, it’s on branded an seo strategy to boost your sales during the sales websites. Let them be short paragraphs with a killercopywriting, and not long, dull sheets of letters that no one needs.

    An example of conceptual copywriting on a websiteDomestos:

    Integration of activations with social networks

    Surely you have representations in social networks. Create contest activities that are integrated with social networks – this will give an increase in subscribers, and also increase engagement in interaction with the brand.

    Example of integration with social networks from«Lviv»:


    Element of the game

    On branded websites, you can and should play with visitors. This will strengthen the emotional connection to the brand. You can make the entire website in a game format or add a separate game section.

    Example of a gaming site from Gallina Blanca:

    10 “Presence Effect”

    Make it interesting for website visitors to get acquainted with information about the brand. To do this, you need to create a “presence effect”, as if the user is not just looking at the site, but is a part of it. With the help of an original concept and gambler data its implementation, this can be achieved.

    An example of user engagement on the Golitsyn Wines website:


    That’s all for today, in a week we’ll sum it up and tell you about the main web design features of the outgoing year.

  • How is it done? Setting up A/B testing

    High competition in the Internet environment leads to the fact that owners of web projects need to constantly generate new ideas, improving usability, experimenting with calls to action, and implementing various trendy features on their site. At the same time, it is necessary to minimize the costs of implementing innovations, monitor their real effectiveness, and take care of the profit of your business. And in order to understand which of the ideas will be more effective, it is necessary to use split testing.

    What is split testing?

    Split testing (or A/B testing) is a simple method of determining the most effective web page (or individual element of a web page) from two options offered to users.

    Benefits of split testing:

    • an objective understanding of which option is more effective
    • the costs of conducting the test are minimal
    • use of existing traffic on the site (no need to attract additional traffic)
    • the ability to return to the best new zealand telegram data option in 5 minutes

    What can be tested on the site?

    • lead forms
    • CTA elements
    • design decisions (for example, the old version of the landing page in relation to the new one)
    • sliders, videos, images
    • Headlines
    • text content
    • the arrangement of various elements on the site

    What do we need to conduct A/B testing?

    • Google Analytics account
    • test and original version of the web page
    • programmer’s time to implement edits
    • SEO specialist time to set up the test

    Let’s consider the situation: you are the owner of an online store, there are sales on the site, but the conversion rate is very low. When analyzing data in Google Analytics, it turned out that when placing an order, 60% of users leave the site.

    Let’s get started with testing:

    Step 1. Select the test object

    In our case, this is the product gambler data purchase form. The order page contains the form:


    We create a test form of the following type:


    Step 2: Create an experiment

    We go to Google Anlytics, select the required view, open the report “Behavior” — “Experiment”:


    Let’s create a new experiment:


    At this stage, you can select the percentage of traffic that will participate in the experiment.

    To obtain a reliable result, it is necessary that as many users as possible (amount of traffic) participate in the experiment. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that if 100% of traffic participates in the experiment and the test option is unsuccessful, then you will lose profit.

    Advice: start the experiment with 5-10% of traffic participating in the test. And gradually increase it to 50% or more percent – while tracking the conversion.

    Step 3. Set up the experiment settings


    Step 4. Setting up the experiment code

    Google Analytics automatically generates the code for the experiment. You only need to give the code to the programmer and specify where to implement it.


    Step 5. Launch the experiment

    After installing the code on the original updating your native pages tags and test pages, click the “Start Experiment” button.

    Our experiment has been launched, all that is needed at this stage is to wait for the results of the experiment, while simultaneously tracking the conversion and increasing the % of traffic participating in the testing.

    As a result, the Google Analytics system will automatically stop the experiment when the best result is achieved and show the results:


    From the results of the experiment, we can conclude that the Checkout page outperforms the original version with a conversion rate of 2.78%.

    Once the experiment is complete, you will need to delete the test version of the pages and the Google Analytics experiment code. Leave the version that was the most effective on the site.

    Optimize landing pages with split testing to increase conversions.

  • 10 Free Online Image Editing Services

    If you ever need to make a good picture and there is no designer nearby, then this article is for you. It contains 10 free online services where you can create a high-quality visual design for a post on a social network, blog or newsletter.


    Userviceuser-friendly interface and a fairly wide range of tools. Upload a picture, process it with ready-made filters if desired, or experiment netherlands telegram data with the settings to create something of your own. Lots of interesting fonts that you can use to make posts with tips, quotes or facts. A godsend forSMM-specialists.



    Another monkey that pleases internet marketers. Only if the first, most famous one helps to make cool newsletters (yes, I mean Mailchimp), thenPicmonkeywill appeal to those who want to create beautiful images for their marketing activities. An easy-to-use service, with the ability to “play” with fonts, improve the quality of photos, and crop them to the size you need.



    Service, with an interface similar to the Photoshop we are used to, but for mere mortals. If you don’t needcreate design– layout for a website or poster, then this thing is simply irreplaceable. The functionality is much wider than that of previous online services, and everything is more than clear. You can either create a picture from scratch or process an existing one.



    Another analogue of Photoshop.HereYou can experiment not only with filters and fonts, but also add ready-made mini-pictures to photos. If you want to “revive” your graphics with simple means, and the designer is somewhere far away and cannot help you in any way, feel free to turn to this tool.


    Interesting service, in which you can make basic infographics or graphic images using both ready-made templates and creating something of your own from scratch. I recommend playing with it, at least. What if you get something cool?



    Anothercolorful serviceto create infographic materials. A large selection of templates will allow you to make interesting visual materials. It will be useful for preparing graphs and diagrams for presentations, as well as infographic posts on social networks.



    Since we are talking about posts on social networks, we can’t ignore memes. People love them, and almost every type of business can generate gambler data a number of its own, thematic memes. In the Troll-face service, you can choose from a variety of templates, experiment with phrases, and also create animated memes.


    And in this service you can make animated gif images. Select the images from which you need a gif, set the settings such as the effect of changing images, speed. You can also add a signature. Everything is very simple, which is what captivates.


    AHereYou can find a lot of high-quality photos that are freely available from their authors. The choice is large, and if you are tired of “Google images” and want variety – I recommend it.


    10 Flickr

    HereI search for all the pictures for the design of blog posts, and I advise you to do the same. If the photo is not limited by the author’s copyright, then you can safely take it and place it where you need. Here you can find many cool photos that are what are trending searches on google? not banal and will emphasize your text content.

    Let me remind you that earlier the blog published selections of useful services formarketersand for effectivetime management.

  • New Book by Artjoker. Action Guide: Marketing on Instagram

    We love Instagram very much, so we decided to dedicate another white paper to this social network. Of course, you won’t find any odes or ballads in it, but only useful tips for your business, or more precisely: how to promote your brand on Instagram, what are the rules for interacting with the audience, how to attract them to the content and how to get results from all this in the form of sales. Click on the picture, and you will be taken. To a page with a form for downloading the white paper.

    • the article)
    • Do you use “smart” pop-ups on your website – with scripted appearance scenarios? (how to do itread here)
    • Is your Facebook newsletter subscription form integrated?
    • Do you segment your base: by demographics, by interests, by value, by engagement? (details of proper segmentationare described here)

    Part 2. Developing an Email Marketing Strategy

    Strategy is the foundation of any effective malaysia telegram data marketing, including email. You can build a database, but if you send them chaotic, incoherent emails, there will be no positive result. To create a competent strategy, ask yourself these questions:

    Who is my target audience and what are they interested in receiving from me in their newsletters?

    What, in addition to commercial offers, can you send to your subscribers: useful articles, interesting selections, invitations to partner events?

    Is a trigger mailing system set up on your gambler data resource? (return of those who “abandoned the cart”, reaction to certain user actions on the site,Read more in the article)

    How often do you plan to send newsletters? (2-3 times a month is recommended, but this number varies depending on the focus of your business)

    Is there a sending schedule for each type of mailing?

    Download the book “Action Guide: Marketing on Instagram” absolutely FREE. To get it, fill out the form on this page.

    PS Download all 14 free white papers here.

    Part 4. Technical

    It’s not just a quality base, good content and a well-thought-out strategy that’s important. If you trust all of this to unreliable technology, all your efforts will go down the drain. So, check:

    • Are the templates drawn by the an seo strategy to boost your sales during the sales designer correctly laid out – displayed in all mail services, cross-browser compatible, adaptive for mobile devices?
    • Are your programmer. Triggered emails set up correctly?
    • Which mailing service will suit your needs? (I recommend using for small databasesMailchimp, and with its rapid growth, move on toEsputnik)

    I also recommend reading the book”Selling mailings”Yana Brody, and also download a free white paper from our team, “A Guide to Action: Effective Email Marketing.

  • A Checklist for Those Planning to Start Email Marketing

    Email Marketingvery cool thing. If you don’t agree, then either you’re using it incorrectly, or you haven’t even tried it yet. And today I’m not only going to challenge you to start using this channel for your business, but I’ll also help you in any way I can, namely, I’ll give you a detailed checklist for a successful start. Go through each of its points – the answers to the questions will help you do everything as correctly as possible.


    Part 1. Preparing the base (building a lead generation system)

    What distinguishes email marketing from spam is that you don’t buy someone else’s database somewhere, but collect it bit by bit yourself. Thus, you get a not very large (at first) audience of subscribers, but a high-quality and mexico telegram data definitely targeted one. You will need to communicate with them in the future using a well-established mailing system. Check whether you have established lead generation tools, namely:

    • Do you collect contact information for all clients you work with in a single document?
    • Are the contacts of all those who contacted you through the website (via the form “ask a question”, “fill out a brief”, “send a request”, “place an order”, etc.) saved? 
    • Do you offer subscriptions to company news and promotions on your website?  
    • Do you offer useful and free content in exchange for a subscription? (details of this methodin the article)
    • Do you use “smart” pop-ups on your website – with scripted appearance scenarios? (how to do itread here)
    • Is your Facebook newsletter subscription gambler data form integrated?
    • Do you segment your base: by demographics, by interests, by value, by engagement? (details of proper segmentationare described here)

    Part 2. Developing an Email Marketing Strategy

    Strategy is the foundation of any effective marketing, including email. You can build a database, but if you send them chaotic, incoherent emails, there will be no positive result. To create a competent strategy, ask yourself these questions:

    • Who is my target audience and what are they interested in receiving from me in their newsletters?
    • What, in addition to commercial offers, can you send to your subscribers: useful articles, interesting selections, invitations to partner events? 
    • Is a trigger mailing system set up on your resource? (return of those who “abandoned the cart”, reaction to certain user actions on the site,Read more in the article)
    • How often do you plan to send newsletters? (2-3 times a month is recommended, but this number varies depending on the focus of your business)
    • Is there a sending schedule for each type of mailing?

    Part 3. Working on the letter

    Here I included both the text content of the letter and its design. In essence, the same principles apply here as for the landing page. You must lead e-commerce sales: regulations & complete seo strategy the reader to a conversion action. To do this, work on:

    • What types of emails do you need: commercial, educational, event-based?
    • Is the template designed for each of these types?  
    • Is your letter harmonious: the ratio of text, images and CTA elements?
    • Are the templates universal – can you easily change the content in the future without losing quality?
    • Does the content of the newsletter comply with the AIDA principle (attention-interest-desire-action)? (read about ita large and clear article.


  •  Internet Marketers Club location – Kiev


    Meetings are held twice a month, and the 40th meeting took place recently. Anniversary, with which we congratulate the founders of the club – Roman Rybalchenko and Aleksandr Sukhorukov.


    The cost of attending one meeting for non-club members is from 100 to 150 UAH, and for club members it is free (membership fee is 500 UAH for six months with the opportunity to attend absolutely all meetings). On the KIM website you will find videos, presentations and details about the club’s activities.Come in.

    Alexander Sukhorukov (co-founder of the Internet Marketers Club):


    The internet marketers club for me. Is a hobby or an opportunity to. Communicate in a comfortable environment. With people who are interested in the. Same things as me, and also to have a pleasant and useful time. We do not pursue any specific goal, but we strive to create a. Platform for communication, acquaintance. Exchange of experience, maintaining. Connections and, to some extent, for promoting the internet market.

    At our meetings, we try to discuss. The most “tasty” topics and tricks on seo, smm. Context, email marketing, increasing. Conversion and other areas.

    We invite both well-known speakers and complete

    Everyone who comes to us as a. Listener has a few seconds at the. Beginning of the meeting to say a. Few words about themselves and how they can. Be useful to those present (not only in their profession). This gives those present an opportunity. To understand who is sitting next to you and. If desired, to get acquainted, and gives the. Speaker an understanding of how to. Communicate with the audience.

    Roman rybalchenko and i are always. Happy to see anyone who is interested in internet marketing .and is ready to set aside a few evening hours to listen. To speakers and drink tea/coffee with cookies.”

    Spring Seminar from Artjoker (location – Kharkov)

    It is no secret that we regularly hold training seminars where we share knowledge, tips and practical skills for developing an online business.

    On March 21, the seventh seminar will be lebanon telegram data held in Spalah (6 Demchenko st.) — 6 speakers, 6 busy hours. Lots of communication, refreshments. And pleasant bonuses for each participant. Of the event. The slogan of the seminar. Is “preparing business for a long voyage!”, and it was. Chosen for a reason. The program is designed so that each listener receives. A set of necessary knowledge that will help. Him improve his business with the help of internet marketing tools.

    The cost of participation in the seminar is 300 UAH. We are waiting for everyone who wants to spend Saturday with benefit for themselves and their business,You can register here.

    Ekaterina Devyatkina (seminar organizer):


    “It all started with small events designed for clients, but afterBig Brain Day, when we opened the doors to everyone who wanted to join the updating your native pages tags Artjoker culture, it was decided to change the format of the event. Now the seminars are held in spacious rooms, which will be comfortable for more than a hundred listeners. We also focus on business cases, inviting speakers-practitioners. New knowledge, gifts and a warm atmosphere await the participants of the seminar without fail.

    This time we invited Nadya Pereviznyk (PR Director of Dima Borisov’s Family of Restaurants) and Denis Sergushkin (owner of the Lime online store) to share their experience. I’ve already watched their presentations – they’re just a bomb, I’m gambler data sure I’ll be sitting and listening with my mouth open

    We have also prepared a lot of gifts –  those who have attended our seminars know that we are giving away books, T-shirts with the Big Brain, and many other nice bonuses, and this time there will be even more of them.

  • When an update is not a death sentence: growth of a project in the automotive field with a competent strategy and careful work

    Website promotionin the automotive theme has its own difficulties dictated by the peculiarities of the niche. Firstly, there is very high competition here, there are already established market leaders, which are very difficult to displace from their positions. Secondly, there is specific vocabulary, there is professional terminology, which must be taken into account when collecting semantics and compiling content. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the case of an auto parts store – in it we will show what results were achieved with meticulous work on the site.

    Basic information about the client and the purpose of the work

    A company selling spare parts for Chinese and Korean cars contacted us for a service. These are brands KIA, Chery, Hyundai, etc. The parts are supplied by reliable manufacturers from China, Korea and Europe. In addition, already in the process of cooperation with us, charging stations Ecoflow, Sunseed, Daranener appeared in the catalog due to the relevance of such products for Ukrainian consumers. Although the main target audience of the company is in Ukraine, in 2024 it became possible to order abroad with delivery by Nova Poshta – this speaks of the successSEO promotion of online storespare parts and the client’s denmark telegram data readiness to expand the business.

    Initial data:

    promotion period – from July 2022 to the present moment;

    • region of promotion – Ukraine;
    • service – SEO.

    It should be noted that during this time, there was a certain break in our cooperation with the client, but painstaking work initially allowed us to maintain good positions.

    The main goals of SEO promotion of auto parts were:

    • improving the website’s performance database d in accordance with search engine requirements;
    • improve search results for relevant queries;
    • collect a complete semantic core and create high-quality texts based on it;
    • increase business profitability through online promotion.

    The situation at the very beginning, the difficulties with the project and the promotion strategy

    Before working with us, the client had not done search engine optimization. In addition, the website was developed. Practically without the participation. Of an seo specialist, so there was. No so-called prepared platform. For our team in this project – all work was. Carried out after the launch of the resource.

    The initial indicators can be seen in the screenshot below.


    Given these goals, our strategy was as follows:

    1. collection of semantic corewith its gradual replenishment in accordance with the range of goods;
    2. planninglink building– increasing the an seo strategy to boost your sales during the sales link mass, including with the help of backlinks;
    3. full technical optimization of the site taking into account the requirements of the search engine;
    4. creating a content plan for an auto parts store, as well as creating technical assignments for copywriters, checking and placing texts on pages.


  • How is it done? Setting up targeted advertising in social networks

    It’s no secret what the advantages arecontextual advertising. Anyone who has taken an interest in this topic can immediately answer this question, citing such facts as arguments:

    Given all this, it is not surprising that in social networks, as in other marketing channels, each brand is forced to compete with hundreds or thousands of competitors. How to reach the end user, how to gather everyone together, and attract new ones? Everyone finds the answer to this for themselves and chooses the best option for themselves. The fastest, and with the right settings, high-quality method istargeted advertising.

    Targeted advertising differs from contextual advertising in that interests come in exchange for keywords. It is necessary to know your target audience in as much detail as possible. What are they interested in, what communities can be subscribed to, what films do they prefer, and much more. How to set up an advertising campaign on a social network correctly? I will provide the answer to this question below.

    So, here is a basic targeting set that is suitable for most social networks:

    1. Demography
    2. Geography
    3. Education
    4. Interests
    5. Birthdays
    6. Social network login devices
    7. Applications the user is a member of
    8. Travelers and shoppers

    The initial advertising setup should be based on your analysis of the target audience and the answers to these 8 questions. In the future, you can adjust this data by receiving detailed information about those who responded to your message, as well as analyzing the response itself. The cost of the transition, the cost of the action that you have canada telegram data set for advertising purposes. But if you already know your target. Audience and you have a community with. Active users, then you can use broader. Targeting functions. Namely, use the “custom audiences” tool.

    Types of custom audiences:

    Targeting by phone numbers (FB, VK, OK)

    Suitable for those who have a database of customer phone contacts. In this case, advertising will be shown only to those users whose pages are linked to these numbers.

    Targeting by e-mail (FB, VK, OK)

    Do you collect your customers’ email addresses? Do you usee-mail newsletters? Great! Now you can also upload it to a social network and target those users whose pages are linked to these email addresses.

    ID targeting (VK, OK)

    Each user page has its own unique id. Using ready-made solutions for collecting them, you can target your advertising to specific users, delivering to them an offer that will solve their problem.

    Targeting Website Visitors (FB, VK, OK)

    In contextual advertising systems, this type of targeting is called remarketing and its principle is essentially the same. The code received in the advertising account is placed on the site, lists are formed and advertising is shown only to those who have been on your site, visited certain pages or sections of your site.

    Targeting community members (VK, OK)

    Do you know where your competitors are database d hiding your target audience? Or what communities your hypothetical client is a member of? Set uptargetingto these communities and offer them conditions that will demonstrate your quality advantages.

    Similar Audience Targeting (FB)

    If you have a community with. More than 500 people (not a requirement, but desirable. You can create an audience of users .who are similar in interests. And behavior to those who have. Already subscribed to your updates. This is done in the “Audiences” tab in the Facebook advertising account.

    Creating Custom Audiences on Facebook:



    Social networks give you the opportunity to see each individual user personally. They make brands more human, more accessible, and users more loyal. Using the advertising capabilities of social networks, you can attract even more people to your communities, through which you can contact them and motivate them to take e-commerce sales: regulations & complete seo strategy actions that are useful to you.

    To achieve good results in advertising, adhere to the following principles:

    1. “Break” your targeting into narrow categories
    2. Create 2-3 ad variations
    3. Address your target audience in your ads
    4. Solve the customer’s problem
    5. Use a unique selling proposition
    6. Post high quality content to your community
    7. Use an image that displays the product/service/company
    8. Analysis! Analysis! Analysis.
  • 3 Non-Obvious Features of Universal Google Analytics

    It’s no secret what the advantages arecontextual advertising. Anyone who has taken an interest in this topic can immediately answer this question, citing such facts as arguments:

    launch speed

    flexibility of budget management

    promptness of changes

    Similar Audience Targeting (FB)

    Fast attraction of targeted traffic

    a wide range of analysis and more.

    However, today Internet advertising is not limited to search engines, extensive banner networks and YouTube. One of the leading roles in this is played by targeted advertising in social networks.


    1. Demography
    2. Geography
    3. Education
    4. Interests
    5. Birthdays
    6. Social network login devices
    7. Applications the user is a member of
    8. Travelers and shoppers

    Targeting by phone numbers (FB, VK, OK)

    The initial advertising setup should be based on your analysis of the target audience and the answers to these 8 questions. In the future, you can adjust. This data by receiving detailed information. About those who responded to your message. As well as analyzing the response itself. The cost of the transition, the cost of the action that you cambodia telegram data have set for advertising purposes. But if you already know your target audience and you have a community with active users, then you can use broader targeting functions, namely, use the “Custom Audiences” tool.

    Types of custom audiences:

    Suitable for those who have a database of customer phone contacts. In this case, advertising will be shown only to those users whose pages are linked to these numbers.

    Targeting by e-mail (FB, VK, OK)

    Do you collect your customers’ email addresses? Do you usee-mail newsletters? Great! Now you can also upload it to a social network and target those users whose pages are linked to these email addresses.

    ID targeting (VK, OK)

    Each user page has its own unique id. Using ready-made solutions for collecting them, you can target your advertising to specific users, delivering to them an offer that will solve their problem.

    Targeting Website Visitors (FB, VK, OK)

    In contextual advertising systems, this type of targeting is called remarketing and its principle is essentially the same. The code received in the advertising account is placed on the site, lists are formed and advertising is shown only to those who have been on your site, visited certain pages or sections of your site.

    Do you know where your competitors are hiding your target audience? Or what communities your hypothetical client is a member of? Set database d uptargetingto these communities and offer them conditions that will demonstrate your quality advantages.

    If you have a community with more than. People (not a requirement, but desirable. You can create an. Audience of users who are similar in interests. And behavior to those who have already. Subscribed to your updates. This is done in the. “audiences” tab in the facebook advertising account.

    Targeting community members (VK, OK)


    Social networks give you the opportunity to see each individual user personally. They make brands more human, more accessible, and users more loyal. Using the advertising capabilities of social networks, you can attract even more what are trending searches on google? people to your communities. Through which you can contact them. And motivate them to take actions that are. useful to you.

    To achieve good results in. Advertising, adhere to the following principles:

    1. “Break” your targeting into narrow categories
    2. Create 2-3 ad variations
    3. Address your target audience in your ads
    4. Solve the customer’s problem
    5. Use a unique selling proposition
    6. Post high quality content to your community
    7. Use an image that displays the product/service/company
    8. Analysis! Analysis! Analysis.
  • 3 Non-Obvious Features of Universal Google Analytics

    Today we will talk about new functionalities of Universal Google Analytics that you might not know about. Very often, when analyzing traffic. On your site, you can find that the. Statistics in google analytics do not always. Display real data. For example, during the. Promoted period, you observe an increase. In referral traffic on the site, but in. Reality this growth is due to an increase in the number. Of spam referrals, whose time spent. On the site is 0 minutes. Or you want to. Understand how effectively the resource is being promoted, identify the amount. Of search traffic on the site, as well as the most .effective search queries.<p>Today you don’t have to “reinvent the wheel” and think about how to get real statistics. For these purposes, there are a number of new Universal Google Analytics functions that will allow you to easily exclude traffic from unwanted referrals and search queries, as well as increase or decrease the session timeout if your site requires it.

    >1 Session Timeout Handling Function

    By default, the session timeout is 30 minutes, but today you can adjust the session duration depending on the specifics of your site. The minimum session timeout you can set is 1 minute.


        1. If your site is set to automatically end a session after a certain amount of time, then the session duration should also be the same.
        2. If you are the owner of an electronic library or a movie portal, then it makes sense to increase the session waiting time. However, if your site has little content, then the session waiting time can be reduced.


    How to change session timeout in Google Analytics?

        1. Open your resource in Google Analytics
        2. Go to the “Administrator” tab
        3. In the “Resource” column, select your resource.
        4. Open the “Tracking code” item and select the “Session settings” sub-item.
        5. In the “Timeout Management” field, specify the desired session time and click the “Apply” button:


    Search query exclusion function

    Another equally useful feature of Universal Google Analytics is the search query exclusion feature. This feature allows you to exclude certain brazil telegram data search queries so that data for these queries does not appear in search traffic reports in Google Analytics.

    For example, in the previous article I already told you,how to track branded and non-branded search traffic in google analyticsusing the advanced filter setting, and today I’ll tell you how to do it using the search query exclusion feature.

    How does it work? We exclude certain search queries, after which Google Analytics intercepts the clicks on these queries and interprets them database d not as search traffic, but as direct traffic. So, you can exclude search queries with the company name, and after users click on these queries, Google Analytics will count these clicks as direct traffic. Thus, branded traffic is direct traffic, and non-branded traffic is search traffic.

    How to exclude queries from search traffic?

        1. Select your resource in Google Analytics
        2. Go to the “Administrator” tab
        3. Select “Tracking code” — “List of excluded search queries”, and click the “Create search query” button
        4. In the “Search query” field, enter the keyword or phrase that we want to exclude.
        5. Click the “Create” button.




    Transition Exclusion Function

    Referral traffic — transitions to our site from third-party web resources. Google Analytics automatically determines where the user was before going to the site and registers this domain name as a referral source. Universal Google Analytics allows you to exclude transitions from certain domains.

    Typically, this feature is used when you want to exclude a transition from a third-party shopping cart/checkout page so that returning from it to the checkout page does not create a new session and does not count the transition.

    By default, each time a referral is sent, a new session is created. If the referral domain is excluded, then traffic coming from it does not create a new session.

    <strong>NB Only traffic from domains included in the list 10 days before the launch of the sales of excluded referral sources and their subdomains is excluded. Traffic from domains in which only part of the string matches the entry in the list is not excluded. If you want to exclude traffic from these referrals, you should also include them in the list of excluded referral sources.


  • Case. Traffic growth by 1745% in 4 months of search engine promotion

    We continue to share with you the experience of developing our clients’ businesses.This time we will tell. You how in 4 months. Of work on search engine optimization. Of an auto-themed website, we increased its. Traffic by 1745% .It is worth noting that the online. Of the set goals (increase in traffic, and, of. Course, increase in sales) , it was decided to.  Pages were conversion-oriented. To lose the existing traffic and attract new customers.

    To Solve the Tasks Set We Took the Following Steps

    Conductedwebsite usability audit, formulating clear requirements for landing page conversion optimizationWe created technical specifications and designed the architecture of the updated web project.

    We have compiled an expanded. Semantic core – more than 1000. Keywords are in the works.

    Optimized meta tags of site pages Case. Traffic growth by 1745% in

      • conduct internal linking of the site pages
      • configur micro-markup on the site pages
      • configur page pagination
      • We work on the content australia telegram data component of the project – we wrote and post sales texts , we actively blog, and regularly publish product reviews
      • We are Case. Traffic growth by 1745% in building up high-quality external link mass .
      • Set up goals and e-commerce .

    Traffic growth dynamics:


    Changes in page view depth:

    Increase in the number of pages view:


    Case. Traffic growth by 1745% in  The results we achiev in 4 months of work:

    Site traffic increas by 1745%

    Pageview depth increas by 1966% 

    The number of pages view database d per month increas by 12% 


    58% of keywords are in the TOP-10 of Google search results

    Conversion rate increas by 700%May 15, Kharkov — the course “Internet Marketing for Online Stores” starts fromI- Marketing School. More details here (with the promo code. “artjoker” you will get a 5% discount.

    Total number of phrases the site ranks for in search results

    May 16, Kiev — intensive course on online business development from Artjoker (registration and details here)

    May 18, Kharkov — start of animate the main page and lower level pages the course “Corporate PR”PRyanik schools(with promo code “Artjoker” discount 200 UAH .)

    May 23, Kharkov — conference “Case. Traffic growth by 1745% in Management, Marketing, Sales”, within the framework of which we supervise the flow of Internet marketing (registration here)

    How to exclude traffic from a referral source?

    1. Select your property in Google Analytics
    2. Go to the Administrator tab.
    3. In the “Resource” column, select “Tracking code” — “List of excluded referral sources”.
    4. Click the “Add referral source exclusions” button.
    5. In the “Domain” field, enter the name of the domain from which you want to exclude traffic.
    6. Click the “Create” button

    June 2 — launch of Case. Traffic growth by 1745% in  the course “Blogs: from creation to monetization”PRyanik schools

    Constantly – courses from free to paid from the Academy of Internet Marketing WebPromoExperts (more information on the website.