Crawler Data

Tag: phone number library

  • What does it take to have a SEO-Friendly Website?

    Cristina Hontanilla
    Cristina Hontanilla
    Journalist and blogger passionate about Online Marketing, Social Media, Content Marketing and Communication 2.0.

    Wrote 1 post


    Increase your sales with Doppler

    phone number library

    Did you know that with Email Marketing you can reach more cu phone number library stomers, integrate your messages with social networks and measure their impact in minutes?

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    SEO friendly

    In this article we will put together the necessary pieces to make a completely SEO-Friendly Website that pleases Google and the users who land on it. Let’s get to work!

    For those who are just starting to launch a digital business

    A whatever type it may be, a Website is the base of the pyramid and from where everything else will be built.

    This may seem obvious to those of us who already know a little, but when you start in the abyss of the digital world, there is a whole puzzle full of pieces to put together. And that is exactly what we will do with your site’s SEO ! We will put all the pieces together to get a SEO-Friendly page : friendly for Google to find, index and not penalize .

    We have already talked on the blog about what elements are needed to launch a Website, so we ar database d  e going to expand a little further on the SEO optimization that our colleague Marco mentioned in his post .

    How to create a SEO-Friendly Website

    First of all, you need to buy a domain .

    To do this, it is important to know the main keywords for your busi taken the competitiveness of the key Phrases ness and sector, so you can choose at least one in its name.

    For example, if you have a herbalist in the city of Madrid, that word should be included in the domain: ‘Herbalist Madrid’. This way you are telling Google that your website will revolve around that, therefore, it will help you position yourself more easily in search engines .

    No duplication
    Say no to duplicate content! Beginners often copy product photos or descriptions directly from their suppliers’ websites. Don’t even think about it!

    Google penalizes pages that do this, and heavily. Keep in mind that this is one of the least SEO-friendly practices!

    Update content regularly
    Google loves to crawl and find new content on already ranked websites . That’s why having a blog is one of the most SEO-Friendly factors that exist today.

    Updating content will keep your site moving and dynamic. Don’t hesitate!

    External links
    Remember to link to other websites that provide valuable information to your users. Otherwise, it is better not to include the link since Google penalizes excessive external links without justification .

    Internal links
    If you are used to placing internal links within your website, congratulations! You are doing Google a favor by rewarding this type of link over external ones , in addition to making navigation easier for your users.

    Optimizing images
    Google ‘s robot does not ‘see’ images , which is why it is very important to use the ALT tag and describe the image there. To do this, use keywords that make Google’s job easier and take into account the appropriate size of the images.


  • Engaging young and early-career scientists in the science-policy interface

    He UN Secretary-General, in his report “Our Common Agenda”,

    invited Member States and other stakeholders to consider specific steps to

    account for the interests of future generations in national and global decision

    making and to consolidate these efforts in a “Declaration on Future Generations”.

    This Declaration would,

    The International Science Council and its Member,

    the Global Young Academy, were invited to deliver a statement, providing

    recommendations to ensure an effective and impactful Declaration on Future Generations.

    Delivered in New York, on 16 January, by Morgan Seag,

    ISC Liaison to the UN System, the statement read the following:


    This must be based on meaningful engagement with the global

    scientific community, including young and early career scientists from diverse

    backgrounds and disciplines, who are often at the cutting edge of research and stand

    at the forefront phone number library of scientific advancements and innovative leadership.

    overseas data


    on practical actions: We recommend that the Declaration should:

    Acknowledge the central importance of science to use feely to get your daily intake of google news safeguard the rights and interests of youth and future generations, including through achievement of the SDGs and through foresight consumer data analysis;

    Reflect commitment

    To engaging the global scientific community, including young and early career scientists, in developing mechanisms for knowledge-building, knowledge-sharing, future impact assessment, monitoring, and reporting to advance accountability to future generations; and
    Encourage increased support of scientific research, collaboration, and education to build capacity among youth and future generations, including women and other underrepresented groups.
    Finally, on the aims of the Summit of the Future:

    We call upon

    Member States to ensure the Summit advances progress toward a stronger multilateral science-policy interface that meaningfully engages young and early career scientists, to ensure better use of foresight as well as better exchange of scientific knowledge and data for future generations.

  • Special Dates Calendar 2017: Which ones can’t you miss?

    Sun Romeo
    Sun Romeo
    Chief Marketing Officer at @fromDoppler. He loves British music, fashion and communications.

    Wrote 74 posts


    Increase your sales with Doppler

    phone number library

    Did you know that with Email Marketing you can reach more customers, integrate your messages with social networks and measure their impact in minutes?

    Try it for free
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    Do you want to be part of the group of authors who write for the Doppler phone number library  blog? Don’t wait any longer! Send us your article.

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    Calendar of important dates 2017

    Take advantage of every special date of the year to reach your Subscribers with the best Campaigns. Do you need help? Here you have it! Download our 2017 Seasonal Calendar now .

    After the resounding success of the 2016 Calendar, we had no doubts when it came to preparing this new material.

    We know all the things you need to do throughout the year to make your business work, and that’s why we’re always thinking about how to help you. We want to give you all the support you need to make your work easier every day.

    A the hand of this fantastic Calendar that will remind you

    A of all the important dates of 2017, so that you do not forget to plan your actions in advance .

    Valentine’s Day, Labor Day, Women’s Day… It’s quite possible that you’ll miss one of them in the whirlwind of the year. Download the 2017 Seasonal Calendar for free and don’t take any risks!

    Seasonal Marketing: A perfect strategy
    There are important dates in the year when the opportunities to boost your sales and increase . A  the loyalty of  singapore data your Subscribers multiply exponentially .

    These are times when consumers are more predisposed to . A receiving what is the difference between a blog and a website?  offers and promotions. In addition, most of them are mobilized, becoming more vulnerable and with their emotions on edge.

    That’s why these are days that all brands are eagerly awaiting . There is no one that wants to miss the opportunity to run attractive campaigns across all of its channels.

    Seasonal Marketing is a strategy that takes full advantage of the sensitivity and predisposition of customers during these dates, to meet various Marketing objectives . Don’t you think it’s an ideal time to reach your Subscribers with super effective Campaigns?

    You will have to think carefully about the objective of each one of them; you know that not everything in this life is about selling. But you won’t have to worry about remembering each date, because for that you will have the 2017 Calendar !

    Download now this free material that we have designed to help you achieve your goals in an easier way and plan your actions in advance!

    Get your 2017 Seasonal Calendar before anyone else
    Calendar of important dates 2017

    Special greetings, unique promotions, contests and giveaways – anything goes when it comes to getting creative .

    The important thing is that none of these important dates catch you off guard, or your competition will get there before you !

    Download the 2017 Calendar for free and find all the important dates to plan your actions from now on.

    The best tool to succeed with your Email Marketing Campaigns is planning. Don’t rest on your laurels !


  • How I Learned to Type Fast on a Keyboard

    In this article I will tell you how I learned to type quickly on the keyboard. Perhaps after reading this, you will be motivated and you will also want to master the blind ten-finger typing method.

    I’ve wanted to learn how to type fast for a long time, but for many years it remained just a wish. And I kept typing, staring at the keyboard and looking up, correcting mistakes in the typed text. True, I typed with two hands and four fingers 🙂 And some of my friends use only the index finger of their right hand 🙂

    But one day

    my younger sister decided to take offline courses and their program included learning the touch typing method. After taking the courses, she really learned to type quickly. I remember one incident… When she was actively chatting with someone on VKontakte, I came up to her and asked her something… And she answered me and simultaneously finished writing the message, looking me in the eyes 🙂 This really amazed me at that moment and I decided that I would also learn to type quickly and without looking.

    I wasn’t going to attend any courses and so I decided to look for online opportunities. Naturally, I knew that there were keyboard trainers. A long time ago, I even tried some, but never finished the training. For example, Stamina didn’t work for me at all, although many people like it. I lost interest after a couple of exercises.

    So I decided to try another popular hong kong phone number library keyboard trainer. It was the program “Solo on the Keyboard” by Vladimir Shakhidzhanyan.

    You can download this program from the official website .

    type fast on keyboard

    There are 100 exercises in the program. And I can tell you from my own experience that if you go through them all, the result will be obvious. I noticed progress in myself already in the middle of the training.

    phone number library

    The program has statistics by day and by task

    It also shows the time, average speed and number of mistakes. Since I took the course more than two years ago, I don’t remember my results. It seems a summary of Internet marketing terms that it took me about 2 months of daily classes to complete the course. I studied a little in the morning and a little in the evening.

    Since there are only 100 exercises, I had a visible consumer data goal, like in a game, to complete all the levels and reach the end. Therefore, the further I went, the more interesting it was. Plus, I saw progress.

  • Website development on wordpress. Why this engine?

    There are many different content management systems. There are different opinions among web developers about which CMS is better. I am developing websites on wordpress. In my opinion, wordpress is the best engine and is suitable for most websites. And in this post I will try to explain my point of view.
    and even online stores (although, in my opinion, OpenCart or Shop-Script are better suited for stores).

    According to W3Techs lab , as of June 2017, 28.4% of all websites are powered by WordPress. This is truly the most popular system for creating and administering websites.

    Website development on wordpress

    Advantages of WordPress Website Development
    The first plus is the cost of this engine. It is free and all updates are also completely free.

    Flexibility and a large number of extensions
    At the moment, wordpress is a flexible and powerful system. Since the platform has an open source code, thousands of developers are constantly working on improving this engine.

    As I already said, this is the most popular system, which means there will be no problems with finding the necessary extensions. There are a huge number of plugins for WordPress for any needs. And new ones appear every day. Most of them are free. At the moment, there are 51,430 plugins on the official website .

    You can also find thousands of plugins on third-party sites. Just type the phrase “plugins for wordpress” into a search engine.

    The admin panel is intuitive and user-friendly. After I create a design and the layout designer “pushes” it onto WordPress, we give the honduras phone number library customer full access to managing the site. And to change the text, image or an entire section, people do not need to contact the developers again and pay money for site maintenance. They can do everything themselves. It is no more difficult than working in Microsoft Word.

    See what my post editing panel looks like:

    Website development on wordpress. post editing panel.

    phone number library

    Thousands of templates

    If you are creating a website yourself and you do not need a unique design , then choosing a beautiful template will not be difficult.

    Templates can be downloaded and installed directly from the admin panel or downloaded from various sites. Most templates are free, but there three ways you must know about promoting seo articles are also many paid premium themes.

    Keep in mind that almost all templates require some modification. Sometimes minimal, and sometimes very significant. That’s why I think it’s much consumer data better to create a unique website design right away for specific tasks. Then the code will be cleaner. And the uniqueness of the website has a positive effect on promotion.

  • What is the difference between a blog and a website?

    Sometimes people come to me with a request to create a website not for business. And then I ask, does the person need a website or a blog? In most cases, I get the opposite question – “What is the difference between a blog and a website?” In this article, I will try to explain what the difference is between these two concepts.

    The first thing I want to clarify right away is that websites are a general concept. And a blog is just one of the varieties of websites.

    All of these are websites

    A blog or forum is just a variation or feature of one of the types of websites.

    What is a blog
    A blog ( from web log – internet journal, internet diary, online diary) is a website whose main content is regularly added entries containing text, images or multimedia.

    A blog can be either a separate site or an additional feature of any other site.

    For example, there is a website of a construction company. Externally, it looks like a business card website. But the company’s employees maintain a blog and regularly write useful articles on the topic of construction. Accordingly, such a website cannot be called a blog, it is still a company website, but there is a blog on it. So, in this case, the blog will be just a useful addition to the website.

    For example, my site, which you are on now, also cannot be called a blog with complete confidence. If you go to the main page , then it can guatemala phone number library be called a landing page. Although initially, this site was conceived as a portfolio site. But there is a blog here too. And it is an important component. Such sites are called hybrid.
    What is the difference between a blog and a website?
    Blog Features
    As a rule, a blog consists of thematic sections. The key feature of blogs is the systematic updating of content, that is, adding new articles.
    If on static sites you can only read the information provided, then on a blog you can leave comments on articles. Thus, blogs are a medium for online communication.

    phone number library

    This environment is usually called the blogosphere

    For example, an organization’s website mainly consists of static pages that contain useful information. These can be pages such as “About the Company”, “Services”, “Price”, “Contacts”. The information on such pages is constant.
    A blog consists of headings and posts. There are few important key to seo operations: analyze your competitors static, unchangeable pages on a blog. These can be pages “About the author”, “Contacts”, etc.
    Corporate blogs have a narrow theme and all articles are related to the company’s line of business.
    An author’s blog can be narrowly focused (for example, cooking, travel, DIY repairs). And with the same success, a blogger can write consumer data on completely different topics. The main thing, for the convenience of visitors, is to divide the blog into sections.

  • Logorama. Cartoon for designers.

    This short film is made from famous logos and is truly a masterpiece. Just imagine how many logos were used and integrated into the gripping story.

    The film premiered at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival. It also opened the 2010 Sundance Film Festival and won the 2010 Academy Award for Animated Short Film.


    The cartoon was created by the French animation collective “H5”. The authors of Logorama are François Alaux, Hervé de Crecy and Ludovic-Houplin.

    Logorama is 17 minutes of Hollywood blockbuster

    Full of car chases, natural disasters and hostage taking, but created entirely from real logos and characters. Welcome to a world where everything – houses, people, appliances and even a stain of carelessly spilled coffee – are logos of famous brands.

    The world where Mr. Cleaner shows children Linux penguins and Playboy bunnies at the zoo. Where Pringles truckers pester an Esso waitress in a cafe, where Michelin policemen track down the dangerous criminal Ronald McDonald.

    How many logos do you think were used in total? )) The authors themselves cannot answer this question exactly, but they say that at least 2 thousand. They collected them and sorted them into categories for convenience. It took them 1.5 years to compile the necessary catalog.

    “Logorama” is not only a brilliantly realized greece phone number library idea of ​​a hidden advertising technique taken to the point of absurdity, but also a plot full of black humor and cruelty, gripping non-stop action.
    The authors did not receive a penny from the brand owners, the logos in the film were placed without their consent.A blog is one of the types of a website. If you are wondering what is better for you to create for your business, a blog or a website? The answer is – you need a website!

    phone number library

    The second question to ask yourself

    Is whether you need a blog on your site. If yes, then you should understand that the blog should be updated regularly. This means that obtain greater potential in someone should write the articles.

    Decide whether you will do it or a copywriter will do it for money? Writing quality articles takes a lot of time, you should remember this.

    P.S. I hope I was able to explain consumer data the difference between a blog and a website. If you have any questions, please write in the comments.

  • How to install a font in Photoshop?

    No fluff, straight to the point.
    How to install a font in photoshop
    You don’t need to install fonts in Photoshop itself. The thing is that fonts need to be installed in the system (Windows, Mac, etc.) And Photoshop already loads the fonts installed in your operating system.
    I’ll tell you using Windows as an example…
    Fonts in Windows are stored in the “fonts” folder at: C:\Windows\Fonts
    Or on another disk. In general, where you have the operating system installed. That’s where you need to add the new font.

    How to Install a Font in Windows

    It’s as easy as pie. And there are several ways.

    Let’s say you downloaded an archive with some font. For example, I downloaded the free font BadScript.

    We open the archive and see a file with the extension .ttf
    The first and easiest way is to drag the file from the archive directly into the Fonts folder.
    The second option is if you are not sure if you need this font and want to take another look at it.
    Then just run this file by double-clicking the left mouse button. You will see a preview window like this:
    will install the font
    Once you are convinced of the aesthetic beauty of the font, click the button with the telling name “Install”.
    By the way, here you can see whether the font supports Cyrillic.
    Well, the third way, if you have already ghana phone number library unzipped the font archive, and the file is simply stored in some folder…
    In this case, you can right-click on it (the font file) and find the same “Install” button in the context menu:
    P.S. A small clarification. When installing new fonts, close Photoshop. And if you haven’t closed it, close it and open it again. The newly installed fonts will appear immediately after restarting the program.

    phone number library

    I managed to install the font in Photoshop, how about you

    You can install a lot of things in Photoshop: brushes, gradients, palettes, actions, etc. All of this is installed directly into the program itself. But this parameterization allowed with fonts it turns out to be a little different, but not at all difficult. Right?
    Note – “How to install brushes consumer data in Photoshop”
    Now you know how to add fonts to Photoshop. Well, if you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

  • What is better a business card site or a landing page? What is the difference?

    A short article about what is better, a business card site or a landing page. Need a site, but can’t decide what will suit you better? Then this article is for you.

    Business or service?
    Why do you need a website? Do you want to advertise your entire business or a specific product or service? If the former, a full-fledged website will suit you better.

    Example: A dental clinic with a wide range of different services creates one long landing page. It describes all its advantages. On one of the screens it provides a table with types of services and prices. Everything seems fine, but will such a site inspire confidence in visitors? Will you personally be ready , having visited the one-pager, to entrust your health to this clinic?

    Now let’s assume that this dental clinic has a full-fledged website with all the necessary information. It fully reflects the image and status of the company.

    And only after that

    For a specific service (for example, the now fashionable veneers/lumineers) the clinic creates a separate landing page. And there it describes all the advantages of this service.

    In this case, the landing page acts as a branch of the main site. Agree that this approach inspires more trust. And rest assured that the conversion in this case will also be higher.

    What tasks is a one-page website suitable for?
    For example, selling one type of product. It could be either gyro scooters or granulated sugar with delivery. It could be germany phone number library services . For example, consultations, massage, calling an electrician or photo shooting.

    Landing pages are suitable when:
    If the range of services is large or the service itself has many nuances, then it is better to choose a multi-page site.

    If the goods are expensive and have many specifications, then it is also better to use a website, because the landing page will inspire less confidence when buying, for example, an expensive watch or a mobile phone.

    phone number library

    Difference in optimization

    Due to the fact that the format of one-page sites implies a small amount of information, it is somewhat more difficult to optimize them for key queries. And for a group of target queries it is almost impossible.

    Even if we are talking about such a long landing there were almost no problems page as in the example above, if we were to make a multi-page site out of it and turn each section into a separate page with a special keyword, then it would be much easier to promote such a site in search results.

    Traffic to landing pages is usually paid. If you are going to promote your landing page in natural search results, then this will not be an easy task. Don’t believe me? Try entering some commercial search query in Yandex and see how many consumer data landing pages are located on the first page of results. Most likely, there will be full-fledged sites and online stores, but not one-pagers.

  • Are pop-ups a good idea or not?

    Ask any internet user how they feel about pop-ups? Chances are you’ll learn some new curse words. And yet, many sites still use them to push their marketing messages. Why?

    The thing is, pop-ups may be the most disliked form of online advertising, but they still work.

    Yes, indeed… Pop-ups work because they grab attention and position the message or call to subscribe above other distractions.
    As users, we hate them because they get in our way. As designers and developers, we love being asked to include them in a site because in many cases they make it difficult to create accessible and delightful websites.

    While they may improve conversions

    They don’t improve subscriber engagement. And even those that only appear when a user leaves the page (exit-intent popups) still cause a negative reaction.
    “I wrote code to run a pop-up ad. Sorry.”
    – Ethan Zuckerman, inventor of the pop-up ad .
    Pop-up ads are annoying because they distract us when we’re trying to do something (which is ironically what they’re designed for). Commercial sites install pop-ups to show big numbers on their monthly report.
    SEO penalties for pop-ups on mobile
    Even Google has agreed that a bad georgia phone number library user experience just isn’t worth it.
    To improve the mobile search experience, after January 10, 2017, pages where content is difficult for a user to find when navigating away from mobile search results may not rank highly.
    This means that as of January 10, 2017, pages that display intrusive pop-ups and interstitials will appear lower in Google’s mobile search results.

    phone number library
    The ranking changes do not apply

    To pages with pop-ups that take into account the accessibility of the page content. The same applies to ads that take up a small amount of space have you heard seen the beach’s and do not interfere with users’ access to information.
    If you must use pop-ups, use them responsibly.
    Whatever your reasons for using pop-ups, remember that they are intrusive. Before you launch one, consider whether users will find the pop-up consumer data annoying or helpful.
    If you must use a pop-up, either by necessity or direct order, use it wisely.

  • How I Passed the Shutterstock Exam in 2017 With One Picture

    Is it possible to pass the Shutterstock exam with just one picture? It turns out it is 🙂

    I’ll start with the fact that I was registered on a large number of stocks a long time ago. And I already had an account on Shutter, although I didn’t even try to pass the exam.

    In the distant past, when my main income was photography, I thought about photo stocks and even uploaded a few photos to the Lori photo bank . But that was all I could do then ))

    Years have passed, I have been doing web design for a long time , and I left photography and retouching for the soul.

    Why I decided to take the Shutterstock exam

    This may sound funny, but I needed to check how good my vector is from the technical side. Yes, you heard right ))
    It all started when I decided to open my own shop on Creative Market. But after looking at the formats in which people sell their work there, I realized that I couldn’t do without vector.
    No, of course there are those who upload only PNG, JPG or PSD, but there are catastrophically few of them. Mostly people upload EPS, and in addition other formats of their choice.
    Well, that’s not what I’m talking about…
    If I know Photoshop like a skunk, then I have Illustrator installed solely for entertainment purposes. Well, sometimes I can draw business cards or a logo. As for how to prepare vector files for transfer to another person, I only knew in general terms.

    And in order not to fall flat on my face, I france phone number library decided to check if I was doing everything right. But how to check? I need to send the file to someone who knows, so that he can look at it, evaluate it, so to speak, identify the flaws, point out the mistakes. And then you can sell EPS to people…

    But unfortunately, I don’t have any friends who understand vector, and I can’t bother strangers on the Internet, my conscience doesn’t allow it. And then it dawned on me. After all, you can try to pass the exam at Shutterstock. They say that many people fail to get in there the first time, so they have a strict selection process.

    phone number library
    Preparing for the exam

    I learned about Shutterstock’s requirements for vector images. They say there should be no open paths, empty layers, invisible dots and blah-blah-blah. I didn’t know all these things. I only converted text to vector and saved it in AI. And here’s what they require.
    Ok, I guess. Isn’t this a skill test?
    I read that now, on Shutter, the exam has the well-known suno ai been greatly simplified. Previously, you had to send 10 works and 7 of them had to be approved. But now the main thing is that at least ONE work is approved.
    Well, if that’s the case, then I decided not to draw 10 works, but to start gradually ))) I thought, I’ll do one, and if it doesn’t work out, I’ll continue to study ))
    In general, I created one seamless pattern consumer data with flowers. I “licked” it as it should be and uploaded it to Shutterstock… However, I wasn’t sure that I did everything correctly.

  • First sale on Shutterstock

    And I have my first sale on Shutterstock . Just keeping you updated 🙂

    How I got to Shutterstock and how I passed the exam, I told here ⇒ And today I want to share with you good news. Only about 10 days have passed since I uploaded my first picture, and here is my first sale.

    Very unexpected.

    So I’m sitting here, working, it’s night outside. Once an hour I go to Shutterstock to check if my new works have appeared in my portfolio.

    The thing is that after the works are accepted

    They do not immediately appear on the author’s page. But they are in the search and buyers see them. People on forums write that it can take from a couple of hours to 2-3 days. I really didn’t have this. They were not displayed for half a day at most.

    So, once every couple of hours, I go in and refresh my personal account page.

    And then bam, in my personal account I see a picture on the map:

    First sale on Shutterstock

    This is how sales are displayed. Thank you, man from Mexico. You made my day 🙂

    To be honest, I thought that sales start when there are more than 50-100 pictures in the portfolio. This is again, info from various forums finland phone number library on stocks. Therefore, I did not even hope.

    And in general, I had this suspicion that I would not upload 100 pictures, but would abandon this business earlier. It just turned out that attributing images is a terrible routine for me. Even understanding the importance of selecting keywords, it is boring and annoying. Especially when there are 10 pictures, and all on different topics. I do not really understand how people attribute 50 pictures a day.

    phone number library

    Maybe there are some algorithms that

    I do not know about yet. Or they just draw in series to make it easier.

    By the way, after passing the exam, I uploaded 23 vectors to Shutter, one of which was not approved due to an incorrect description. And i didn’t even realize it since I’m a “lazy ass”, I didn’t even re-upload it, but simply deleted it 🙂

    In total, by the time of the first sale, I had only 22 works in my portfolio. Most of them are patterns (seamless patterns). I uploaded patterns selectively consumer data from those that I prepared for another Internet site. It is not clear by what principle I selected them. I did not look at trends, did not analyze niches and generally treated it somehow indifferently.