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Tag: phone number database
The process of creating a ring
Then I was convinc that this is true,” the entrepreneur admitt. When it comes to rings, a wax model is first creat using blanks call “shanks”. The participant selects a blank, adjusts it to the size of the finger, gives the material the desir shape by inserting stones, and this prototype is taken by the master class studio.
Afterwards, the wax models are test
The jewelry is cast, then they are polish, ground and secur. The hardest part of this type of work is to understand what the client nes and get the right 3D model: after casting, you get an almost finish product that only nes to be finish, you can’t change it.
To make easier, you can ask the client for a reference;
They usually have one, since people, according to Sonya, are often inspir by other people’s work. “It’s rare that a person comes with a stack of sketches and a detail text description of the ring they want,” she explains. Sonya’s system of work differs loan database from jewelry stores. The brand first nes to manufacture the product and then find a client.
But she already has a client:
He himself is both the customer and the manufacturer. Registration for the master class is done by prepayment, that is, initially the participant freelancer website is very easy to use himself invests money in production, and Sonya – her man-hours. There is no cash gap in the business, because the girl does not sell anything without the client’s request.
Advertising and investments
The girl realiz from her own experience: to get more clients, you ne advertising. Bloggers, according to her, are not a very expensive and the most effective way to gain popularity. In Sonya’s opinion and experience, this is better than targeting, especially tg data for those who do not know how to deeply work with the mechanisms of social network advertising accounts: it is impossible to prict the result on your own.
One day there was a boom of
Be Your Own Jeweler Participants cut simple figures from the plates using a special jigsaw. The next step was to process the ges, bale (i.e. make the blank convex, Masters note), polish, ink and finally attach the fittings. This technique allow making jewelry in a few hours.
But was very limit:
it was impossible to create a ring or any complex shape. Now, master classes use the technique of modeling a wax model of jewelry with subsequent casting. Soon Liza Shabanova decid to leave the project: she lost interest in jewelry and went into the film industry. Sonya did not fully immerse herself in the business: there were few clients, and, as the entrepreneur admits, she did not believe that it was possible to earn enough money from it.
At first, Sonya, working alone, did not feel
A strong workload, but people wanting to do it and this became a challenge. The thing is that the girl order advertising from several bloggers who run accounts stockholder database on the topic of creativity, and these integrations turn out to be very effective.
“They wrote to me constantly
I was just in shock. I was already thinking: “That’s it, please stop,” recalls the founder of the project “Be Your Own Jeweler.” Sonya admits that it is not easy you can also write a blog about what you are learning to work now either, but she is not panicking now. When the entrepreneur realiz that the income from master classes covers all her nes, she quit her previous job and start her own business full-time.
Making jewelry Sonya currently does not have
A permanent team, but she delegates some processes. For example, the girl found jewelers to whom she brings jewelry for processing in order to make her work as easy as possible. Jewelry passes through three or four pairs of hands before reaching the master class participant in the final version. “Avgvst had this theme: “Our jewelry passes tg data through 10 pairs of hands.” At first, it made me laugh.
To them at one of the markets
We paid special attention to the legal aspects of launching a jewelry brand. At this place of work, the future entrepreneur was temper by critical comments from fellow jewelers who were much more experienc. The girl decid that such production was not for her and quit.
I simply quit my job without a “financial cushion”
I am an artist by ucation, a teacher, and I thought that I would easily find a job teaching painting in a private studio. But no, it didn’t work out. Sonya Latukhina, founder of the project “Be Your Own Jeweler” Experiments with master classes.
The “Be Your Own Jeweler”
Project was creat in 2021 through the joint efforts of Sonya and Liza Shabanova, with whom they studi together at the Architectural Academy in Yekaterinburg. At that time, the girls were still making jewelry for sale. A trying to develop a brand without home owner database funds and experience.
The idea of master classes on creating jewelry came for artists
Which were organiz by the director of the Yekaterinburg Museum of Soviet Life Irina Svetonosova. This museum is a unique project for the Ural decide which skills will work best for you capital, which takes you back to the times of the Soviet Union by recreating the atmosphere of that time. At the market, the girls were selling their products, and Irina told them that visitors had a request for master classes on creating jewelry.
Sonya and Lisa “quickly figur
Out that the topic was interesting” and got down to business – the first master classes were held in the museum. At them, the girls taught how to work in the technique of figur metal sawing. Lisa and I prepar copper plates, roll them to the requir thickness. S level them and appli a relief pattern using chemical etching. A similar process is us in radio tg data engineering for etching boards. Sonya Latukhina, founder of the project.
The brand also has an artist
One of the latest products is a dog: it has a belly, ribs, and a diode heart. Folklore, Death and Angels In his products, the master often uses folklore themes: references to fairy tales, legends and horror stories. These include icons in the form of an ouroboros (a snake or lizard curl into a ring, biting its own tail, note by “Masters”) or archangels.
Ouija boards for communication with spirits
It attracts me; I often think about death, I watch how people sometimes behave frivolously. I have been interest in the afterlife since childhood. It’s not that I believe in anything like that I just like this aesthetic. Danil Grekhtvortsov founder of the Znak Luny project Danil takes all the images from his head, movies, books, music.
He notes that in recent years the public seems
To have become more interest in domestic mythology and folklore. The master draws some of the sketches himself: a long time ago he went to moj database art school. “True, I was kick out because I was colorblind,” adds Danil. who can draw some complex images.
Sometimes ideas, as the founder of Znak
Luny says, are suggest to him by social networks. So Danil saw a pendant for glasses somewhere, thought it was interesting, and decid to make his easy to measure own version. There are many things in the workshop that are not being implement because Dania came up with them for himself. For example, a large wooden skull or a mirror “Ouroboros” with backlighting and engraving right in the center.
Recently he dream of an idea for a lamp-sign
“Attention! When leaving, do not forget who you are.” It did not sell at first, but now there is interest in it. The master’s favorite product is the Sirin and tg data Alkonost mirror, which took a month to make and was put up for auction. Now it hangs in the Opyt bar , because the owner lik it so much.
Burnout Before starting her own
Now they are making a website, they want to go to OZON, open an offline department in the Yeltsin Center store, and hire more assistants. “Be Your Own Jeweler”: How Yekaterinburg Helps Create Your Own Jewelry May 21, 2024. ”
Be Your Own Jeweler ” is a master class
On creating unique jewelry from bronze and silver with your own hands, which has been held in different spaces in Yekaterinburg since 2021. Clients here bring their ideas to life by creating prototypes of rings and earrings, and the master takes on the dirty work. We talk to the project’s founder.
Sonya Latukhina, about
How jewelry is creat and what the difficulty is in conducting and organizing such classes. Text: Kristina Kalinovskaya Jewelry and business, Sonya work in a jewelry factory, where she went after graduating from university. There, she work with business owner database exclusive jewelry with natural stones, which could cost from 100 thousand rubles.
“One day, they gave me a huge emerald and said:
“It costs three million, and it’s also very fragile. You ne to measure it with calipers ,” Sonya recalls. At the factory, the girl made 3D models, which were then print from a special polymer and mold to make a wax copy and cast in metal. The task was not mobile marketing: the absolutely complete guide particularly creative, but it taught Sonya a lot: for example, when it was necessary to make “something decent” if the artist had drawn a sketch poorly.
It was at this job that the young master
Understood many technical aspects of creating jewelry: any mistake emerges at the design stage. Once she made a mistake of literally half a millimeter – the stones did not fit, they were tight, and she had to start over. Free course How to Launch a Jewelry tg data Brand. The course experts will discuss how to come up with an idea and test it. A organize production, start selling online and offline.
ID tags, as well as other items
Then the young man took the prototype and went to the museum, where he was met by the “museum aunties” and was completely delight with the products. After the idol, an archaeologist who has been studying it for many years had to evaluate and approve it – she was also pleas.
The museum was glad that
They had interesting souvenir products. Now badges and incense holders are sold in the museum, and every month it pays the brand a certain amount from sales. Now Znak Luny makes badges, buttons, keychains, pendants, earphone covers and pet that come to the creator’s mind: the same board for communication with spirits, aroma lamps, mirrors, shelves, lamps.
But initially it was still pinneria
Danil notes that they are certainly not the first in the country to make badges. But, according to him, the peculiarity of his project is that Znak Luny creates “high-precision and clarity drawings at the molecular level, which others cannot repeat.” Materials on zalo database the topic 24 Hours in Yekaterinburg: A Guide to the Best City on Earth We tell you what to do in.
Yekaterinburg – where to eat
Drink and where to go for impressions. The master usually comes up with something, posts it, and almost immiately they write to him and ask see some numbers him to make another one. Sometimes it is exactly the same product, sometimes the dimensions or some details change. When it is a custom order, it costs a little more.
Usually, it takes from one to three days
To make a product, depending on the complexity, but the masters want to make everything work faster and increase the volume. “When I made the first badge, I could not imagine that people would want to buy it. A year later, I can definitely say that this is a business, just not a very big one yet,” says the founder of the project. Earnings from products are not very stable yet and depend on the number of orders. Danil can get 200 thousand a tg datamonth, or 30. But, according to him, the number of orders is growing overall, although the guys still have small social networks.
Russia they depict angels and reflect
He bought it. In general, “Sirin and Alkonost” is a series that includes many products and collaborations. These are folklore birds of paradise, symbols of joy and sadness. Danil recalls that he read about how in on death, and eventually came to Sirin and Alkonost, who inspir him greatly.
This is how the collaboration with the
Ural clothing brand Urals came about: these birds are depict on their long sleeves and hoodies. In this series, there was also a collaboration with a brewery – they design the label and develop the taste of the beer itself. Then there were badges and a large mirror. Soon, a third bird will appear in this series – Gamayun. Joint creativity and plans Collaborations with everyone are different.
Sometimes they come from different
Establishments and ask to make a batch of badges to order, and sometimes Danil himself comes to those he likes and offers a sketch. This happen viber database with the Ural rock band Kurara, for whom they made a batch of badges, and the Altai throat singing ensemble Bai-Terek.
Danil fell in love with their music and organiz their concert in
Yekaterinburg, and Znak Luny made brand badges for the band. There was an interesting story with the famous Shigir idol, which is locat in the regional despite the implementation of mobile museum of local history. – When I saw it, I was very impress by it, and I thought that.
It could be us to make an incense stand:
It has the right shape. Besides, both the idol and the incense are something shamanic, esoteric. Danil Grekhtvortsov founder of the Znak Luny project Danil made it, post it, and was told that it turns out that the museum has unique rights to the tg data Shigir idol, which means that he cannot just sell products with its image.
I was able to try to implement
Together, the equipment would cost about six million. Of course, I didn’t have that kind of money, so thanks to Zhenya, who believ in my idea, it for a percentage. My starting capital was zero rubles. I paid for myself instantly with the first badge.
Danil Grekhtvortsov founder of the Znak
Luny project The guys buy consumables together, ducting their cost from what they earn. Now the brand works with brass, gold, silver and other metals, sometimes with glass and wood. Metal is becoming more expensive – this affects the cost, among other things. Initially, the products cost 250-300 rubles, and all my friends said that it was too cheap.
Dania thought that no one would wear
A pin for a thousand, because “it’s just a badge.” But in fact, it’s a delicate work, and also an idea, time and materials. The master calculat everything, realiz that investor database he really did cheapen the price, and rais the price. Now there are products for 700, 1000, 2000 rubles and more – depending on their complexity.
At first there was a lot of defects:
The craftsmen studi how to cut, what to attach, what alloys were ne so that the product would not break. There were a huge number of nuances – they rid a lot and at first went “in the minus”, but then they understood what was what, and over time by researching the marketplace everything work out. “I don’t like to spend too much time on the same work: the longer I look at it, the less I like it.
That’s why it’s important to switch off, to rest
When you finally see the product on display, that’s the most pleasant thing,” says Danil. The master tries to make each next product more complex than the previous one, to create more multi-layer products from different materials, with more complex tg data fasteners and sketches, to build 3D models, to complicate the task for himself in order to move forward.
I myself did not expect that
Danil Grekhtvortsov founder of the Znak Luny project And off it went. The guy post things he made for himself, people lik it they ask to make the same for them. At first, these were single local orders, then friends from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov start writing.
Then different companies start contacting
Danil and ordering whole batches. For example, the jewelry brand Moonswoon order 100 forget-me-not keychains. Gradually, the badges began to travel to other countries: for example, to Georgia and Turkey. Perseverance and self-improvement
Word of mouth help him achieve his quick success:
During his time working in bars, he made many acquaintances – people knew him and came to him with orders. “It happen in just a year – the activity would soar so quickly and that people would like it so much. Perhaps the secret is to do what you band database want and for yourself, with love and interest,” he says.
The nascent brand was nam
Znak Luny, after the song of the same name by the Rostov band Leto v gorode. Dania drew the sun, listen to this song, and it inspir him: he found it interesting that the name would have the Moon, and the logo would have the Sun. Danil learn the what is data entry? basics in a few months, and now he continues to improve in the process: he masters new techniques, reads a lot.
He says about himself that he is an
Enthusiastic person and, if he is interest, he grasps a lot quickly. The young man never tires of repeating: he was very lucky with the workshop in the sense that he did not have to buy anything himself, because Evgeniy already had the equipment. Danil is provid with it, and he gives 50% of all orders for it. One such machine costs more than tg data a million, and there are three of them in the workshop, in addition to various CNC and other nuances.
WeChat official account web development, creating personalized
WeChat official account With the development of mobile Internet, more and more enterprises and individuals have begun to pay attention to the development of WeChat official accounts . As an important part of the WeChat ecosystem, WeChat official accounts provide enterprises with a convenient and efficient channel for publicity, promotion and customer service.
WeChat public account web development WeChat official account
Infocode, a professional WeChat development company, will introduce in detail the basic concepts, technologies and application scenarios of WeChat public account web development to help everyone better understand and master the knowledge in this field.Overview of WeChat Official Account WeChat official account
WeChat official account web development refers to the use of the API interface and development tools provided by WeChat to customize a set of mobile applications with specific functions for WeChat official accounts. Through WeChat official account web development, users can easily create an independent web page for their sweden phone number library official account to achieve multiple functions, such as information release, interactive marketing, customer management, etc. At the same time, WeChat official account web development can also help companies quickly build a brand official website, expand online business, and improve corporate image.
WeChat official account development: WeChat official account web development, creating personalized mobile applications
Technical points of WeChat official account web development
1. Familiarity with WeChat public platform API: The basis of WeChat public account web development is to be familiar with the various API interfaces provided by WeChat public platform, such as material management, message server farm: what it is and how it works management, user management, etc. Understanding the usage and precautions of these interfaces will help developers to develop more efficiently.
2. Master HTML5 and CSS3 technologies: The pages developed by WeChat official account web need to be built using front-end technologies such as HTML5 and CSS3 to achieve rich page effects and good user experience. Therefore, developers need to have certain basic knowledge of HTML5 and CSS3.
3. Familiarity with JavaScript programming language WeChat official account
JavaScript programming language plays an WeChat official account important role in the development of WeChat official account web. Developers need to be cg leads proficient in JavaScript’s basic syntax, data structure and algorithm, as well as commonly used JavaScript frameworks and libraries (such as jQuery, Vue.js, etc.).
WeChat Official Account H5 Page Development and Design
In the era of mobile Internet, WeChat public accounts have become an important platform for brand communication and user interaction. In order to improve user experience and enhance the interactivity and attractiveness of content. The design and development of H5 pages is particularly important.
WeChat public account H5 page development and design
Infocode, a professional WeChat development company , will discuss in depth the key technical points of WeChat public account H5 page development and how to attract target audiences through innovative design.Understand the value of WeChat official account H5 page
The H5 page of a WeChat official account refers to a web page embd in an article in the official account. They usually contain elements such as animations, interactive games, and data collection forms. Compar with tunisia phone number library traditional graphic content, H5 pages provide a richer user experience and can effectively increase user engagement and conversion rates. For brands, a well-design H5 page can not only showcase the brand image, but also realize multiple functions such as product promotion and event registration.
WeChat Development Company:
WeChat Official Account H5 Page Development and Design
Basic technical framework for H5 page development
Developing an excellent H5 page requires the support of front-end technology. HTML5 , CSS3 and JavaScript are the basic accompany the post with images technologies that constitute H5 pages. HTML5 is responsible for building the page structure, CSS3 is us for page style design, and JavaScript handles page interaction logic. In addition, the use of responsive design principles ensures that the page can present good visual effects on different devices.Creativity and design: creating a personaliz user experience
In terms of visual design, the H5 page should be consistent with the brand style and be creative to attract users. This may include a unique layout, attractive motion effects or distinctive interaction methods. Designers ne to consider the cg leads user’s browsing habits and arrange the visual focus and information layout reasonably so that users can naturally participate in the page content.
Technology and performance: ensuring a smooth user experience
On the technical level, it is crucial to optimize the loading spe and operating efficiency of H5 pages. This involves technical means such as image and resource compression, code optimization, and rucing HTTP requests. In addition, considering the special environment of WeChat browser, developers should follow WeChat official specifications, avoid using unsupport technical features, and make corresponding calls and adaptations for WeChat’s JS-SDK.The Core Value of WeChat Mini Programs
In the wave of mobile Internet, WeChat mini-programs and official. Accounts have become an important bridge connecting users with brands and services. For enterprises, mastering the development skills of WeChat mini-programs and official accounts can not only broaden. The market boundaries, but also occupy a favorable position. In the fiercely competitive market.
The core value of WeChat Mini Programs and Official Account development.
Infocode, a professional. WeChat development company , will deeply explore the core value and implementation path of WeChat mini-programs and public account development.As a lightweight application form,
WeChat Mini Program is deeply loved by users for its convenience of being ready to use. Mini Program does not need to be downloaded and installed, and can be quickly opened and used through WeChat search or scanning, which greatly simplifies the user’s access. The official account is a bridge for communication between thailand phone number library enterprises and users. Through the release of content in various forms such as pictures, texts, and videos, it can achieve effective information transmission and increase user stickiness.
WeChat Development: The Core Value of WeChat Mini
Programs and Official Account Development
When developing WeChat mini programs and official accounts, the first thing to do is to clearly define the target positioning. Enterprises need to design the functional layout and content strategy of the mini program according to their what is meant by cyber vulnerability management? own business needs. For example, retail companies can develop online mall mini programs that provide functions such as product display, shopping cart management, and online payment; educational training institutions can develop mini programs with functions such as course reservation and online learning.
Next is technology selection and team building
The development of WeChat mini-programs requires the mastery of languages and technologies such as JavaScript, WXML (WeiXin Markup Language), and WXSS (WeiXin Style Sheets), while the development of public accounts cg leads requires familiarity with the interfaces and services provided by the WeChat public platform. Therefore, forming a team with corresponding technical capabilities, or finding a professional third-party service provider for cooperative development, is the key to ensuring the smooth progress of the project.
Then there is the continuous optimization of user experience. Whether it is a mini program or a public account, user experience is always the first priority. This includes the simplicity and beauty of the interface design, the convenience and efficiency of the operation process, and the richness and fun of the content. By continuously collecting user feedback and data analysis, continuous iteration and updating, we can improve user satisfaction and loyalty.