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Tag: mobile number data
We need to rethink the recruitment experience
In the digital age, the most successful recruiters will be those able to offer the best candidate experience. By ” experience “, we mean all the means implemented by companies to free themselves from traditional hiring processes. The objective: to re-energize their employer image to continue to attract new talent. According to a recent study, only 45% of young graduates are satisfied with their experience of the recruitment process in companies.
Their grievances: inefficient and excessively
long recruitment methods, a huge lack of taiwan phone number data communication as well as a gap in perception between young graduates and companies on the skills required. It must be admitted that in the future, candidates and recruiters will have to maintain a new relationship, at the same time original, fast and uninhibited. The digital experience pushes candidates to more and more demands, irremediably forcing HR to innovate in order to hope to attract the best talents.
Indeed more than a career or a huge salary
young workers dream above all of a work environment a summary of Internet marketing terms conducive to self-fulfillment. In other words: an exciting challenge, autonomy, responsibilities and impact, without forgetting the comfort of life. Communicate differently to recruit better This promise is the one that we will have to be able to keep tomorrow to be competitive on the job market.
The stakes are high and some companies have already kcrj understood this very well. This is particularly the case of Michel et Augustin , a young brand that recently launched a recruitment campaign that is a complete break with the norm. At once funny, offbeat and ambitious, it offers new promises to candidates looking for an innovative message. The objective is clear: to present yourself as a “trendy” employer to attract profiles that are qualified, original and truly motivated.
And it works! In addition to piquing candidates’ curiosity, this type of innovative practice contributes to the influence of the famous “employer brand”, the true spearhead of HR and the company’s first banner on the job market. It is important to understand that in the future, communicating and recruiting will be one and the same (if this is not already the case), so it is best to start doing so now. A booming job market There is another way to increase your workforce while advertising your brand. We are thinking in particular of recruitment events or “job fairs”. They are popping up everywhere and aim to bring together more freely – and more massively – companies and candidates from the same sector of activity.
Discovery of a profession that I did not know
You’re going to do recruitment, what does that involve? Is it like Pôle Emploi? Can you find me a job?” These are the questions that my loved ones asked me before I started my internship and which I had difficulty answering because I didn’t know any more than they did (or very little). A little apprehension, a little excitement, here we go! A phone and a computer, that’s all for the equipment. Start a week of training in the job of recruiter, more precisely in the job of recruiter of engineers. I, who did not know the difference between an operating system and a search engine, was served.
The challenge was therefore to familiarize
myself with the obscure world of 1s and 0s. I had to discover switzerland phone number data and understand the jobs that revolve around websites, applications, around the green card that is inside my phone, my computer, my television, the electronic equipment in my car, … the jobs that, ultimately, make up my daily life. But an engineer is an engineer, right? No, I discovered that in the country of engineers there are.
Many regions many cities
which communicate with each other or not, which speak three ways you must know about promoting seo articles the same language or not, that electronics engineers, front-end developers, FPGA experts all had the status of engineer but not at all the same daily life. I had to meet Linux, approach Asic, approach Java, get in touch with the C team (C, C++, C#)… It was both frustrating and exciting to explore a new world and to understand its mechanisms only at the functional level.
But this was necessary to then be able to practice the kcrj job of recruiter with candidates, to manage to understand their background, their expectations, and find the position that would suit them best. It’s quite unsettling at first to contact people unexpectedly to ask them for information about their background, their wishes, their goals.
but we quickly realize that everyone (or almost everyone) understands that it’s only in their interests and gives us their time and later their trust. Recruiting is like this: a profession that requires listening, rigor, patience, and which has the honorable objective of allowing candidates to find the position that they dream of and companies to find precisely the desired employees. Keywords: Job search , recruitment , Internship Be the first to rate this article.
On the importance of telling the truth in job offers
When I applied for my internship, I saw in the ad that they were talking about breaking dart throwing records, I thought it was fun, I didn’t know what I was getting into… A wall, a target, three darts; so far, nothing incredible… That’s what I thought too. From the first days, I discovered one of the main activities of the break between noon and two: throwing darts.
Over time I gradually learn all the
rules and the workings of this sport, all its techniques, its sweden phone number data strategies, and its vices… I am told that I was chased when I was about to win, my. T score is reset to 0, I don’t understand anything. I am told that I have a good score when I plant my darts leagues. T from the center, I don’t understand anything anymore. I’m told I have to pay 50 cents because I stuck my dart in the wall, I don’t even try to understand anymore.
Well yes the little boxes
he numbers around the target, all . T of this has its important key to seo operations: analyze your competitors importance, I learn that we are playing “Rabbit H. You should not trust appearances, this game is not what it seems to be. Behind its “little relaxing activity to pass the time” side hides a dark side, made of competition, debts, anger,
sneaky tricks, disappoint. T ments, defeats, but also kcrj victories. Victories that count, that mean something; behind an apparently harmless cry of victory . T that marks the end of all the tension accumulated during the game, hides the personal satisfaction of having. T demonstrated one’s shooting skills, of having imposed one’s domination, and above all of having reduced to nothing, of having crushed the hopes of one’s competitors.
The tens of euros that one leaves behind no longer have any kind of importance. But make no mistake, despite all this competition, this game does not lead to any tension, on the contrary, a team spirit develops, we suffer with our colleagues, we share their sorrows and their successes, our .
Always recruit someone smarter than you
head of recruitment to give advice on the quest for the perfect candidate. Laszlo Bock has just published a book in which he shares his tips on the subject. Laszlo Bock is the head of the HR (People Operations) department of the web giant Google. In his book entitled Work Rules published in the United States at the beginning of April, he deciphers the very thorough selection process of the American company.
And it goes without saying that positions
are expensive and the selection. T . T process is quite long spain phone number data to get a foot in one of the most coveted companies in Silicon Valley. elements himself. Here are 5 tips that he gives in his book, noted by our colleagues at L’Express. 1. Never trust your first impression.
For Laszlo Bock you can’t tell at firs
T candidate is suitable for the job kcrj or not. The rest of the job interview is essential to get a better idea of the person who is applying for a specific position. 2. Cross techniques .
of structured questions obtain greater potential in on behavior, leadership abilities, and cognitive abilities. We have developed . questionnaire on a specific. T role and the abilities being tested. T had a positive effect on the team?What was your approach? How did you adapt your leadership skills to each team member?
or “Tell me about a difficult time with someone (a client, a colleague or a classmate). 3. Apply the same method to all candidates Laszlo Bock admits that these questions can be quite general. The path is punctuated by. T numerous meetings with different interlocutors. “Our panel of recruiters writes a detailed report,
How many legs does your sheep have
Business Life / No comments For my parents, a recruitment . T agency was already a somewhat abstract concept, specializing in digital and electronics professions… So the office is easy to explain and understand and then the word office sounds good. But I admit that even I, when reading “specializing in the Digital and Electronics professions… So I’m starting my first week and I’m overwhelmed with completely unknown vocabulary: Java J2EE, PHP, Front, Back, C#, wait a minute I know that one, the # is good for Twitter.
And this sentence that someone came
out to me one morning: “you know Alice . T here we know south africa phone number data the difference between Java and Javascript…” Oh yes I was saying that to myself too. Fortunately, this vocabulary, which is a little surreal at first, is accompanied by words that we understand a little better: Software publisher, Web, e-commerce, iOS and Android… And then everything becomes clear:
There is indeed someone who is developing
this compass application that allows me to know where kcrj north is! So here we go, I’m starting my first mission and I’m looking for a native iOS developer for a client based in Lyon and given the characteristics requested by this client, I understand that I’m looking for a 5-legged sheep: • the candidate must be in the right geographic area (and/or willing to go there) • 5 years of experience in mobile • native iOS • the salary • Bilingual English Then comes a whole bunch of criteria specific to
each position: that he/she is developed in Android this parameterization allowed that he/she is in management… My job is simple, find this 5-legged sheep, I start my research, and BAM: second CV opened: it’s perfect Michel! I call him right away!!!! And then it’s the drama: Michel is in post he is not at all looking for a new job.. Ok, so my 5-legged sheep must be looking for and/or on the lookout for opportunities and the one(s) I have to present to him must correspond to his expectations… So we go back, we talk with our colleagues and yes we are specialized, we have already worked on this type of need, we already know candidates, and we open CVs and we call candidates, lots of candidates, but then lots of candidates.
The Man in the Mirror
No comments You have to run very fast to stay in place: We are facing timing constraints that impact projects and the company. A replacement/creation of a position, from the moment it has been validated by management, is already a position whose recruitment dates back to yesterday!
On this side of the mirror opening a position
takes an enormous amount of time. When singapore phone number data it is open, the person should generally have already been there… “I’m late!” And replacing someone, if we want to have a handover between the two collaborators, is then a real challenge.
We must therefore recruit quickly
but the right person! At the risk of wasting time again! kcrj We are therefore working to return to a simple balance. White cap and white cap: Whether you recruit internally or through a firm, the fundamentals remain the same: – determine the profile to recruit, the requirements linked to the position, the skills sought – launch recruitment processes, advertisements, sourcing of candidates.
conduct interviews, select profiles, make an offer – there were almost no problems ensure the successful integration of the candidate…. In a recruitment firm, our goal is to find the candidate an opportunity that suits them, but also, and above all, to find the client the profile that suits them. In internal recruitment, our goal is to find the candidate who will meet our own requirements! And that’s not always easy! Even if the cards are in our hands… Often in the office, we don’t understand why clients take so long to provide feedback, a candidate debriefing or an offer.
But when you’re on the other side of the mirror, you quickly realize that recruiting is not our only activity of the day! So, well, we understand better right away… Would you like another cup of tea? As you will have understood, there are still many avenues to explore. This time I’m slipping away, I’m “late! late! late!” and I’ll leave you for another version of Alice…in the company of Johnny Depp, to the great delight of the ladies! Keywords:
Here it is! By Mathieu
Let’s go back 9 months. End of 2014, meeting with Fred to discuss what we could do in terms of web design. A break in continuity, or continuity in a break. In short, change but not radical, but not young with old and not a cover-up, but at the same time not a reset of everything… And the logo? What do we do with it? We keep it, we throw it away, it doesn’t fit in a square, but the typography is nice, but then we keep it, but no there are too many colors, yes but we like it.
In short fortunately Fred is a guy in a hurry
and doesn’t like to waste his time! I think we will saudi arabia phone number data remain their worst customers for a long time. A few days (remember that several days is weeks, even months) later we have our boards and models for the new site. Yay! Brief with developers and integrators “Oh yeah, I thought we were just moving a few things…” I insist on saying that all these changes are fundamental.
That we have to make these developments
that everything is critical. Blah blah blah. Desired kcrj production date early January… We can celebrate Christmas in peace January 2015. Lunch with Patrick and Guewen To understand the cataclysm that will follow, you have to know that Patrick is the most brilliant doctor of Digital Ergonomics that I know and that Guewen is a little Data genius that even Google wanted to steal from us.
The verdict falls upon seeing the version to be have you heard seen the beach’s put into production: “Mathieu, are you serious? … there’s nothing going right…” So, re-brief with myself, with Patrick, with Fred, with the developers… I’m starting to lose my hair and to tell myself that Margaux, my future daughter, will be born before our new .com is online… The horror! March. I’m going on vacation for a few days with the feeling that nothing is moving forward but that we are heading in the right direction.
A bit like if in the middle of a labyrinth, with no apparent way out, a little voice is telling us “it’s this way… it will be difficult, but it’s this way…” Tears, blood and sweat as Winston used to say. April-May. Frustration. It’s that time when you see the light at the end of the tunnel… You reach out to touch it, to get out of it. And bam! Everything goes out. And it repeats itself tirelessly, with each retouch, with each “it’s good we’re there.
There you go it’s over
I’m starting my last week at Sept Lieues. After almost 4 months in the adventure, everything has to end. No more sourcing and calls, no more role-play training and CV decryptions. Time to put my affairs in order, to say goodbye to everyone, I will leave the company that welcomed me when. T I was just a young chick with no knowledge or experience of a job, without much added value for the company.
Those days are over and today
as an accomplished intern, with almost 4 months russia phone number data of experience, I wonder what they could have found in me to recruit me…perhaps the . T flame in my eyes. Thanks to Sept Lieues, I learned the job of recruiting, I discovered the world of engineers, and I was able to fill the Great Void on my CV. I was able to observe and take part in what is involved in creating a company,
With its share of hassles, debates and excitement
energy to spend, and passion to invest. Make no mistake, it is kcrj no longer the young shoot of May that speaks to you, it is the bonsai, proud and straight, with deep roots. Thanks to the entire team of Sept Lieues, today I carry a baggage loaded with professional skills but above all very good memories and a fairly clear idea of the type of company in which I wish to work.
So yes the road is still long, but I am no longer i didn’t even realize it on foot to travel it. I thought that the first internships were synonymous with photocopiers, but I was surprised to receive comprehensive training, with attentive trainers, capable of giving me tasks as diverse as they were varied (unfortunately, I don’t have time to paint you the whole picture). My only regret today is not being able to attend and take part in the next steps of the adventure,
as if I had to close a book before knowing the end, as if I had to give up half of a double bacon cheddar hamburger. But that’s the way it is, and as the other one (probably a poor depressed guy) said, “Don’t cry because it’s over.
The Landing By Mathieu
in addition to being my birthday, and in itself it is already an event; for Sept Lieues this Monday is that of a new stage. Three new consultants join our team: Marie-Sophie, Romain and Raphaël. This is a fundamental event in the life of a young company like Sept Lieues. We go from 5 to 8 people in one Monday! Since shoemakers are not necessarily the worst shod, we are certain of the quality of these recruitments.
They survived all our tests the questionnaire by email
the face to face, the role-play with Marie and qatar phone number data finally they decided with darts, and it did some damage! With this growth, we are strengthening our positioning in Digital and developing new specializations to be as close as possible to the issues of our clients and to be able to offer the best career opportunities to our network of candidates. We are also continuing to develop our Electronics division thanks to the arrival of Marie-Sophie who will focus on an innovative candidate approach.
And it’s not over! With this new infrastructure
we are accelerating our development: the opening of i didn’t even realize it our Paris office, future recruitment of senior consultants on site and an upcoming campaign to promote co-optation. Anyway, as I always say, it’s never too early. 24 Nov. Co-op, co-op, co-op By Alice / Recruitment , Business Life / No comments Seven Leagues encourages co-optation, ok but why? First let’s agree: what is co-optation? According to the web: Co-optation, from the Latin cooptatio, is a method of recruitment consisting, for an assembly, of designating its own members.
In simpler terms, co-optation is recommendation. For what ? Let’s illustrate with an example: I am a recruitment consultant and I know about twenty recruitment consultants: my former school friends, my current colleagues, my former colleagues, the current colleagues of my former colleagues, the former colleagues of my current colleagues… you get the idea. So I have around me a whole pool of recruitment consultants that I have known more or less in a professional context.
Well, it’s the same for you, you definitely know people kcrj who do, have done, or want to do an activity similar to yours. Plus people who are good, just like you! And I want to know them too, so it’s over here! Then we pay the co-optation 750 euros, that’s not bad for Christmas, right? And then for your information, at Sept Lieues, I am myself a co-optation, my friend Prune, a recruitment consultant, knew Mathieu, so when I told her that I was looking… And even if my dear Prune did not go through the site and therefore did not win the 750€, I take the opportunity to send her 750 kisses. Keywords: Co-optation.
The new enemy of your well-being
I see you, half-hidden behind your computer screen at the office. Yes, you, reading an article on the internet, or playing on your phone when it’s 7:45 p.m. In your company, it’s like that, leaving before the boss is frowned upon. So you do like the others and you wait for the blessed moment when his car will leave the parking lot. But since an 8-hour day is already enough to work, you play Angry Birds. Doing this has a name. It’s called presenteeism. It’s almost the opposite of absenteeism, but it’s not that simple.
A brief non-exhaustive overview of
what it looks like on a daily basis: The poland phone number data Cunning (Strategic Presenteeism) We told you off the record in your 2nd week, those who work civil servant hours don’t last long here. So you leave last every day, and at lunchtime, you gobble down your sandwich behind your screen. It will pay off in the end. The one who is always there, even in the event of a zombie invasion (over-presenteeism) Mid-October, you wake up with a nasty sore throat. Oh well, you have to go to work, the files aren’t going to move forward on their own.
What do you actually do Not much
you’d be better off in bed. What you do well, however, is spread kcrj your miasmas in every office. And a sick IT department, one! “But what am I doing here?” (under-effectiveness presenteeism) 6:15 PM, you’ve been staring blankly at your report for 20 minutes. You haven’t understood anything about the subject, and besides, what’s the point, your mind is more occupied with the latest Star Wars.
Yes, you didn’t have a place for the release day, and seonthebeach song, more than that really annoys you. Just do it! (necessity presenteeism) “It’s for yesterday!” says Big Boss as he throws the Grosdollz file on your desk. So you stay later to finish it, sitting on your RTTs. And yes, RTTs are not the house style. The Ninja (Contemplative Presenteeism) You are physically there, but you are playing Clash of Clan. And you jump as soon as you hear footsteps in the hallway.
Besides, you know by heart the keyboard shortcuts to open an Excel sheet in an emergency. All of this has an impact. It is not positive for you or for the company. As you will have understood, the link between all of this is that you are not increasing your productivity, quite the contrary. So tomorrow at 5:59pm, you click the “shutdown” button on your computer. At 6pm, you slam the door of the company and goodbye, losers! And if the next morning, half the department tells you, with a mocking look, “So, did you take your afternoon off yesterday?