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Tag: mobile number data
Perfect Frequency When to send emailsWhen to send emails
That is the age old question! Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a number or a schedule you could follow? While it would be great if there was research that suggested that mailing exactly every 5 days gets you the best results every time, there is no such thing. And there’s a very good reason for it. When to Send Emails Every market, every niche, every audience and every person is different. While you’ll never make everyone on your list happy, there is a lot you can do to make just about any email frequency work.
Let’s lay the ground work first
You don’t want to have too much time in between emails, or japan phone number data your readers will forget you. Anything less than once a month is not a good idea. In most markets and for most business models you don’t even want to mail less than twice a month. On the other end of the spectrum, you don’t want to go any higher. T than one email per day on average. Yes, you may have days when you have a good reason to send multiple emails. T but on a weekly or bi-weekly average, you don’t want to email more than once a day.
Start by looking at what you’re doing now
Then figure out how often you want to mail. Do you grow a closer this parameterization allowed connection with your market by emailing more often? Do you want to drive more traffic back to your site by emailing them links frequently? Do you want to grow your income by making more frequent email offers? Once you know where you’re at and where you want to be, you can start to make a plan for getting from point A to point B.
This will help you determine when to send emails. What you don’t saudi data want to do is to go straight from emailing once every few months to daily emails. It’ll get your readers clicking the spam button like crazy. Instead, start with monthly emails for a couple of months, then let your readers know you have more to share with them and start mailing weekly. Then a few months later, ramp it up to daily emails. Or, find a good reason why you’re mailing them daily.
For example, while you usually publish a weekly newsletter with the occasional promotional email in between, running a 15 or 30 day challenge for your readers is a great excuse to hit their inbox daily without seeming pushy or spammy. Now that you have the frequency figured out, look at your stats on when your subscribers are opening and clicking your emails! What are the most popular times? When is your audience online? Early morning? Lunch? After dinner? Late night? By looking at your open rates you can determine what works best for your tribe! Just the the frequency, the time to send will be different for everyone!
How to Integrate Your Social Media
Content Marketing Social Media Content MarketingHave you ever thought about integrating your Social media along with your Content Marketing strategy? Social media marketing means promoting your website through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social networks. This is a highly effective way to build fans, interact with your visitors, and, gain more visitors to your site. Content marketing on the other hand means adding blog posts and articles to your website so that you can demonstrate your knowledge on a given subject.
So that you can gain subscribers who
will come back regularly to your website, and so that you can fill your site with content for all the search engines to find. But these two strategies should not be thought of as separate and disparate things. Instead, you should think of them as one overarching approach.
There is a lot of synergies to be had
between social media and content marketing and when you italy phone number data understand this, you can massively grow your traffic. Writing for Your Audience The most obvious way in which social media and content marketing go hand in hand is in the fact that you’ll probably be sharing your content to your social media channels. Either manually or automatically, you should post on Facebook, Twitter, and elsewhere each time you create a new article and upload it.
What’s more, you should also look for specific communities on a summary of Internet marketing terms social media. This might mean joining a Facebook group, it might mean joining a Google+ community, or it might mean using social bookmarking sites like Reddit. But instead of making this an afterthought, you should go one step further and saudi data make this the starting point when coming up with your content. In other words, when you first set out to write any new article, you should ask yourself who it is for and where you’re going to share it. Only put the work into your blog post if you know that there’s a specific audience out there for it and that it’s going to be successful.
Social Media and Content Marketing An article on Bruce Lee will be highly popular for instance if you share it with a Bruce Lee Google+ community. Likewise, you can also use this strategy to reel in entirely new audience members. Combining different niches for instance is a great way to write something new and to get lots of hits. For instance, if you have a fitness website, you can write about fitness and martial arts and then submit that to martial arts groups. Or why not write about Spinning/Cycling for entrepreneurs and share this with entrepreneur groups?
How to Integrate Your Social Media and Content
Marketing Social Media Content MarketingHave you ever thought about integrating your Social media along with your Content Marketing strategy? Social media marketing means promoting your website through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social networks. This is a highly effective way to build fans, interact with your visitors, and, gain more visitors to your site.
Content marketing on the other hand
means adding blog posts and articles to your website so that you israel phone number data can demonstrate your knowledge on a given subject so that you can gain subscribers who will come back regularly to your website, and so that you can fill your site with content for all the search engines to find. But these two strategies should not be thought of as separate and disparate things. Instead, you should think of them as one overarching approach.
There is a lot of synergies to be
had between social media and content marketing and when three ways you must know about promoting seo articles you understand this, you can massively grow your traffic. Writing for Your Audience The most obvious way in which social media and content marketing go hand in hand is in the fact that you’ll probably be sharing your content to your social media channels. Either manually or automatically, you should post on Facebook, Twitter, and elsewhere each time you create a new article and upload it.
What’s more, you should also look for specific communities on saudi data social media. This might mean joining a Facebook group, it might mean joining a Google+ community, or it might mean using social bookmarking sites like Reddit. But instead of making this an afterthought, you should go one step further and make this the starting point when coming up with your content. In other words, when you first set out to write any new article, you should ask yourself who it is for and where you’re going to share it.
Only put the work into your blog post if you know that there’s a specific audience out there for it and that it’s going to be successful. Social Media and Content Marketing An article on Bruce Lee will be highly popular for instance if you share it with a Bruce Lee Google+ community. Likewise, you can also use this strategy to reel in entirely new audience members. Combining different niches for instance is a great way to write something new and to get lots of hits.
Why Use WordPress on Your Website
Three Great Reasons Why Use WordPressIf you are building a new website. T you may be asking yourself, “Why Use WordPress?” If you have an interest in starting a website and you are unsure of which platform to use to run it. T you should do yourself a favor and choose WordPress. There are other platforms that you can use (like Joomla, Drupal, .ASP, Concrete5, etc.).
But WordPress should be your choice
Over 25% of all websites are now built with WordPress! Here are iraq phone number data three reasons that any other option would be a huge mistake. Ease Of Use One problem that people have with some platforms is the level of difficulty.
WordPress is very simple to use. Setting things up, managing them and keeping everything updated is a breeze. Themes There are thousands of themes available for your website. T which means that you will not be stuck using some generic looking template. The best thing about this is the fact that many of them are free.
When using some platforms you are forced
to use a plain theme unless you are willing to pay important key to seo operations: analyze your competitors a premium; this is not the case here at all. Plugins When you are creating a website. T it is a good idea to do everything you can to make it more appealing. There are countless plugins available to those with WordPress websites, and it would be a huge mistake to ignore this.
There is no reason to consider any other platform when you are saudi data creating a website. After reading this, it should be perfectly clear to see why WordPress is so popular. Do yourself a favor, follow all of the thousands of people who sign up every day and give this a try. You will not regret it.
Here are lots of articles on how to become successful
as a blogger but if you read in between the lines on most of them, you might get the nagging suspicion that the authors are not themselves actually successful bloggers. Does that ever happen to you? Does that tick you off at all? Think about this – what this means is that a lot of the content you read about blogging is speculative and hypothetical – which isn’t terribly useful. This translates to the fact that you are wasting time reading something that may or may not work! How would you like to discover what being a successful blogger is actually like.
What is it like on a day to day basis
What are the positives and negatives of making money iran phone number data this way? Let’s take a moment to answer those questions. The Day-to-Day One of the reasons that a lot of people want to become successful bloggers is because they think it’s a completely work-free, stress-free job. Of course this is not in fact the reality. While it’s true that running a blog is definitely much easier than working 9-5 in an office, you shouldn’t think that you can just relax all day if you’re a blogger.
If anyone ever told that working online
was the quick way to riches, they are not being really obtain greater potential in being honest! Personally, I only know 2 people that honestly work less than a few hours a day. If you want blogging to be your full time ‘career’ then you need to treat it as such and you need to work ‘full time’ on it. Thinking that you can do this ‘whenever you want’, just aint gonna cut it! You need to take this seriously. That said, this is definitely a ‘leisurely’ full-time.
You can probably get away with 5 hours a day with the saudi data TV on… But if you start to ignore your blog you’ll see your income wane. In terms of stress? Blogging is a lot less stressful in many ways than having a boss breathing over your shoulder but it is still a little stressful. One of the sources of these stresses is simply the fact that you won’t want to lose your fortunate position.
If you’re making a living from a blog, how do you ensure that you stay that way? What if you wake up one day and your AdSense account is revoked? What if Google has taken your site off of page one? These thoughts will haunt you… So be smart and make sure your business is resilient. Keep in mind that ONLY blogging will not make you money. You need to handle OTHER aspects of the business in order to be successful.
Keep Them Waiting For More
Using Foreshadowing to Create Anticipation coming soonThere’s a pretty neat strategy called foreshadowing that you can use in your email marketing to improve open rates. You may have seen this used on news programs and talk shows. Right before the commercial break, the hosts announces what’s coming up next. The idea is that you’re intrigued enough to sit through the commercial to see the next segment. Another good example of foreshadowing is when magazines show images and headlines or short bullets of what’s coming in next month’s issue.
Again the point is to pique your
interest and get you to either buy the next issue, or even indonesia phone number data better, get a subscription. Word For Email As Well We can easily adapt this for email marketing and it works like a charm. Toward the end of your email transition from what you’re talking about today to what’s coming in the next email. Be vague on purpose, but grab their attention.
For example if you’re talking about why
email marketing is important and the next email will be about this parameterization allowed crafting subject lines to get a higher open rate, you may write something like this: “Keep an eye out for Friday’s email. We’ll talk about THE most important thing when it comes to email marketing. If you don’t get this right, nothing else matters.” The P.S. is More Powerful To mix it up, mention what they can find in the next email in the P.S. of your message.
If you publish a weekly newsletter, try adding a section on what’s saudi data coming in the next issue similar to what you see in a magazine. Keep it simple and use images for best results. You can even take it a step further and get your subscribers to open a previously sent email. This works particularly well if you’re writing a series of emails on a related topic. Toward the beginning of your email you mention something you covered in the last email, then move into today’s topic and then wrap it up with a little hint about what’s coming next.
Simply put, the post script is a powerful tool, whether used in a direct mail piece or a simple email. You don’t have to use foreshadowing in every single email. Sprinkle it in here and there where it makes sense. It also gives you a chance to pick up on in the subject line of your next email. Try using something like “As promised…” Even readers who missed your last email might be curious enough to open this one. Give it a try and see if you start to see higher open rates and more importantly get your subscribers more engaged.
How Long Should Your Blog Posts Be
lengthEvery few months we get some new advice from a blogging guru saying that our blog post length needs to be longer, or shorter, or that they should be broken up into 10 pages of bite-sized chunks… it can make you crazy. Let’s talk about this. How long should your blog posts really be? The Blog Post Length Magic Number It would be great if there was a magic number that guaranteed best results, wouldn’t it? But that’s like asking someone to tell you how long your conversations with other people should be. Sometimes it’s nothing more than a few words or sentences.
Sometimes you have a nice long talk
It all depends on how much you have to say to each vietnam phone number data other, doesn’t it? The same approach works well with your blog posts. Sometimes you’re sharing just a quick tip or a recipe for example. In that case something around 200 to 300 words will do just fine. Add a pretty picture and call it good. Other times you want to go into a little more depth. You want to cover different aspects of a topic, share some examples and give your readers as much information as you can.
In those cases make it as long as you need to make it
Long posts are great. They help establish your authority and if the there were almost no problems content is great, they are often shared on social media. Plus long posts give the search engines a lot of text to sift through and give you more chances to rank for long-tail keywords. Mix up Your Blog Post Length The best advice is to mix longer and shorter blog posts. It will make your blog seem more natural and organic.
Don’t force yourself to reach a certain magic word count if you saudi data don’t have that much to say on a topic. Keep it short and to the point. Your readers will thank you. If on the other hand you have a lot to share in a different post, go for it. Break the longer content up into small paragraphs and help your readers stay on track with subheadings and bullet points. Make it easy to scan longer posts so your readers can get an idea of what the content is about before they commit to reading it all.
And if you’re finding yourself writing a few thousand words, consider breaking it up into a series of blog posts instead. That certainly is a blog post length that is just too darn long (for most people to read…) It will help both you and your readers from getting overwhelmed with one long post. Link from one part of the series to the next to make it easy for your blog readers to follow along. Above all, enjoy the process of writing and pay attention to what your readers prefer. If your short posts tend to do better, consider keeping your posts short and to the point.
Your Content Let me ask you something
How much content is thrown at you on any given day? It’s a lot, isn’t it? We’re bombarded by articles, social media posts, emails, podcasts, videos etc. We come across a lot more content than we could possibly consume any given day. And chances are that a lot of it is good stuff. As a result, we’ve all gotten pretty good at scanning and then picking and choosing what we actually want to read, watch, or listen to. And that’s why it is important to break up your content and make it easy for your readers to scan through it.
If you can’t show them at a glance what
the post is about, chances are pretty good that they’ll move on to usa phone number data something else. Yesterday’s post, Blog Post Length: How Long Should Your Blog Posts Be?, discussed the length your post should be. Regardless of how short or long your post is, here are a couple of different things you can do to break up your post and make sure it’s easy to scan. Use Headlines and Sub-Headings Take a look at this post. Do you see how I’m breaking the different elements of making a post easy to scan down into subheadings?
You can do the same with your blog post
Think of the outline of your post. Each point in your outline could be have you heard seen the beach’s a subheading. Start with those and then fill in the content. Or if you prefer, start with the content and then go back and add the sub headings. Create the content and work in the subheadings in whichever way works best for you. The only important thing is that they are in there before you hit publish. Keep Your Paragraphs Short Reading online is a lot different than reading something on paper.
Books, newspapers and magazines can get away with long saudi data paragraphs. Online it’s a different story. Text is harder to read on digital devices and our attention span keeps shrinking. One of the most effective things you can do to keep your readers reading is to keep your paragraphs and sentences short. Don’t make it much longer than three or four lines. Use Lists And Bold Important Key Terms Next you want to go through your content and see if there’s anything you can present in the form of a list.
Use a list instead of several related sentences. Use a list to share examples. A list is a great way to break things up and grab your reader’s attention. Lists can be as long or short as you need them to be. And let’s not forget about other formatting options. Bold important key terms, italicize them, or underline them for emphasis. All of these formatting options make it much quicker and easier to scan a piece of text and figure out what it’s about without having to read every single word.
A Beginner’s Guide SEO is the art of getting
your web content highly optimized so that Google “likes” it. So how do we optimize your website? 2 very important ways are On-Page SEO & Off-Page SEO. These two types of optimization techniques (also known as On-Page optimization and Off-Page optimization) help you get ranked in the search engines. On-Page optimization deals with the things you can tweak and modify on your own website to make it more relevant to Google searches. Off-Page optimization deals with interactions with websites outside of your own.
This could be in the form of getting
backlinks or social interactions, which we will go into more uk mobile phone number data detail about later. SEO trends are constantly evolving. That is because people are constantly finding ways to exploit . T SEO and make their websites on top of the search ranks. But Google is a smart company, and they have a team that constantly evolves Google’s algorithm to make sure that searches remain relevant and not bring spam sites in front.
People who exploit SEO
in the wrong way are called “Black hat SEO” artists and their the well-known suno ai practices should be avoided at all costs. That being said, let’s dwell deeper into SEO the right way . T and how we can start applying it to our businesses immediately! On-Page SEO As mentioned earlier, on-page SEO optimization deals with the things you can edit on your own website to make your web content more likable by Google. The first thing you must know is keywords.
In short, every page should have about 2-5% keywords saudi data density. So sprinkle your keywords where it’s due but don’t overdo it. For total optimization, keywords or key phrases should be present in the titles of blog posts, the first sentence of the first paragraph, and also at least once in the body. Keywords should also be bolded or italicized every now and then. Links should be worded with anchor text links (keywords and phrases). Also, onsite linkages is highly recommended.
Meaning, you should link blog posts and pages together if they are relevant. These small steps contribute to SEO and should be applied when convenient. One more thing about on-site SEO, people say that images don’t contribute to SEO. I beg to differ. Images should be given alternate texts or descriptions. You can also link images to blog posts. Stick to these good practices and you’ll be on your own to free traffic, Off-Page SEO Off-page optimization deals with the stuff outside your website that can contribute to SEO.
SEO Mistakes To Avoid When Blogging
Marketing can be a very powerful tool for generating massive passive traffic. But if you use it incorrectly, you’ll end up doing more harm than benefits. In this post, we will discuss some SEO Mistakes to avoid so that you can have better success with the search engines. In a previous post, SEO Domination: Just a Few Simple Tactics, we discussed sever ways to increase your likelihood to getting ranked in the search engines. Remember the line in one of the Super Hero movies?
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibly
another good one is: You can use your powers for Good uae phone number data or Evil. The same goes for SEO! Knowing a little bit can be good, but it can also be bad if you start to overdue things. With that in mind, here are some SEO marketing mistakes you should avoid at all cost: Errors 1) Over-doing the keywords. If you put too much keywords in your article for SEO purposes. T you’ll end up coming off as spam by Google and this will hurt your rankings.
This is probably the biggest SEO
mistake that people make when they are starting off. 2) Dabbling with i didn’t even realize it black hat SEO techniques. These techniques are bad and can get you banned or “Google Slapped” so that you will never get a good ranking. 3) Not having good coding. If you are designing your website yourself and mess up the coding in your website, Google spiders won’t be able to read your site efficiently and this can hurt your rankings as well. 4) Becoming a link farm.
Getting backlinks are important but if you get a ton of useless saudi data backlinks from irrelevant spammy sites or use “link getting softwares” you’re doomed. In short, success in SEO marketing lies in adhering to good SEO practices and avoiding silly mistakes. There are no shortcuts to success! Don’t forget, content and are king so you have to place a huge focus on those as well, while not overlooking the small stuff. To increase your success, avoid the SEO mistakes described above.
SEO – The Way To Passive Traffic SEO-ing your web content is a great way to generate easy traffic. That being said, you won’t get traffic instantly by writing a few blog posts. It is a long term strategy! The Way To Go The process to traffic building via SEO marketing is a long one, and you’ll have to consistently produce good web content which meet standards and also is up to date with relevant information. So how does one generate passive traffic through SEO? There are a few ways. For one, you can hire a ghostwriter to post articles for you. This cuts you out of the equation and can give you more time to focus on the marketing aspects of your business.
6 Major Reasons people procrastinateEver ask yourself
Why do people procrastinate Or maybe you ask yourself, “Why do “I” procrastinate? You are running a business… You know there are things that have to get done. Even thought your To-Do list is long, do you procrastinate? Are you constantly putting things off, even when you know accomplishing them is the best thing to do? If so, you are certainly not alone. Everyone procrastinates or shirks responsibility at some time or other. The problem is that chronic procrastination can damage your health, ruin you financially,stop your business dead in its tracks, and create a rash of mental and emotional problems.
If that is the case and human beings
know what we should be doing, why aren’t we turkey phone number data doing them? Sometimes people procrastinate knowingly and it is intentional, and sometimes it is a byproduct of your lifestyle. Listed below are 6 common reasons why you procrastinate. Understanding the motivation behind your avoidance and putting off of responsibilities is the first step to stopping that behavior. 1. Poor Diet This one probably surprised you, didn’t it?
Many people living in modern
civilizations eat too much processed food. They are consuming seonthebeach song, more than sugar, salt, MSG, trans fats, fast foods and other food-like products that are unhealthy. This has led to the highest incidence rate of obesity and overweight in human history. When you are tired, lethargic and your body does not get the nutrients it needs, you have little energy and your brain does not function properly. Get more live, organic, fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet. Eat less foods that come in a wrapper, bag or box. Start reading food labels, and avoid sugar, salt, MSG and trans fats.
Make more meals at home, eating wild caught salmon and saudi data tuna, nuts, berries, grass-fed beef and organic dairy products. You will not only sharpen your mind and stop procrastinating, but you will also become healthier and lose unneeded body fat in the process. 2. Lack of Motivation When a task is boring, or you “just don’t feel like doing it”, it is easy to put off. Remind yourself why you are doing any particular task or handling a responsibility.
When you understand the important reasons why something is on your to-do list, you can motivate yourself through to its completion. 3. Time Issues “I don’t have the time!” Have you ever used this excuse in order to procrastinate or put something off? Most human beings in today’s busy society have a lot on their plates. There are a lot of tasks and responsibilities to handle. But the truth is, we waste so many hours every day and week because we do not properly prioritize or plan our actions. A daily, weekly and monthly activity planner solves this problem. 4. Fear of Criticism.
My first internship By Joel
First day of research: Okay, I’m getting started, I’ve postponed my research 7 times, it’s starting to be urgent, I think that two months before the deadline is still acceptable. I start by asking around to see if many have already found something. Some have, for three months already… others are just starting like me,
Still others have just realized that
we have an internship… It’s good, nothing is lost. Where to thailand phone number data start? What internship to do? Where to look? Find a website: I ask around me, second years, my friends, they recommend APEC and INDEED, I’ve done others but it’s true, there’s nothing better.
I start looking in human resources
all companies offer to do recruitment, might as well kcrj look for a recruitment agency. The list is long, all the ads are similar. I apply here and there, I set myself about twenty applications before the end of the month, I send 4. The deadline is approaching, a little pressure, I send about fifteen applications, I receive three calls, I miss two. I see a new ad on APEC, Sept Lieues.
I am offered to break dart throwing records, I am this parameterization allowed intrigued, I apply. Two days later, while driving, I parked urgently to answer a call. The next day I was in an interview; I was given a private lesson, they explained the main points of recruitment, the issues of the job…
I finished the interview on the terrace of a café, I have a good memory of it and an impression totally out of step with what I imagined of recruitment agencies. No suit and tie, no stiletto heels, just experienced people who have managed to create a real corporate culture that combines well-being and rigor. The following Monday I received a call, I was hired at Sept Lieues! Phew, not only did I find my internship, but I got the one I wanted. Keywords: Internship .