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Consider all possible influencers

Once you’re sure everyone knows there’s a process and where it’s documented, start making sure everyone follows these guidelines.

Whenever I find something out of the standard

I call the person in charge on Slack, explain the error, why it is not suitable for our operation, and send them the wiki link to the official docu malta phone number list mentation for future reference.

Another thing I often do is simply send the tutorials documented on the wiki to new learners on the team. If they can’t follow along step by step, the documentation is probably not well done and needs to be revised.

And that also makes me responsible for ensuring that this documentation is up to date.

Checklist for your marketing automation plan

In short, doing more with less means ensuring a clean, organized and well-documented work environment.

If you found yourself moved by the Marie Kondo of marketing, here’s a quick checklist to consolidate the day’s lessons:

  • Find out what information is essential for your Marketing team , create the properties that your automation does guide to optimizing seo for e-commerce websites 2021  not have and delete the ones you do not use;
  • Organize your team forms with the idea that “less is more!” in mind . If you have fewer fields to fill out, the more likely they are to convert. Plus, if you have fewer forms, it will be easier to maintain them;
  • Create a process for naming import lists, segments, emails, landing pages, and workflows . Remember: how can someone understand what that list, form, or landing page is about at first glance?
  • Standardize your processes and document e lack data verything. Then, make sure everyone has access to this documentation, keep it up to date, and always check that all components of your marketing automation comply with it.

I hope this text helps you “put your house in order” and makes planning automation easier for your team. And if you know other tips, share them with me in the comments!

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