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Guide to optimizing SEO for e-commerce websites 2021

In addition to looking at the content and structure of your ecommerce website, search engines also evaluate the technical performance of your site.

Google’s algorithm believes that slow page load times and broken links lead to a bad visitor experience, so sites with these issues won’t rank highly in the SERPs.

Here are some tips to ensure your website performs at its best when it comes to SEO.

Perform on-page SEO technical factor checks

There are a number of free tools to check technical on-page SEO factors, such as Google Page Speed ​​Insights which assesses a website’s load time, or you can use tools like Screaming Frog and Deep Crawl. You can also track your keyword rankings, gather traffic insights with Google Search Console.

Fix broken links

A very common problem with malaysia telegram data websites is broken links (404 pages). These are pages that no longer exist when a user visits them.

Search engines will not only lower the ranking of a website if it contains broken links, but also lower the overall ranking of the website. This is because Google will not want to show users non-existent pages that do not give them a good experience.

If you want to remove a page on your website because the product is sold out or because it is no longer relevant, you can create a 301 redirect. This will send visitors to another page that still exists.

If you are redirecting from a sold out product page, send the customer to a similar product page or to the product category. If there are no relevant pages, redirect to your home page.

Remove unnecessary pages from your e-commerce website

Having multiple pages can slow down a website, which is a common problem with eCommerce sites.

First, make sure that your website doesn’t have any duplicate pages or inaccessible pages (not linked anywhere). Extra or broken pages will slow down your website’s performance.

Large e-commerce sites with many products will often have many sub-pages that are difficult to organize.

A common problem is having multiple URLs

The same product, due overview of cold calling to variations such as size or color. This is a mistake, as it causes search engines to split traffic between multiple URLs for the same product. This can reduce the ranking of each page, rather than having just one page with SEO power.

One solution to this problem is to bundle product options for each product page so that customers can choose color, size, material, or other variations without having to visit another URL.

You can also add noindex HTML code to your page to tell Google not to index that page. That way you can ensure there is only one URL for each product and no multiple links to the same site.

Compress and optimize images

One of the most common job data problems that slows down a website is large image sizes.

While you want your website to be attractive, with beautiful, large images, they can take a long time to load.

E-commerce websites have hundreds, thousands of images. Therefore, compressing and optimizing them for the website is extremely necessary. There are several image editing software that help you optimize images.


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