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Ecommerce Personalization: The Black Box Problem and Its Solution
Anyone who has ever shopped online has been in this situation at least once (in fact, more than once). Something that you never intended to buy suddenly appeared in the “recommended products”. How did it end up in your recommendations? It’s just that “smart” Big Data has once again decided everything for you, for the marketer of this store, and for everyone in general.
A typical black box
With an unpredictable result. It’s impossible to calculate how much this harms your sales, since recommendations are calculated individually for each visitor. And no one knows what your customers actually lebanon phone number data see in the “recommended”. However, there is a problem.
Everyone already knows about personalization, and everyone knows that it is good for sales and customer loyalty. But there is a caveat here – this only applies to the personalization that works correctly.
What do I mean by “right/wrong”? Any online store is about industry specifics. This means that the behavior of visitors is determined by very individual patterns that are valid only for this market. Or even for this site.
For example, look at any children’s store
There is such an obvious characteristic of the product as the age of the child. This is, one might say, a determining factor, it sets the behavior of the parent-buyer. If your child is three months old, you do not look at metal construction sets, this is logical. Accordingly, personalization in the store should work in such a way as to take this factor into account.
But on the other hand, there are manufacturers of product recommendation engines. You connect one to the store, and you get personalization. They, in the vast majority, have never heard of how to make a balance sheet in detail industry specifics. The key task of such a business is to build the most universal product so that it works more or less normally with children’s goods, and with auto parts, and with cosmetics.
As a result, something like this can happen to the store:
Why toys for children aged 4-5 ended up in related products – I’m sure data on no one knows. To be fair, it should be noted that if you scroll through the product description, you will find a block called “similar products” at the very bottom of the page. And there is something that looks like the truth:
Checklist: Which product recommendations should be on which pages
You can talk endlessly about the effectiveness of product recommendations, but it’s all useless if they are located in the wrong place on the site.
Check your store with our checklist. Examples below.
Where to place
In principle, recommendations can be placed on almost all pages where products are presented. More often, one or two such blocks are enough for one page.
The logic of each such block should correspond to the stage of purchase at which the visitor is currently. For example, if a person is on the search results page of the site, he is at the stage of active selection, comparing products, is going to buy something now or later. If on the product page, he is close to buying, now you need to offer him the most similar products-analogues in a suitable price range, to make it easier for him to make a decision.
As for the place on the page, there are two rules:
The buyer should not scroll for a long time to get to the recommendations laos phone number data from the main area of interest (for example, a block with a photo of the product and its characteristics)
Recommendations should be in the main content area (and, for example, not in the footer and sidebar).
Personalized product recommendationsIncrease the purchase receipt, make cross-sells. 8 ready-made sales scenarios and unlimited customization options. Launch A/B tests with one button.
Home, category and product page, cart, search results, 404 – the main pages where you can most often see product recommendations. More about them.
Home page
If the visitor starts their journey from the main page, then most likely they do not have a specific goal. Therefore, it is logical to tell about the latest events and introduce the product range on the main page.
This is usually implemented using blocks – “Popular products”, “You may like this”, “Product of the day” and “Buying right now”. If you do everything right, there is a chance to increase conversion by 10-20%.
“Popular Products” Block
The most suitable products for the client among those popular on the site.This is the most “general” selection, which makes sense to show when we don’t non-standard channels in performance marketing know anything about a person. We don’t yet know their desires and preferences, so we just display what they buy most often.
Where to place: In the main content area. An important point – we place promotions data on and new products at the top, since it is important for us to draw special attention to them and provoke a person to click and go to the catalog. Recommendations – right below them.
Optimizing an online store for voice search: where to start
We recently talked about how voice search is changing not only the typical queries on the Internet, but also people’s behavior in general. Retailers will have to make an effort and optimize their site for voice search before it completely displaces text search – otherwise, there is a risk of falling behind competitors by a couple of corpora.
Voice search optimization
or VSO, is becoming increasingly important. According to researchers, by next year it will account for 50% of all search queries.
As neural networks learn and technologies develop, voice search kuwait phone number data becomes more intuitive and begins to capture the
nuances and context behind queries. Let’s look at the key factors to pay attention to when optimizing your site for voice search.
Natural language when creating content
Remember the set of key phrases that copywriters had to squeeze into product descriptions? The resulting texts were little like human language, but now everything is changing. When people use voice search, they don’t limit themselves to stubs of phrases, but speak normally — as if they were talking to an old friend.That’s why it’s time to include everyday phrases in your content — this is to attract voice search engines to the content of your site. Long keywords in titles and descriptions are a great way to get a higher ranking in search results. But this is not the only place where natural language is important.
The fact is that due to incorrect pronunciation
voice search is not as accurate as text queries. And the more keys you scatter throughout the site (and not only), the higher the likelihood that the user will notice you. Where to place them:
Although voice search may not lead a potential buyer straight to the capricious google product page, they will learn about your brand and follow the links to the site.
Optimizing content for the needs of visitors
A loyalty system, brand benefits, payment and delivery terms, blog articles — all this attracts your potential customers. Every retailer needs to anticipate what questions their target audience might have while searching for a product, and what content is important to them.- Voice search is a complex tool, but every time your content is in data on the spotlight, your site becomes more valuable to search engines. Knowing what users will be looking for and answering their questions in advance means driving traffic.
10 examples of ecommerce projects that work on the subscription model
In the US, more and more online store buyers are switching to the subscription model: last year alone, their number grew by 15%. Russian e-commerce is just getting started, but no one doubts that the trend, as always, will come to us a little later. So let’s get ready – get acquainted with subscriptions.
The growing popularity
of subscriptions is a natural process, and it is easy to explain. First of all, it is convenient for customers: instead of buying the same thing once a month, they simply pay money and receive the product directly korea mobile phone number data to their home. Those who have already
appreciated the benefits of subscriptions do not limit themselves to one: more than half of online store buyers have at least two.
For retailers, the benefits of subscriptions are obvious:
Savings on attracting new customers. The standard model, which is based on conversion, means that you have to spend a lot of effort and money on attracting customers. First, you turn a visitor into a buyer, and then work hard again so that he becomes a regular. The subscription model means that your customer immediately becomes a regular customer, and provides a stable income.
More accurate forecasts. To forecast income, traditional businesses have to rely on a number of assumptions and use a lot of analytics. The subscription model allows you to estimate income much more easily: you take the total number of subscribers, subtract the cancellations, and multiply by the subscription cost.
Optimized inventory management
Imagine: you bought a product in advance, but it does not sell as well as expected. Or, on the contrary, a product suddenly goes viral, and its stock is running out, and you still have a thousand omnichannel customer experience strategy for saaS enterprises customers who want to order it. With a subscription, these problems disappear: you know exactly how many subscribers you have and how much product you need – you can plan your purchases more accurately and virtually eliminate leftovers.
And the best thing is that today, retailers have everything they need to implement a subscription model. They have many successful examples of companies and opportunities to use their experience in their niche.
Online books
In general, subscription-based models are ideal for two types data on of businesses: those who sell content, and regular services. We will return to the latter soon, but for now let’s talk about content in ecommerce – we are talking, of course, about the online book market.What can website search query statistics tell a store?
Quite a lot has been written about the need to do internal store search. Mostly they talk about various usability improvements, like “make the search field noticeable” or “get rid of zero results”. We even once wrote a comprehensive collection of requirements for modern e-commerce search — we listed what it should be able to do and what it should look like. The text is completely relevant even a year later: a huge layer of online stores still simply ignore the search. Although, it would seem, there is hot traffic, interested visitors.
In general, everything is simple here
if the search engine collects statistics on search queries, this data can india mobile number data tell the marketer what to do. Using the example of REES46 search, I will show what exactly can be learned from the search and how to respond to it
Fantastic queries and where they live
What you should pay attention to: popular queries, queries without results, queries with maximum revenue and popular queries without revenue.Popular queries (and popular ones without revenue)
The first thing to track is popular queries. In fact, this is a way to measure the demand of your visitors using the search tool.What period do they
refer to: a week, a month, six months? This way you can track the stability of demand for a particular product. If a query stays at the top for a long time, it makes sense to add it to the purchasing plan. I won’t judge what period will be sufficient, industry specifics rule here. For example, in bookstores, the popularity of a query is very the what, why, and how of a/b testing in digital marketing easily checked by the general hype around the book in the media. And the hype itself lasts for a couple of months at most, after which it declines – so it makes sense to respond to trends quite quickly.
The first line in popular queries is a query for books by the writer Alisa Ganieva. There is a surge in demand for her books now, this is a signal to purchase the product.
What conversion do these queries give: zero or non-zero. If the conversion rate is above zero, it means that the goods are bought directly through the search. This means that visitors coming to the site with a need data on for such a product are the hottest of the entire top. It is worth bringing products with high-conversion queries to the main page – to further increase sales.
The What, Why, and How of A/B Testing in Digital Marketing
A/B testing provides a structure for testing the impact of changes to digital marketing strategies. Used consistently, it can help your business continually refine its approach. This article will outline the what, why, and how of A/B testing to help you with your digital marketing campaigns.
Are you making the best choices for your digital marketing campaign?
yourDigital Marketing PlanThis could involve websites, emails, social media, and text messages. There are many choices that underpin this content: the whatsapp marketing service color scheme, the wording of the headlines, the font style and size, the copy itself, and the placement of the call-to-action button, to name a few.
It’s hard to know if you made the best choices. They might be based on professional experience, from watching your competitors or gathering feedback from colleagues or clients. Maybe you relied on convincing research or helpful statistics about effective marketing. Or maybe things just went well.
The truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all formula for digital marketing success. Especially when there are so many different factors involved.
There may be good practices, great techniques, and maybe even golden rules. But there is always huge room for creative disagreement (both within and outside of those beliefs).
The truth is, there may always be something you can do to tweak your efforts.
Its exact wordingMarketing EmailsIt may seem trivial. But maybe one small change will improve conversions. A year later, as new changes are made, different market conditions may make other changes favorable.
What is A/B testing?
A/B testing provides a framework for more rigorous investigation of all your digital marketing decisions. It’s a way to determine if there’s a better way to do things. It removes any guesswork and provides concrete data to work with.
It’s a simple idea. With A/B testing, you 9 benefits of creating mobile apps for your business compare two versions of a marketing asset and determine which one is more effective. Version A is your original version (the control). Version B is your alternative idea. Implement both options, test them with your customers, and monitor the results.
For example, you may suspect that your web page copy is too thick for visitors. You may be considering using a bulleted list. In this case, Version A is your existing version (without bullet points) and Version B is your alternative version (with bullet points).
Whichever version wins gets adopted. This is your A version for the next A/B test. You can repeat the test several times with different B versions to fine-tune your design choices.
What can you test with A/B testing?
Every element of a digital marketing campaign is testable. You can test landing pages,Live chat button, pop-ups, and various elements of your website. However, focus on those that are likely to have the most positive impact on your sales funnel.
Focus your efforts on the pages or emails that have the most traffic. This way, you will gather statistically significant results faster. It also allows you to make improvements that have an impactGreater number of potential customersor customers.
Then think about the most important features. A/B testing malaysia data is great for testing and perfecting small details of your marketing. These might include the following:
- Overall design: can be slightly differentUse of ColorIncrease engagement?
- Title: Would a shorter, stronger title be effective? Would adding specific keywords have an impact?
- Call-to-action buttons: Can their visibility be improved? What color are they? How big are they? Where are they positioned?
Sometimes you may want to compare two very different versions of an important customer journey step. For example, if you are part of an affiliate marketing program, your transaction landing page will be crucial. Therefore, you can split test completely different versions, take the winner, and then test further tweaks to optimize it.
How to Use Social Media to Generate More Traffic to Your WordPress Website
The problem with Google SEO is that you never know what Google is doing and how that will affect your rankings. The search engine giant releases dozens of updates every year, leaving most website owners playing catch-up. In fact, some people lose a significant portion of their organic traffic with every update.
Therefore, one of the best ways to stabilize your website’s traffic and ensure it never runs out of leads is to diversify your traffic sources. That’s why whatsapp blasting some website owners double down on owned media like email.
Social media has also proven to be an exceptional source of traffic. A great social media strategy can help supplement your SEO and other marketing efforts to drive more qualified traffic to your website.
Please continue reading our discussion.
6 Proven Ways to Generate More Social Media Traffic
1. Continue to engage with your target audience
Social media thrives on engagement. Users interact joyfully with their friends and the brands they like on these platforms. The social media platforms themselves want more people to engage with the content and stay within the platform.
Therefore, to be successful on social media, you must always engage with your audience. This simply means consistently posting content while engaging with your users. The last point is especially important, especially if you want to grow your social media audience.
For example, if you runSmall business with a WordPress websiteDon’t just post a thread and a link and leave it at that. If users are interacting in the comments, join the conversation and address any questions they may have.
What if your posts don’t get engagement? So, have you ever thought about taking a different approach to your content types? Social media platforms how to store input and output electronic invoices offer different features that make it easier for brands to capture the curiosity of their audience and thusAttract customers on their websiteThrough outgoing links.
For example, Instagram allows you to post polls and quizzes. You can also tell your audience to ask you questions. Twitter and YouTube also support polls.Source: Instagram
Regardless of the platform, you can leverage different content types to increase engagement on your social media posts. As more people engage with your interesting content, they will become avid followers. You will also gain more followers and more people willing to click on the links in your posts.
2. Make it easy for users to share your content
Most social media savvy people love to share malaysia data content they find funny, informative, or silly. This begs the question; if someone sees a post on your website and wants to share it, how easy is it for them to share the content with their social media followers?
In order for your content to get more shares, it must be attractive and easy to share. You can do this by adding share buttons to your blog posts so that people who interact with your posts can easily share them. This is a simple yet effective technique that all the top brands use, including SaaS companies like Shopify.
Omnichannel Customer Experience Strategy for SaaS Enterprises
The customer experience is no longer just about the customer buying a product or service. It’s now about the customer using it, interacting with it, and in many cases, interacting with other customers – the so-called omnichannel customer experience.
SaaS companies know that there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to customer expectations. As more consumers turn to omnichannel, the whatsapp and digital marketing need for a seamless customer experience becomes even more important.
However, it is crucial to narrow down the scope of your omnichannel strategy. This approach will help identify your differentiation from competitors and generate new customers. We will help you do that in this post.
Connect with potential customers via social media
Image source:Metanet
Social media can help you reach the right audience. It’s a great way to engage with your customers and prospects and provides an opportunity to learn more about them.
These interactive media tools are also one of the most cost-effective ways to advertise your business because it’s free! It’s also one of the bestCustomer Service Tools.
But before you get started with social media marketing, you first need a plan.
The first step is to determine what you definition classification and conditions for recording fixed assets want to achieve with your strategy. You can use this as the initial point of contact when someone expresses interest in your product or service, and then you can move the conversation to email or phone.
For example, you have an e-commerce store and you want to offerImmersive customer experienceGive you loyal customers. You can manage your customer service through social media channels such as Facebook Messenger, LinkedIn and TwitterChat ApplicationOn your website, you can then direct customers to these platforms.
Optimize customer experience with CRM software
One of the best ways to get started is to implement customer relationship management (CRM) software. CRM tools such as Freshsales orHubSpot MarketingIt can organize your company’s data and improve the way you interact with your customers.
The software allows you to collect all the data about your customers in one place. The tool also makes it easier for you to keep track of their needs and preferences. It allows you to keep track of who your customers are and what they want so that you can provide the best service at all times.
It can also help you identify trends in their behavior, which will help you develop strategies for future growth. You can then use this information to ensure malaysia data your marketing efforts are as effective as possible. In addition, it will be helpful to get buy-in from all sides.SaaS Marketing AgencyBecause they are more experienced and will provide more accurate solutions.
But if you think your CRM is underperforming, then it’s highIt’s time to change your CRM tool.
Setting up live chat on your website
Image source:LiveAgent
ALive ChatTools can be a great way to engage with your customers, especially if the product you’re selling requires some explanation or demonstration. The tool lets you answer questions quickly and efficiently, reducing friction in the buying process.
Live chat also gives your customers a way to speak directly to a person at your company, which makes them more likely to trust what they hear.Chatbots coming to your websiteVery useful if you sell products or services that require a lot of consulting.
5 steps to cancel electronic invoices STANDARD according to Circular 78
Table of Contents Hide
1. Cases of canceling electronic invoices
2. How to cancel an electronic invoice in just 5 steps
3. Instructions for canceling electronic invoices on MISA Meinvoice software
4. Notes when canceling electronic invoices
About the deadline for canceling electronic invoices
Penalty level for canceling electronic invoices in violation of regulationsThe best electronic invoice software today
1. Cases of canceling electronic invoices
When there is an error in the content of an issued electronic invoice, depending on the case, the accountant is required to make a record of canceling the electronic invoice, re-issue it, or adjust the electronic invoice. Specifically, there are 2 cases where the cancellation of an electronic invoice is allowed:Case 1: the electronic invoice has errors. Has been assigned a code by the tax authority .but has not been sent to the buyer. According to the provisions of clause 1. Article 19 of decree 123/2020/ 2: the seller issues an. Invoice when israel telegram datacollecting money. In advance or. During the provision of prescribed in clause 2, article 9 of decree no. 123/2020/nd-cp, then there is a. Cancellation or termination. Of the provision of services. The seller shall cancel the issued. Electronic invoice and notify the. Tax authority of the cancellation of the invoice.
2. How to cancel an electronic invoice in just 5 steps
To cancel an electronic this parameterization allowed invoice, follow these 5 steps: issued in Appendix IA of Decree 123/2020/ND-CP
Step 2: proceed to create a new electronic consumer data invoice as usual. Sign and send to the tax authority to be issued .a new invoice code to replace the incorrectly. Created invoice to send to the buyer.
Step 3: cancel the electronic. Invoice that has been reported.o have an error.
Step 4: Make a record of the invoice cancellation agreement to avoid risks when the tax authoritycomes to inspect and check.
Step 5: Check whether the error notice has been accepted by the tax authority or not as well as the status of the invoice on the website
For businesses to easily use, MISA supports maximum costs for implementing electronic invoices. Customers who want to try MISA meInvoice electronic invoice software for FREE, please contact