Home » Saturate with communication media

Saturate with communication media

Not all social networks are necessary for all businesses. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., if they do not serve communication purposes, should not be used simply “for fashion”.

Knowing the nature of the organization and its communication objectives will help you define which ones best fit your requirements.

2. Focus all efforts on gaining followers
When the message is forced, it shows. Making a living by doing raffles or contests can be fun, but an organization that only gains followers at the expense of gifts does not generate a good brand image or provide seriousness. This will only be effective if it is planned strategically .

3. Saturate with publications
Depending on the company’s sector, whether it sells services, products telegram database users list  or whether it is an NGO, famous personality, etc., it is recommended to publish no more than one post per day to avoid saturating the audience and generating an undesirable effect.

In addition, it is ideal to publish different content on different Social Networks to provide variety and generate engagement with the public (see item 10).

Do not publish periodically

telegram database users list

Never posting has the opposite effect and results in a loss of followers , since you should always give added value to the user who thinks, “Why should I follow this page if I don’t know who they are, what they do, etc.?”

Worrying more about “Likes” than interaction
It is related to item 2. Sometimes, 10, 100 or 1000 likes are not worth much if there is zero interaction . Remember that social networks are just that: social. A few positive comments are worth more than a thousand “Likes”.

Not maintaining coherence between saying and doing
If you portray your organization as attentive to users but do not respond quickly to private singapore data messages, you will generate noise in the brand image and, therefore, frustration and anger in the user who took the time to communicate.

7. Inconsistency between communication tones and visual identity
If a company’s website or blog is strictly formal and has a certain aesthetic, as the region offers opportunities  does the way it handles email messages, but its Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter profile is informal or uses a completely different aesthetic, we are faced with a communication inconsistency .

8. Delete bad comments
There is nothing worse than companies that delete negative comments or posts from their users. Never do it!

Therefore, offer your help to solve the problem in a personalized way. If necessary, you can also write to him privately.

Overdoing it with informality

It is also not useful to be extremely “modern” and “ open-minded ” to a very extreme level, because this can cause the user to not feel taken seriously.


10. Share content between networks
Making a post on Facebook, linking to it on Twitter and sharing it on Google+ is usually not a good idea.

This relates to item 4: if there is no time or resources to allocate to managing networks, it is better not to venture into them.



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