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Website development on wordpress. Why this engine?

There are many different content management systems. There are different opinions among web developers about which CMS is better. I am developing websites on wordpress. In my opinion, wordpress is the best engine and is suitable for most websites. And in this post I will try to explain my point of view.
and even online stores (although, in my opinion, OpenCart or Shop-Script are better suited for stores).

According to W3Techs lab , as of June 2017, 28.4% of all websites are powered by WordPress. This is truly the most popular system for creating and administering websites.

Website development on wordpress

Advantages of WordPress Website Development
The first plus is the cost of this engine. It is free and all updates are also completely free.

Flexibility and a large number of extensions
At the moment, wordpress is a flexible and powerful system. Since the platform has an open source code, thousands of developers are constantly working on improving this engine.

As I already said, this is the most popular system, which means there will be no problems with finding the necessary extensions. There are a huge number of plugins for WordPress for any needs. And new ones appear every day. Most of them are free. At the moment, there are 51,430 plugins on the official website .

You can also find thousands of plugins on third-party sites. Just type the phrase โ€œplugins for wordpressโ€ into a search engine.

The admin panel is intuitive and user-friendly. After I create a design and the layout designer โ€œpushesโ€ it onto WordPress, we give the honduras phone number library customer full access to managing the site. And to change the text, image or an entire section, people do not need to contact the developers again and pay money for site maintenance. They can do everything themselves. It is no more difficult than working in Microsoft Word.

See what my post editing panel looks like:

Website development on wordpress. post editing panel.

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Thousands of templates

If you are creating a website yourself and you do not need a unique design , then choosing a beautiful template will not be difficult.

Templates can be downloaded and installed directly from the admin panel or downloaded from various sites. Most templates are free, but there three ways you must know about promoting seo articles are also many paid premium themes.

Keep in mind that almost all templates require some modification. Sometimes minimal, and sometimes very significant. That’s why I think it’s much consumer data better to create a unique website design right away for specific tasks. Then the code will be cleaner. And the uniqueness of the website has a positive effect on promotion.

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