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Through these efforts  is helping to

Through these efforts  is helping to make it easier for more millennials to start a career in public service. Overall, Metzinger finds the most valuable thing about her job is providing service. Whether it’s on her colleagues as a learning and development specialist, potential employees, or the citizens of California, Metzinger loves seeing the impact of her work.

I grew up in California, these are my

People and it is so meaningful to be able to have an effect on my neighbors.” One particularly meaningful project was a report on the gender pay gap that she worked on while at California’s Department of Human Resources.

The report is something that

Metzinger and her team provided to the state legislature every year. However, when she worked on the report she took some time and tweaked overseas chinese in uk data some of the things she felt were important. Her work on the report was timely because when it was presented to the legislature, they used it to vet onboarding leadership.

special data

Incoming leadership was being

Questioned about what they were going to do in regards to state services while specifically citing the report,” she said. “So it really helped bolster some The brand to become potential customers of the efforts we were trying to make in terms of recruitment and other workforce development options that we could do to help address the gender pay gap.” The good news is that any millennial can make a similar impact like Metzinger.

She concluded, “keep an open mind

You can do literally any type of job for the government. Whether its a firefighter, a correctional officer, or an administrator, if you don’t set limitations on yourself you’re rich data free to see what you’re able to do.” If you love hearing millennial stories straight from the source, check back the first Thursday of every month for a new inside perspective from young govies.

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