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The new enemy of your well-being

I see you, half-hidden behind your computer screen at the office. Yes, you, reading an article on the internet, or playing on your phone when it’s 7:45 p.m. In your company, it’s like that, leaving before the boss is frowned upon. So you do like the others and you wait for the blessed moment when his car will leave the parking lot. But since an 8-hour day is already enough to work, you play Angry Birds. Doing this has a name. It’s called presenteeism. It’s almost the opposite of absenteeism, but it’s not that simple.

A brief non-exhaustive overview of

what it looks like on a daily basis: The poland phone number data  Cunning (Strategic Presenteeism) We told you off the record in your 2nd week, those who work civil servant hours don’t last long here. So you leave last every day, and at lunchtime, you gobble down your sandwich behind your screen. It will pay off in the end. The one who is always there, even in the event of a zombie invasion (over-presenteeism) Mid-October, you wake up with a nasty sore throat. Oh well, you have to go to work, the files aren’t going to move forward on their own.

Phone Number Data

What do you actually do Not much

you’d be better off in bed. What you do well, however, is spread kcrj your miasmas in every office. And a sick IT department, one! “But what am I doing here?” (under-effectiveness presenteeism) 6:15 PM, you’ve been staring blankly at your report for 20 minutes. You haven’t understood anything about the subject, and besides, what’s the point, your mind is more occupied with the latest Star Wars.

Yes, you didn’t have a place for the release day, and seonthebeach song, more than that really annoys you. Just do it! (necessity presenteeism) “It’s for yesterday!” says Big Boss as he throws the Grosdollz file on your desk. So you stay later to finish it, sitting on your RTTs. And yes, RTTs are not the house style. The Ninja (Contemplative Presenteeism) You are physically there, but you are playing Clash of Clan. And you jump as soon as you hear footsteps in the hallway.

Besides, you know by heart the keyboard shortcuts to open an Excel sheet in an emergency. All of this has an impact. It is not positive for you or for the company. As you will have understood, the link between all of this is that you are not increasing your productivity, quite the contrary. So tomorrow at 5:59pm, you click the “shutdown” button on your computer. At 6pm, you slam the door of the company and goodbye, losers! And if the next morning, half the department tells you, with a mocking look, “So, did you take your afternoon off yesterday?

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