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The main technological challenges of 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) is perhaps the technology that is most rapidly contaminating various daily activities. Already today, AI is used in a wide range of applications, including robotics, medicine, customer service, and entertainment.

In 2024, AI is set to become even more prevalent, developing at a rapid pace. AI will become more accessible and even more present in our daily lives.

Of course, AI also raises a number of ethical and social challenges. In the background, there is a rise in unemployment, as machines become capable of performing tasks that are currently performed by humans. However, it is clear that AI will have a significant impact on our society in 2024 and beyond.

Talent shortage
Rapid technological advancement has created a mismatch of talents with specific skills.

In a survey conducted by Gartner , a large portion of companies cited a lack of IT experts as the main obstacle to adopting emerging technologies, even ahead of costs and security risks.

Many CIOs are struggling to recruit or retain IT talent given the huge demand. However, the study found that many sources of technology talent are not being tapped. For example, only 12% of EMEA companies offer programs to engage students through internships or training, and only 24% are turning to freelancers.

More sustainable demand
Innovation and a rapidly changing landscape present significant challenges for technology companies. In this context, sustainability is rapidly moving from the exception to the rule and is gradually taking center stage, partly also to meet consumer expectations.

A recent Gartner survey , in fact, highlighted how environmental changes are among investors’ priorities. This means that companies should focus more on solutions that allow them to achieve key ESG (environmental, social, corporate governance) objectives.

This is a cross-cutting trend that in the IT sector, for example, could concern the use of renewable energy, especially tools that require a high use of resources, such as data centers. These, in fact, are highly energy-hungry, both for their power supply and for their cooling. Therefore, one of the pressing challenges consists in reducing energy needs and optimizing resources, limiting dependence on carbon-based sources.

Cyber ​​Security
Cybersecurity will remain a key point on the corporate agenda in 2023 as it is the backbone of digital transformation.

However, new solutions expose companies to an increasingly large surface of threats. In fact, companies that have decided to embark on a digitalization path have regularly encountered a proliferation of security problems.

The rise of new forms of social engineering forces organizations to keep up with new and evolving attack scenarios . This includes callback phishing, a practice that combines traditional email-based phishing with voice phishing (also known as vishing) and is used to gain access to companies’ systems and distribute ransomware across their networks.

This dynamic requires greater attention to practices that can make business processes waterproof and strategies aimed at ensuring business continuity. In this regard, Shellrent advances a versatile solution, capable.