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The beauty of this option

Sonya is not sure whether banners in cafes and other establishments work, but she is convinc that people have become accustom to receiving information from their phones and look around less and less. The fewer actions a person nes to perform to subscribe to you, the better.

For some, QR codes on banners are still a challenge:

Not all cameras have built-in recognition. Free course How to promote a project on social networks The course experts will tell you how to prepare for the launch of promotion, choose suitable social networks, start collaborating with bloggers and analyze the results of the advertising campaign. Lena Klyuchnikova, the owner of the.

Vstrechi space, where the Be Your Own

Jeweler master classes are held, recommend that Sonya use mutual PR.  is that you can gradually choose increasingly popular accounts and get a target live audience for free. The investment ne to open a jewelry making workshop depends on paytm database the materials that will be us – clay, iron, silver or even gold. Sonya’s business did not require huge investments at once.


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They grew gradually

It was necessary to purchase equipment and gradually expand its volume. Sonya believes that in 2024, one or two million will be enough to start you can do some small tasks such a project. In the minimum set of equipment for jewelry master classes, the main thing is the wax itself, from which the product is model, and soldering stations for melting it.

You also ne tools for measuring the size of the rings

Cutting tools and a bunch of little things that you can do without, but they make the process easier and more interesting for the participants. For example, a large selection of stones for the products, mini-drills with various attachments, blanks of simple tg data shanks (the part of the ring that goes on the finger – note “Masters”) will make the master class more vivid.