Crawler Data

Tag: Telemarketing List

  • What can website search query statistics tell a store?

    Quite a lot has been written about the need to do internal store search. Mostly they talk about various usability improvements, like “make the search field noticeable” or “get rid of zero results”. We even once wrote a comprehensive collection of requirements for modern e-commerce search — we listed what it should be able to do and what it should look like. The text is completely relevant even a year later: a huge layer of online stores still simply ignore the search. Although, it would seem, there is hot traffic, interested visitors.

    In general, everything is simple here


    if the search engine collects statistics on search queries, this data can india mobile number data tell the marketer what to do. Using the example of REES46 search, I will show what exactly can be learned from the search and how to respond to it

    mobile phone number library

    Fantastic queries and where they live
    What you should pay attention to: popular queries, queries without results, queries with maximum revenue and popular queries without revenue.

    Popular queries (and popular ones without revenue)
    The first thing to track is popular queries. In fact, this is a way to measure the demand of your visitors using the search tool.

    What period do they


    refer to: a week, a month, six months? This way you can track the stability of demand for a particular product. If a query stays at the top for a long time, it makes sense to add it to the purchasing plan. I won’t judge what period will be sufficient, industry specifics rule here. For example, in bookstores, the popularity of a query is very the what, why, and how of a/b testing in digital marketing easily checked by the general hype around the book in the media. And the hype itself lasts for a couple of months at most, after which it declines – so it makes sense to respond to trends quite quickly.

    The first line in popular queries is a query for books by the writer Alisa Ganieva. There is a surge in demand for her books now, this is a signal to purchase the product.

    What conversion do these queries give: zero or non-zero. If the conversion rate is above zero, it means that the goods are bought directly through the search. This means that visitors coming to the site with a need data on for such a product are the hottest of the entire top. It is worth bringing products with high-conversion queries to the main page – to further increase sales.

  • Special Dates Calendar 2017: Which ones can’t you miss?

    Sun Romeo
    Sun Romeo
    Chief Marketing Officer at @fromDoppler. He loves British music, fashion and communications.

    Wrote 74 posts


    Increase your sales with Doppler

    phone number library

    Did you know that with Email Marketing you can reach more customers, integrate your messages with social networks and measure their impact in minutes?

    Try it for free
    Become a guest author

    Do you want to be part of the group of authors who write for the Doppler phone number library  blog? Don’t wait any longer! Send us your article.

    Join now
    Calendar of important dates 2017

    Take advantage of every special date of the year to reach your Subscribers with the best Campaigns. Do you need help? Here you have it! Download our 2017 Seasonal Calendar now .

    After the resounding success of the 2016 Calendar, we had no doubts when it came to preparing this new material.

    We know all the things you need to do throughout the year to make your business work, and that’s why we’re always thinking about how to help you. We want to give you all the support you need to make your work easier every day.

    A the hand of this fantastic Calendar that will remind you

    A of all the important dates of 2017, so that you do not forget to plan your actions in advance .

    Valentine’s Day, Labor Day, Women’s Day… It’s quite possible that you’ll miss one of them in the whirlwind of the year. Download the 2017 Seasonal Calendar for free and don’t take any risks!

    Seasonal Marketing: A perfect strategy
    There are important dates in the year when the opportunities to boost your sales and increase . A  the loyalty of  singapore data your Subscribers multiply exponentially .

    These are times when consumers are more predisposed to . A receiving what is the difference between a blog and a website?  offers and promotions. In addition, most of them are mobilized, becoming more vulnerable and with their emotions on edge.

    That’s why these are days that all brands are eagerly awaiting . There is no one that wants to miss the opportunity to run attractive campaigns across all of its channels.

    Seasonal Marketing is a strategy that takes full advantage of the sensitivity and predisposition of customers during these dates, to meet various Marketing objectives . Don’t you think it’s an ideal time to reach your Subscribers with super effective Campaigns?

    You will have to think carefully about the objective of each one of them; you know that not everything in this life is about selling. But you won’t have to worry about remembering each date, because for that you will have the 2017 Calendar !

    Download now this free material that we have designed to help you achieve your goals in an easier way and plan your actions in advance!

    Get your 2017 Seasonal Calendar before anyone else
    Calendar of important dates 2017

    Special greetings, unique promotions, contests and giveaways – anything goes when it comes to getting creative .

    The important thing is that none of these important dates catch you off guard, or your competition will get there before you !

    Download the 2017 Calendar for free and find all the important dates to plan your actions from now on.

    The best tool to succeed with your Email Marketing Campaigns is planning. Don’t rest on your laurels !


  • Social Networks: A potential that we will not let pass

    The results obtained in the Social Media section are really revealing. Many people responded that they still do not follow our profiles and that is a piece of information that helps us improve.

    However, it is worth clarifying that those who do so said that they found the content we publish “Very interesting” in 76.64% and “Totally interesting” in 15.16% . So if you are one of those who still do not follow us, you see that it is worth doing so!

    You can find us on Facebook , Twitter , Google Plus , Instagram , Pinterest , LinkedIn , Vimeo , YouTube and SlideShare . We look forward to seeing you!

    Time for suggestions

    updated 2024 mobile phone number data

    Doppler mobile app
    77.66% of respondents suggested developing an app to be able to us updated 2024 mobile phone number data e Doppler from a mobile device. Good news if you’re one of those who was waiting for it! Not only is there a whole team working on it, but it’s not long before you can enjoy it !

    We know how important it is for you to have all the features that Doppler offers at your fingertips at all times. That’s why we’ve worked hard to make sure you can count on it.

    Stay tuned, news is coming soon!

    Service Survey: Doppler Mobile App

    Automated emails: what for?
    Among the most interesting results of the service survey are those related to shipping automation .

    When asked what type of automatic mailings users preferred, the answers were more than significant.

    22.7% chose to promote a product they visited . In fact, it’s only a short time before you can make this type of mailing. It’ll be great, right?

    With this new feature you can also send parts after an abandoned cart ; it should be noted that 15.37% chose this option in the same question. Countdown!

    On the other hand, 18.49% are looking to send order confirmations, 13.36% cross-sell, and 13.14% invoices. But all of this is already within your reach, and it’s called Doppler Relay ! Do you know it?

    It is the safest tool for sending Transactional Emails , with real-time reports and  singapore data guaranteed deliverability. Request a demo !

    Finally, 12.92% prefer to use automatic emails to congratulate users after  use your voice to cook their first purchase . If you are one of those looking for a solution to this need, Email Automation is your alternative !

    Schedule a series of emails to be sent when a criterion you define is met. Want to know more? Don’t miss this pos.


  • 2016 Survey: Get to know the results!

    Agustina Zingarelli
    Agustina Zingarelli

    Wrote 5 posts


    Increase your sales with Doppler

    accurate mobile phone number list

    Did you know that with Email Marketing you can reach more customers, integrate your messages with social networks and measure their impact in minutes?

    Try it for free
    Become a guest author

    Do you want to be part of the group of authors who write for the Doppler blog? Don’t wait any longer! Send us your article.

    Join now
    Satisfaction survey 2016

    Do you want to find out what the Doppler community thinks about accurate mobile phone number list  our service and what they expect for 2017? Check out the results of the 2016 survey and find out what’s coming up!

    We are very happy to have such valuable information in our hands as the opinion of our users. In total, more than 1,500 people have taken a few minutes to help us improve our service. Thank you all very much!

    And we are not only referring to customers

    A the responses obtained also correspond to Blog readers, followers on Social Networks, site visitors and everyone who, in one way or another, interacts with our services .

    Discover the results of the 2016 survey in this post and don’t miss any details. Keep reading!

    Email Marketing: Who is skipping this great tool and why?
    One of the points to note regarding this survey is that many of the people who decided to respond to our service survey are not part of our community of users or customers.

    In fact, 51% of respondents do not yet have a Doppler account . Are you one of them? Create one now for free !

    If today it is a super powerful tool for doing Email Marketing, with everything that is coming it will be the key to your strategy .

    Doppler Service Survey 2016

    More and more brands want to make the most of a tool as efficient as Email Marketing. Of course, it is economical, easy to use, has a direct reach to each Subscriber and has the highest ROI among digital options.

    However, the survey results help us understand why, surprisingly, there are still those who do not take advantage of its benefits .

    The fact is that 36.57% of respondents are unaware of the be awaiting moderation alendronate nefits of implementing it and 20.59% have never thought of using it . In other words, there are very few cases that claim that it is expensive, complicated or unnecessary. It would be almost illogical!

    Therefore, if you are one of those who still do not know in detail what the benefits of singapore data  using Email Marketing Campaigns are to reach your Subscribers , you can download this resource for free and review other articles on our Blog to learn eve rything about the uses of this wonderful tool.