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Tag: mobile phone number list

  • Why online stores don’t use web-push technology

    Advantages of the channel for an online store
    Web pushes have much in common with other channels that perform similar functions. But the difference is also significant. So, point by point about the features of web pushes.

    In terms of usefulness for the store

    Lower probability of blocking at the start (compared to mobile pushes). Before the first mailing, the user always receives a dialog box with options. And if in iOS such a window only offers to “allow” or “prohibit” push notifications philippines phone number data then in web pushes the window

    mobile phone number library

    can also be closed – and the decision can be made later. Since the user makes the decision to “prohibit” partly because he does not want to see the interfering window now – web pushes have a higher chance that the user will allow them.

    High visibility (compared to e-mail). Mail is checked you know how often. Web pushes are read immediately and almost always. According to Pushall, the average response time to a letter is from 1 to 163 hours, and to a web push, a few seconds.

    You don’t need to open any tabs for delivery (compared to e-mail). A web push is delivered even if the tab is closed, the browser is minimized — the user just needs to be at the computer.
    Links to any page. That is, a store can announce a product, category, or special offers page — and link to it.

    UTM for tracking effectiveness


    You can supply links in web pushes with UTM tags and then track the effect through the familiar Google Analytics.

    All web pushes are saved in history (unlike mobile ones). That is, if desired, the user can go to history and click on the link. This slightly increases the likelihood of interaction with your mailing list and changes its format: now the push works not as a temporary “banner” in the corner of the screen, but as an RSS.

    More characters (unlike mobile ones). Mobile pushes include 40-60 characters (depending on the OS). In web pushes — 125.
    It is cheaper to implement (unlike mobile ones). To send web definition classification and conditions for recording fixed assets pushes, you need two conditions: an SSL certificate (you can get it for free) and a mailing service — there are some with quite inexpensive tariffs. To send mobile pushes, you need a mobile application, which costs, you know how much.

    In terms of user convenience
    Web pushes have a “do not disturb” mode. That is, if a user wants to data on receive pushes, but does not want them to distract him, he simply switches to the “do not disturb” mode and reads them when it is convenient for him. This will not work with mobile pushes — either turn off notifications completely or read everything.

  • Email Marketing Experience That Can Be Applied to Web Push Emails

    In short, pop-up messages that come directly to the recipient’s desktop. The recipient can close the tab with the site, minimize the browser, close it completely – and still receive such messages.



    What’s the beauty of the channel? Such messages are the most oman phone number data noticeable. Almost all recipients read them. Take the

    mobile phone number library

    percentage of readability of your mailing list, multiply by about 40-50 (yes, not 4-5 times)  you get the readability of webpush.

    But readability is only half the battle. Clicks and transitions to the site are more important. Let’s talk about what tips from classic email marketing will be useful to us.

    Email marketing rules that work for web-push too
    Tip 1. Don’t write long headlines

    In the era of smartphones, writing too long headlines even for emails is pointless, only the first words will be read. Browser webpush notifications are initially oriented towards desktop and mobile devices — that’s why their title is as short as possible.

    Statistics show that the most opened emails have 1-15 characters in the title, anything longer is opened less often.



    Tip 2. Write the first paragraph concisely and to the point

    The thing is that webpush messages generally have nothing but the title and the first paragraph. This is the entire text of the message, and the recipient will see it as soon as they receive it. Then comes the click (or not). Therefore, it’s worth devoting even more effort to the paragraph of text — and fitting your message into the 125 character limit.

    Tip 3. Use “magic words”

    In classic email marketing, there are statistics that mailings with the words “thank you”, “please”, “sorry”, “how (to do something)”, “free” and a number of others increase the conversion of mailings by about 7-10%.

    At the same time, there are a number of words and symbols for which you can simply end up in spam: all this is advertising-related – “discount”, “%”, “!!!”, “promotion” and so on.

    We wrote a guide for beginners in email marketing – there is a useful link to a list of words that mail services hate. Well, they are hated not only by spam filters, but also by real people. The statement is equally true for email and webpush.

    Tip 4. Don’t get carried away with mass mailings

    Many people send letters to 1 million addresses and are then ways to look up business information and tax surprised by low conversions, a high percentage of unsubscribes and getting into spam.

    The percentage of reads falls along with the growth of the recipient base. Something like this:


    Therefore, narrow targeting, segmentation of the data on base and personalized content for each segment are what you need to do.

  • Just one conclusion that online stores should draw from the IAB Russia study

    Make a normal advertising platform out of the store’s website. With analytics. With auctions. With native modern formats, not just banners. Do it faster. Otherwise, a large chunk of the advertising budget, which is just

    Asking to fall into your hands, will go to those who were quicker.

    That was the same conclusion
    Yes, we know. Usually, such articles are built on a different principle. One where they first build up intrigue and lead the reader to some conclusions. And at the end – a key message covered with branches. Like native, yeah. Findings, conclusion, and that’s it.


    In October 2017, Data Insight with the IAB Russia Digital Advertisers new zealand phone number data Barometer released a study. It was called

    mobile phone number library

    “Prospects for interactive advertising in Russia: advertisers’ views.” Read it at your leisure, it is freely available on the Data Insight website. The study itself is quite voluminouo chose what would be interesting to e-commerce.

    The study is interesting mainly because it clearly

    Shows what brands spend their advertising budgets on. The data are the results of surveys of major advertisers (Nestle, Durex, Binbank,, Petrovich, Sportmaster, BMW – there are representatives of all the main segments). That is, the figures are close to reality, and this is good.

    Why online retailers need this

    It’s simple – the majority of respondents in the survey were brands. Moreover, 12 of them are included in the Interbrand Best 100.

    Brands have budgets for online advertising and marketing. On the other hand, brands sell their products in online stores. A simple consequence

    These stores can easily become the most desirable advertising how to make a balance sheet in detail platform for brands – after all, they have the

    Most targeted traffic and branded products in the catalog. That is, people ready to buy what is within reach.

    The stars aligned. If the brand advertises not on Google or Facebook, but directly on the retailer’s website, it will finally be able to get a measurable result in orders. Conversion of hot visitors. The brand’s data on budget will not go to “reach”, “recognition” and other ephemeral entities, but to increasing sales. A much more interesting metric, no matter how you look at it.

  • Fashion Retail Trends from McKinsey & Company Report

    Unpredictability is becoming the norm
    Economic uncertainty and general market unpredictability have become the norm for the global fashion industry. Stores are closing, malls are empty, online shopping is becoming more popular – all this is pushing companies to be flexible and adapt to market changes, focusing on their resources and customer service.

    Brands are also


    expected to use more technology, including artificial intelligence, to help them stay agile in netherlands phone number data the face of political tensions and economic upheavals – such as Brexit and other international trade issues that could worsen this year.

    mobile phone number library

    Resetting globalization
    In 2017, the US saw a nationalist idea rear its head, withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership to focus on its domestic market. And while this has changed the dynamics of trade, globalization as a whole is not in danger.

    “We are entering a new phase of globalization, driven by digital communication and the flow of data. Since 2005, cross-border bandwidth has grown by about 80 times, and over the course of a decade, data flows have increased global GDP by more than 10%. Data flows now have a greater impact on GDP than global trade in goods.”

    From a report by McKinsey & Company and Business of Fashion

    Moreover, the report estimates that consumers will spend $1 trillion on cross-border e-commerce by 2020. Today, more than 900 million people have international social media connections, giving fashion moguls the potential to expand their customer base and increase revenue on global digital platforms.

    Asia is gaining influence in the fashion market

    This year, Western companies may face more competition from Asia: among e-commerce giants, it already accounts for 60%, more than half of global online retail sales and many technological innovations.

    According to McKinsey Fashion Scope, Asia will account for 40% of global apparel and footwear sales by 2018, and the fashion market will reach $1.4 trillion in two years.

    While Europe continues to meet the needs of a digitally savvy audience, Asian companies can capricious google reverse the historical expansion of Western companies to the East – and enter other global markets, including America, Africa and Europe.

    Global fashion companies are focused on consumers – they use personalization to increase data on loyalty and sales. According to the report, 41% of shoppers want personalization. Key areas of action for brands in the near future are expected to be the use of data to personalize the user experience in online stores.

  • Voice Search Technology: Present and Future

    Why voice search is growing
    The first and most obvious reason is speed. Voice search is much faster than usual. 3.7 times, to be exact. Convenience is also obvious: it’s easier to say than to type. And finally: the technology is ideal for mobile.

    The fact that mobile has defeated desktop has long been obvious to everyone. Almost everyone has Siri, Alice, “Okay, Google” and company in their pocket — and 60% of mobile users use voice search.

    The most popular voice assistants in the USA


    There are still smart speakers, home appliances with voice control and other devices, but this is more about the West for now. Of course, the trend will reach us, but right now mobile is in first place. Therefore, it makes sense mexico phone number data for retailers to pay attention to this fact and take it into account when drawing up their digital strategy.

    mobile phone number library

    Investing in mobile
    In 2019, according to eMarketers forecasts, retailers will spend 72% of their marketing budget on developing mobile applications and promotion on mobile platforms. They can be understood: real and potential customers have already gotten used to shopping here — and they buy more and more often.

    Improving the quality of service on mobile devices and making the user experience as comfortable as possible is absolutely logical. Therefore, integration with voice search for those who want to attract the target audience is, in its own way, inevitable. Let’s look at the brands that are already using it to engage customers and increase loyalty.

    Johnnie Walker

    The famous whiskey brand has launched a multi-platform digital guide that helps users learn more about the drink. The solution is integrated with Amazon Alexa and Facebook Messenger. First, Alexa asks a person a few questions about their preferences, and then recommends a suitable Johnnie Walker product.

    Although Amazon’s voice assistant is primarily associated with smart speakers, many people also use it on their smartphones. In addition, you can choose the right whiskey in Facebook Messenger using a chat defivnition classification and conditions for recording fixed assets bot – another e-commerce trend that is predicted to have a great future in 2019.

    The GoodNes app from Nestlé for Amazon Alexa turns any device with a voice assistant into a real cookbook with a video guide. The latter works in Safari or Chrome on desktops and mobiles.

    By the way, Alexa apps are usually called skills, but in order not to data on confuse anyone and not to get confused ourselves, we will call it that for now.

  • Welcome chain: why does an online store need it and what should it be like?

    We all dream of customers starting to buy as soon as they land on our website. Of course, this rarely happens in the real world, but you can always ask the visitor to leave an email and continue the conversation. If they do, it means they are ready to stay in touch — and it’s time for you to launch a welcome email chain.

    Triggered emails


    10 ready-made mailing scenarios, including an “abandoned cart reminder.” Personalized recommendations inside emails. The tool pays for itself in less than a month.

    A welcome or welcome chain is a few emails that you send to visitors at the very beginning of the relationship.

    And these first few emails are some of the most important malaysia mobile phone number data in the customer life cycle. They perform quite a lot

    mobile phone number library

    of functions, but to put it simply, they introduce your still potential customers to the online store and products, and help you win their favor.

    Interestingly, 74% of visitors who left their email address wait for a welcome email. If you don’t send it, they’ll likely be disappointed. Plus, welcome chains are effective: they’re opened 50-86% of the time — much more often than regular mass mailings.

    A couple more facts to make it more convincing. Welcome chains bring in 320% more revenue than other promotional emails. And people who open the first message in a chain read more than 40% of the brand’s emails over the next six months.

    Welcome chain effectiveness statistics


    What’s in a welcome chain, of course, depends on the type of your online store and your target audience. But the overall goal is to thank the customer for subscribing or purchasing, introduce them to your brand, and convince them to take some simple actions — these will help them take more significant steps in the future.

    Before you start planning and writing your emails, it’s important ways to look up business information and tax to outline the structure of your welcome chain.

    #1 Create a structure
    Ask yourself what you want your subscriber to know or do at the beginning of their relationship with your online store. Do you want customers to engage with you on social media? Should they take a survey so you data on have more data? Do you want to hook them with your unique selling points: a generous return policy, quality standards, or charity work?

  • Ecommerce Personalization: The Black Box Problem and Its Solution

    Anyone who has ever shopped online has been in this situation at least once (in fact, more than once). Something that you never intended to buy suddenly appeared in the “recommended products”. How did it end up in your recommendations? It’s just that “smart” Big Data has once again decided everything for you, for the marketer of this store, and for everyone in general.

    A typical black box


    With an unpredictable result. It’s impossible to calculate how much this harms your sales, since recommendations are calculated individually for each visitor. And no one knows what your customers actually lebanon phone number data see in the “recommended”. However, there is a problem.

    mobile phone number library

    Everyone already knows about personalization, and everyone knows that it is good for sales and customer loyalty. But there is a caveat here – this only applies to the personalization that works correctly.

    What do I mean by “right/wrong”? Any online store is about industry specifics. This means that the behavior of visitors is determined by very individual patterns that are valid only for this market. Or even for this site.

    For example, look at any children’s store


    There is such an obvious characteristic of the product as the age of the child. This is, one might say, a determining factor, it sets the behavior of the parent-buyer. If your child is three months old, you do not look at metal construction sets, this is logical. Accordingly, personalization in the store should work in such a way as to take this factor into account.

    But on the other hand, there are manufacturers of product recommendation engines. You connect one to the store, and you get personalization. They, in the vast majority, have never heard of how to make a balance sheet in detail industry specifics. The key task of such a business is to build the most universal product so that it works more or less normally with children’s goods, and with auto parts, and with cosmetics.

    As a result, something like this can happen to the store:

    Why toys for children aged 4-5 ended up in related products – I’m sure data on no one knows. To be fair, it should be noted that if you scroll through the product description, you will find a block called “similar products” at the very bottom of the page. And there is something that looks like the truth:

  • Checklist: Which product recommendations should be on which pages

    You can talk endlessly about the effectiveness of product recommendations, but it’s all useless if they are located in the wrong place on the site.

    Check your store with our checklist. Examples below.

    Where to place

    In principle, recommendations can be placed on almost all pages where products are presented. More often, one or two such blocks are enough for one page.

    The logic of each such block should correspond to the stage of purchase at which the visitor is currently. For example, if a person is on the search results page of the site, he is at the stage of active selection, comparing products, is going to buy something now or later. If on the product page, he is close to buying, now you need to offer him the most similar products-analogues in a suitable price range, to make it easier for him to make a decision.

    As for the place on the page, there are two rules:

    The buyer should not scroll for a long time to get to the recommendations laos phone number data from the main area of ​​interest (for example, a block with a photo of the product and its characteristics)

    mobile phone number library

    Recommendations should be in the main content area (and, for example, not in the footer and sidebar).
    Personalized product recommendations

    Increase the purchase receipt, make cross-sells. 8 ready-made sales scenarios and unlimited customization options. Launch A/B tests with one button.

    Home, category and product page, cart, search results, 404 – the main pages where you can most often see product recommendations. More about them.

    Home page

    If the visitor starts their journey from the main page, then most likely they do not have a specific goal. Therefore, it is logical to tell about the latest events and introduce the product range on the main page.

    This is usually implemented using blocks – “Popular products”, “You may like this”, “Product of the day” and “Buying right now”. If you do everything right, there is a chance to increase conversion by 10-20%.

    “Popular Products” Block
    The most suitable products for the client among those popular on the site.

    This is the most “general” selection, which makes sense to show when we don’t non-standard channels in performance marketing know anything about a person. We don’t yet know their desires and preferences, so we just display what they buy most often.

    Where to place: In the main content area. An important point – we place promotions data on and new products at the top, since it is important for us to draw special attention to them and provoke a person to click and go to the catalog. Recommendations – right below them.

  • Optimizing an online store for voice search: where to start

    We recently talked about how voice search is changing not only the typical queries on the Internet, but also people’s behavior in general. Retailers will have to make an effort and optimize their site for voice search before it completely displaces text search – otherwise, there is a risk of falling behind competitors by a couple of corpora.

    Voice search optimization


    or VSO, is becoming increasingly important. According to researchers, by next year it will account for 50% of all search queries.

    As neural networks learn and technologies develop, voice search kuwait phone number data becomes more intuitive and begins to capture the

    mobile phone number library

    nuances and context behind queries. Let’s look at the key factors to pay attention to when optimizing your site for voice search.

    Natural language when creating content
    Remember the set of key phrases that copywriters had to squeeze into product descriptions? The resulting texts were little like human language, but now everything is changing. When people use voice search, they don’t limit themselves to stubs of phrases, but speak normally — as if they were talking to an old friend.

    That’s why it’s time to include everyday phrases in your content — this is to attract voice search engines to the content of your site. Long keywords in titles and descriptions are a great way to get a higher ranking in search results. But this is not the only place where natural language is important.

    The fact is that due to incorrect pronunciation


    voice search is not as accurate as text queries. And the more keys you scatter throughout the site (and not only), the higher the likelihood that the user will notice you. Where to place them:

    Although voice search may not lead a potential buyer straight to the capricious google product page, they will learn about your brand and follow the links to the site.

    Optimizing content for the needs of visitors
    A loyalty system, brand benefits, payment and delivery terms, blog articles — all this attracts your potential customers. Every retailer needs to anticipate what questions their target audience might have while searching for a product, and what content is important to them.

    1. Voice search is a complex tool, but every time your content is in data on the spotlight, your site becomes more valuable to search engines. Knowing what users will be looking for and answering their questions in advance means driving traffic.
  • 10 examples of ecommerce projects that work on the subscription model

    In the US, more and more online store buyers are switching to the subscription model: last year alone, their number grew by 15%. Russian e-commerce is just getting started, but no one doubts that the trend, as always, will come to us a little later. So let’s get ready – get acquainted with subscriptions.

    The growing popularity


    of subscriptions is a natural process, and it is easy to explain. First of all, it is convenient for customers: instead of buying the same thing once a month, they simply pay money and receive the product directly korea mobile phone number data to their home. Those who have already

    mobile phone number library

    appreciated the benefits of subscriptions do not limit themselves to one: more than half of online store buyers have at least two.

    For retailers, the benefits of subscriptions are obvious:

    Savings on attracting new customers. The standard model, which is based on conversion, means that you have to spend a lot of effort and money on attracting customers. First, you turn a visitor into a buyer, and then work hard again so that he becomes a regular. The subscription model means that your customer immediately becomes a regular customer, and provides a stable income.

    More accurate forecasts. To forecast income, traditional businesses have to rely on a number of assumptions and use a lot of analytics. The subscription model allows you to estimate income much more easily: you take the total number of subscribers, subtract the cancellations, and multiply by the subscription cost.

    Optimized inventory management


    Imagine: you bought a product in advance, but it does not sell as well as expected. Or, on the contrary, a product suddenly goes viral, and its stock is running out, and you still have a thousand omnichannel customer experience strategy for saaS enterprises customers who want to order it. With a subscription, these problems disappear: you know exactly how many subscribers you have and how much product you need – you can plan your purchases more accurately and virtually eliminate leftovers.

    And the best thing is that today, retailers have everything they need to implement a subscription model. They have many successful examples of companies and opportunities to use their experience in their niche.

    Online books
    In general, subscription-based models are ideal for two types data on of businesses: those who sell content, and regular services. We will return to the latter soon, but for now let’s talk about content in ecommerce – we are talking, of course, about the online book market.

  • What can website search query statistics tell a store?

    Quite a lot has been written about the need to do internal store search. Mostly they talk about various usability improvements, like “make the search field noticeable” or “get rid of zero results”. We even once wrote a comprehensive collection of requirements for modern e-commerce search — we listed what it should be able to do and what it should look like. The text is completely relevant even a year later: a huge layer of online stores still simply ignore the search. Although, it would seem, there is hot traffic, interested visitors.

    In general, everything is simple here


    if the search engine collects statistics on search queries, this data can india mobile number data tell the marketer what to do. Using the example of REES46 search, I will show what exactly can be learned from the search and how to respond to it

    mobile phone number library

    Fantastic queries and where they live
    What you should pay attention to: popular queries, queries without results, queries with maximum revenue and popular queries without revenue.

    Popular queries (and popular ones without revenue)
    The first thing to track is popular queries. In fact, this is a way to measure the demand of your visitors using the search tool.

    What period do they


    refer to: a week, a month, six months? This way you can track the stability of demand for a particular product. If a query stays at the top for a long time, it makes sense to add it to the purchasing plan. I won’t judge what period will be sufficient, industry specifics rule here. For example, in bookstores, the popularity of a query is very the what, why, and how of a/b testing in digital marketing easily checked by the general hype around the book in the media. And the hype itself lasts for a couple of months at most, after which it declines – so it makes sense to respond to trends quite quickly.

    The first line in popular queries is a query for books by the writer Alisa Ganieva. There is a surge in demand for her books now, this is a signal to purchase the product.

    What conversion do these queries give: zero or non-zero. If the conversion rate is above zero, it means that the goods are bought directly through the search. This means that visitors coming to the site with a need data on for such a product are the hottest of the entire top. It is worth bringing products with high-conversion queries to the main page – to further increase sales.

  • SEO whole-site optimization method: comprehensive improvement

    In today’s increasingly competitive Internet environment, I know that SEO is no longer a simple keyword stacking or link exchange, but a comprehensive strategy that requires a deep understanding of user needs, search engine algorithms and industry trends. Based on years of practical experience. I feel that whole-site optimization is the key to improving a website’s performance in search engines. Today, I will share some unique SEO whole-site optimization methods from a practical perspective.


    1. Understand the basic framework of SEO whole-site optimization


    Before we start optimizing, we must make it clear that the core of whole-site optimization is to build a healthy, search engine-friendly and user-friendly website structure. This includes clear navigation, reasonable URL structure, high-quality content layout, etc. Through these basic settings, we lay a solid foundation for subsequent SEO work.

    1. Website architecture optimization

    Build a well-organized website structure to ensure that each page can be found by employment database search engines and users through effective paths.

    2. URL Normalization

    Use concise and meaningful URLs, avoid using dynamic parameters and overly long URLs. Improve URL readability and search engine crawling efficiency.


    3. Content is king


    Ensure that the website content is original, valuable and relevant to the 10 terrific tools for teachers target audience, and at the same time, arrange keywords reasonably to improve the searchability of the content.

    2. In-depth analysis of the core elements of SEO strategy

    As SEO practitioners, we need to have a deep understanding of how search engines work in order to develop more accurate and effective optimization strategies.

    1. Keyword research and analysis


    Through professional tools and methods, high-value keywords snbd host related to the website theme are discovered and reasonably allocated to each page of the website.

    2. Internal and external link building

    Improve the weight and trust of the website through high-quality internal and external links. Internal links help search engines better understand the structure of the website, while external links can increase the exposure and authority of the website.