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Tag: Marketing Basics
Animate the main page and lower level pages
For this classification step, I usually use tools like Mindmeister . A mind mapping software that allows you to put down the different ideas and build a tree structure in a logic of granularity.
Example with the fishing shop:
Another example of a tree structure with the cat shop:
Step 3: Creating pages
Depending on the different interesting keywords to target, which you have identified via the two previous steps, you will be able to define the pages to create or optimize.
For the most competitive queries, it will be interesting to create semantically solid pages with optimized content.
Dedicated sales pages give you much more freedom but require certain resources: content creation, internal linking, product classification, etc.
For less competitive and very specific product-related queries, you can very well optimize the “native” pages of your e-commerce site as sales approach.
Most of the time, this is enough to position you effectively since the competition is not necessarily working on the long tail.
The main page
The best practice found in most e-commerce brands is the creation of a main page. This page is intended to target the flagship query and will kuwait telegram data benefit from dense and optimized content.
It will also serve as a pillar to strengthen the other lower level pages.
Here are some examples inspired by popular e-commerce sites:
You should also know that during “non-sales” periods, the pages of these sites are quite static. In order to carefully analyze what is happening on these different pages as the sales approach and during the period, I invite you to use the Wayback Machine tool .
This site allows you to view pages from specific dates. If the page no longer exists or has been modified since then. The tool may have saved old versions. In a few clicks, you can enter, for example, the URL of a sales page and you can access the saved and available archives.
Tracking and monitoring
The main pages of these sites are intended to. Target competitive queries such as. Sales” and “Sales + [Brand]”. You must therefore adapt your strategy to your resources and your themes, but it is always interesting to take inspiration from them!
Obviously, the basics of SEO are respected. With optimized Titles and timeless URLs.
To return to the theme of fishing, the main page of a site specializing in this sector of activity will, for example, target the keywords “Sales + [Fishing]” and “Sales + [Name of its brand]” with its main page.
Regulatory Point: As you can see on these pages, outside of the sales period, you are prohibited from selling products on sale. You are therefore obliged to specify, for example, that the sales are approaching and to indicate the dates. This good practice allows you to remain legal, while working on the SEO of your pages throughout the year.
Pages level 2 and above!
Once this main page is created. The principle steve douglas founder will be the same as in. A pillar page logic or even a silo structure . You will go down the tree structure and create more specific pages to target more precise requests.
To follow this logic, it is interesting to mesh these pages from the main page while making the links from level 2 go up to it. It is also interesting to integrate a breadcrumb trail dedicated to this “Sales” part. And of course, do not hesitate to optimize your internal anchors!
Here are some examples of internal linking from data on the main page to secondary pages:
frequently detecting new text on the page, crawlers will be more interested in it and will come back more often.
For example, you can present the products that you are going to sell off, provide advice on how to make the most of the sales, etc.
How to use Semrush for keyword research?
Keyword research is an integral part of any digital marketing strategy, and its importance will never go away. Here’s a guide to help you.
This guide answers the following questions:
- What is keyword research?
- What terms and metrics should I know for keyword research?
- How to find hot topics for content?
- How to find the best keywords for organic traffic?
- How to find the most profitable keywords for a PPC campaign?
- How can I track my website’s performance for specific keywords?
- What are advanced keyword research tactics?
What is keyword research?
Keywords are the terms that people type into search engines to find information. Keyword research is the study of these search terms to learn where search traffic is coming from in your market and determine which keywords your website can target through marketing.
Keyword research helps you:
- Understanding and reaching your audience
- Find new relevant topics to cover on your site
- Get qualified leads
- Increase sales
- Improve ad campaigns, get clicks and impressions
- Build brand awareness
Why You Should Do Keyword Research Regularly
- Keywords change: There will always be laos telegram data multiple ways to say the same thing, and trends often change the queries people use online.
- Your audience is growing and evolving, and the way people use search engines is changing.
- Search engines are also evolving; algorithms are becoming more sophisticated to better understand content and better respond to user intentions.
- You need to constantly update your content to keep it relevant.
The Basics of Keyword Research
The Semrush toolkit gives you several ways to collect the best keywords. Good foundations are never lost, and traditional keyword research is a great place to start.
- Get a quick analysis
- Build a master keyword list
- Find a competitive advantage
Keyword Overview: Get a Quick Analysis
Keyword Overview is the easiest way to get a quick analysis of your keywords. A comprehensive summary of all the main keyword metrics: volume, CPC, paid search competition, top ranking pages, ad text, and more.
Launch the report, enter your keyword in the search box and start analyzing.
Keyword Overview: Ad History Report
The Ad History report allows you to identify advertising trends and understand if the keyword was actively used in paid search.
See all domains that bid on the given keyword and had a PPC ad in the last 12 months.
The number in the cross-section indicates the jonathan stokes validation & commissioning engineer paid position the ad held during the given month. Note that this position is not necessarily the ad’s location on the search results page. Even if you are the highest bidder, your ad may appear below the organic search results.
You can also see the amount of ad traffic, the price of ad traffic, and the total number of ads for that keyword.
Keyword Magic Tool: Build a Master Keyword List
Keyword Magic Tool is a powerful tool for in-depth keyword analysis and creating outstanding top lists. Explore your niche and find semantically related long tail keywords , divided into subgroups based on the topic.
Start with a single root keyword:
Hit Search and get to work:
Explore suggested groups and subgroups of related topics to find niche long tails and ideas for your PPC ad groups. Sort groups by volume or keyword count; exclude groups you don’t need with the eye icon. Remember, any advanced filters you’ve data on applied will also apply to the topic list.
Pay attention to match modifiers, which allow you to broaden or narrow the keyword selection as needed.
Use Question Filters; this handy feature sorts keywords into questions. These keywords generate tons of quality traffic and often trigger featured snippets, which can serve as a shortcut to reaching the top of SERPs.
The dates for implementing these SEO actions
The Boulanger site places links to lower pages related to sales right in the heart of the main page.
Decathlon has a sidebar menu dedicated to the sales tree which links to the level 2 pages:
Now that you have discovered some examples of layouts to set up your internal linking to the lower pages, here are some level 2 pages:
Rakuten does this very well, with many pages that target different themes.
On each of these pages, you will also find links to other levels of the tree structure which target even more specific queries (examples: TV sales, laptop sales, etc.).
For all of these pages, good SEO practices apply: optimized title, adapted Hn structure, addition of content under the product listing, coherent internal meshing, presence of pages in the sitemap, etc.
Rakuten does this very well with optimized tags that comply with regulations (we also note the emojis in the meta description that attract Internet users!):
Step 4: Page optimization
Now that you have your landing pages well-built to target the top keywords related to your product categories, you will identify the existing pages on your site that you can optimize.
Typically, this work is done on the product sheets that you are going to sell, but you can also do it on subcategories. Again, this will depend on your possibilities and resources.
For these different pages, you just need to korea telegram data optimize the Title tag as the sales approach, to position yourself on very specific intentions that your competitors are not necessarily working on.
With a page that contains the word “Sales” in the Title, the search engine will find your content relevant and will be more likely to position you above those that do not have it.
Regulatory point: A few days before the sales, you cannot add elements like “Sales” or “Sales -40%” to your tags. To remain legal, you must only mention information like “Sales in X days”, “Sales from…” or “Sales from X”.
With this strategy, you start positioning yourself on product queries with the keyword sales before they even start. So you might as well take advantage of it!
Internal meshing will be a determining point to bring power to your different pages. Given that most of the time, these will be hidden in your site, the interest of progressive meshing will be to give them back, little by little, power.
Crawlers will then discover the internal links you add, and visit the different pages more frequently.
1 month before the launch of the sales
- Added main page link in footer
One month before the sales start, you can add mounia mechbal vice president communications the main page to the footer of your site.
According to the logic of the reasonable surfer and the transmission of PageRank, the footer link does not, of course, have the same weight as a full text link. On the other hand, added to all the pages, it has a certain interest to start sending power to your page.
Added links from native categories to semantically related sale pages
The idea here is to take advantage of your existing categories to add links to sales pages on the same theme.
For example, on your native category “Fishing rods”, you will discreetly add within the text present in the heart of the page “sales are approaching on data on our fishing rods” and make a link to the page “Fishing rod sales”.
You can also take advantage of your subcategories or even your products to include other internal links. The most important thing is to maintain a certain semantic coherence at the mesh level.
The more internal links the pages created for the sales have, the more powerful they will be.
Then, to make these pages more dynamic, you can also add content regularly. As with news sites, by
10 Days before the launch of the sales
As I indicated above, for the pages to be optimized, this technique consists of adding the terms “Sales from …” or “JX Sales” in your tags to start positioning yourself on long tail and product queries.
Depending on the size of your site, it also takes some time for crawlers to visit and discover the new tags on your different pages. By getting a head start, you ensure you’re up and running on the big day!
At the start of the sales
Add the “Sales” page to the site menu
Now that the sales are launched, give maximum japan telegram data visibility to the event and add the link to your main page directly in the menu!
If you wish, you can also add the link in full content on your homepage and integrate your other level 2 pages into the menu.
- Animate landing pages
During this period, it is important to continue to keep your various sales pages alive.
Add the word “Sales” to the Titles and H1 of sale products
Finally, modify the “Sales from XX” or “Sales JX” on all native pages, to highlight that the sales are officially launched!
After the sales
- Remove the various links to the main page and secondary pages (menu, footer, categories, product sheets, etc.)
- Remove the “Sales” mention in the Titles and H1 of native pages
- Maintain discreet internal linking in a few places on the site to continue sending PageRank throughout the year to the sales pages
- Repeat the strategy during the next sales!
Finally, some good practices
URL that lasts over time
As you will have understood, the pages that debra wunderlich human resources manager you are going to create for the sales period must remain in time. It is therefore necessary to opt for a timeless URL. Keep the same one each year and do not indicate a date in the URL.
The technical lever
To be effective during this period, regularly run crawls of your site with tools like Semrush’s Site Audit . In just a few clicks, you’ll be able to see error HTTP codes, page depth, loading times, etc.
Link Acquisition
Throughout the year, also consider acquiring new backlinks to the main page and secondary pages.
You should get into the habit of tracking the results of your SEO optimizations. For sales pages, keep the same mindset by monitoring and analyzing your positions and improvement avenues!
The regulation
Finally, as I have mentioned several times, sales data on are governed by various laws. It is therefore advisable to respect them to avoid penalties.
With the best practices listed in this article, you can significantly improve your SEO strategy during this period, while remaining legal.
By applying this methodology, you will be able to improve your SEO strategy during the sales period and increase your sales tenfold. However, do not put aside other marketing levers.
During this event, it is important to take advantage of all the communication channels available to you: social networks, advertising, competitions, emailing, brand image, cross selling… Everything is good for successful sales.
Updating your native pages tags
Here too, Internet users are active on this keyword.
Semrush Keyword Magic Tool
Another effective tool for keyword research: Semrush.
With the Keyword Magic Tool , you can retrieve many sales-related keywords in your theme.
The interest will be to select those adapted to your sector of activity as well as those which are “accessible”.
Using this tool, I can easily identify long tail queries related to sales and cat products.
Another example with the theme of fishing:
It should also be noted that the search volume for these different queries increases tenfold as the sales period approaches.
Analysis of competitors in my theme
Still with the Semrush tool, if you identify competitors with sales pages on their site, analyze them.
We note, for example, that the Cdiscount site has a well-established SEO strategy for sales:
It has over 14,000 ranked keywords that italy telegram data contain the word “sale”.
Here is another example in the field of sport with the Go Sport site which also has many dedicated pages:
By filtering by URL and indicating keywords containing “sales”, Semrush identifies more than 4200 keywords, including more than 600 in the top 3.
Another example with Fnac, more than 6000 keywords positioned:
I advise you to analyze, always with Semrush, the keywords positioned during sales periods. Given that the sites will push these pages to the maximum at these times, most of them will position themselves on more requests.
Internal search engine
Another interesting tip if you have a site with a certain age: use the internal search engine.
It’s quite possible that during last year’s mark isherwood vice president – business development, storage and transmission event, visitors to your store typed the various sale products they were looking for directly into the search bar.
By filtering the results on the sale dates, you will therefore discover the needs expressed by Internet users, directly on your site.
An interesting source of inspiration to recover!
Step 2: Categorization
Once your document is well fleshed out with your keywords, you will sort and categorize.
- Prioritize results
At this point, you can remove keywords that don’t work for you: competitor sites, products you don’t sell, products you don’t discount, etc.
You need to direct your resources to pages that will bring you sales.
If you are in a competitive sector, I also advise data on you to analyze the competition to identify the sites already positioned on the different requests. This analysis will allow you to know if you have your place in the SERPs.
Here again, it would be a shame to spend time creating pages on requests monopolized by unbeatable players.
Determine the tree structure
Once your list of keywords is sorted, several types of queries will begin to emerge:
- Keywords related to the theme (Example: “Fishing sales”)
- Keywords related to product categories (Example: “Fishing rod sale”)
- Keywords related to product subcategories (Example: “Sea fishing rod sales”)
- Brand related keywords (Example: “Daiwa Sales”)
An SEO strategy to boost your sales during the sales
To sell products on sale in your store, regulations require that they have been available for more than a month before the start of the sales.
Which means you can’t restock on sale items.
This is also why it is common to have availability in only a few sizes or models.
This notion of limited stock brings an additional sense of urgency to consumers.
I also invite you to refer directly to the government website if you are looking for more specific information on this regulation.
Authorized sale products
SEO is a lever that can become very effective during this period and generate considerable traffic to your e-commerce site.
Many e-retailers tend to create ephemeral pages, simply to present the different products on sale. However, behind this event, there are well-established SEO strategies that can become very profitable for your business!
Step 1: Keyword research
As usual, keywords are the basis of any SEO strategy.
This period generates many requests from israel telegram data Internet users, on the different search engines. The first step is therefore to analyze the requests to work on in your theme.
Unlike Black Friday, which generates searches mainly around high-tech or household appliances, sales affect more themes and products.
Of course, the major players in online sales are already in the race for the main queries such as “high tech sales”, “iPhone sales”, “household appliance sales”… but there is always an accessible long tail to go after!
For this first step, your goal will be to collect and list as many keywords as possible related to your sector of activity. Remember, of course, to stay in a lexical field related to the different products you want to sell otherwise you risk getting lost in all these requests!
Keywords around sales will mainly look like “Sales + [Brand]”, “Sales + [Theme]” or “Sales + [Product]”.
Search Console
If you already have sales pages referenced on your site, you may be able to retrieve information directly from Search Console.
Go to the “Coverage” tab, select a period of 16 months to display data covering the last 2-3 sales periods in order to collect maximum information.
Finally, filter for queries containing the word “balance”.
The advantage, if you already have well-ranked pages on your e-commerce site, is that your work will mainly consist of strengthening and optimizing them as this event approaches.
Google Suggest
Google is a search engine that can give kevin watkins chief architect & founder you a lot of answers (which is quite logical in reality…).
By simply using the search bar and analyzing the suggestions, you can start to retrieve many keywords.
For example, if your online store specializes in cat products and accessories, here’s what you might find:
For each keyword, you can then search for related and more specific queries:
Another strategy, for each letter you add, new suggestions appear in the suggestions:
Google Trends
Google Trends is another tool from data on Google that helps analyze searches and trends.
To resume the queries related to cat trees and sales, Google Trends shows us these results:
We immediately identify a strong demand during the sales period which confirms the interest in this request.
Another example with the keyword “sale fishing rod”:
E-commerce sales: regulations & complete SEO strategy
The sales are approaching… Like many e-retailers, you are starting to prepare your products, your stock or even your various marketing actions and you are right!
You know this period well and you know that it can increase your sales tenfold and make your turnover explode.
This major event, which occurs twice a year for 5 weeks, in summer and winter, must be organized efficiently. You must therefore put in place the right strategies and respect good practices.
From both a regulatory and SEO perspective, it is important to put in place a precise action plan to obtain the expected benefits.
In this article, I will list the main rules that govern the sales period to comply with French regulations. I will also share with you a complete SEO strategy, inspired by the major players in online sales in order to considerably boost your traffic during this event.
The main regulations governing the sales period
First of all, it is important to remind you of the different laws that govern the sales period. Many e-retailers do not necessarily respect them and the consequences can be very costly.
This event is being closely monitored by the DGCCRF , which is none other than the General Directorate for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control.
This service belonging to the Ministry iraq telegram data of Economy ensures the economic protection of consumers. It therefore frequently carries out control actions on many e-commerce sites during this period.
Information to be displayed
- “Sales” mention
Each product that you are going to sell on your e-commerce site must explicitly display the words “On sale”.
If you want to set up sales on a specific part of your catalog, the Internet user must easily differentiate the products that are on sale and those that are not.
Old price and new prices
The base price must also appear on the product. In e-commerce jargon, it is also called the “crossed-out price”.
Logically, you will add the new sale price with the discount applied next to it.
Offer end date
Finally, another important element to highlight: the validity date of the offer and more particularly, the end date.
In addition to being mandatory during the brock jensen project manager sales period, it is also an element that creates a sense of urgency in your visitor and encourages them to purchase the product quickly.
The visuals come from an example store created on the WiziShop e-commerce solution. As a French platform, WiziShop complies with the various regulations in force.
Authorized discounts
- Selling at a loss
Sales are the only time of year when you can sell your products at a loss!
During this period, e-retailers therefore have the opportunity to resell items at prices lower than the purchase price. This is often an opportunity data on to sell off hard-to-sell items or to reduce excess stock.
- A “reasonable” reference price
As 60 million consumers points out , the regulations on the reference price have been relaxed.
Since March 2015, no “reference price” has been mandatory. According to the decree of March 11, 2015, the e-retailer must only “be able to justify the reality of the reference price from which the price reduction is announced” .
In other words, the reference price must be set according to each product and be “fair”.
What are trending searches on Google?
Maybe your business wants to post a video tutorial on how to use one of its products or services, in which case you need to know what people are searching for on that topic. If you want your videos to rank well, using Google Trends to identify the most popular or trending video topics can help you write titles and descriptions that better match what people are typing into the search box.
To do this, you can switch your keyword research from the regular “Web Search” button to the “YouTube Search” button. You’ll get instant access to what people are searching for about your video topic, allowing you to effectively tailor your content and tags.
Take the keyword “home DIY.” By selecting “YouTube Search” from the drop-down menu on the far right, you can see when people are most searching for that term. If you’re planning on posting content about home DIY, it might be best to do so around the end of March or early April.
Get more insights into your website keywords
With Google Trends at your disposal, you don’t need to be an SEO expert to do on-page SEO. With the keyword metrics you’ll find there, combined with Semrush’s keyword tools designed to tailor your content to existing trends, you’ll never have to write blindly or just hope your content resonates with your audience.
Semrush can help you organize every facet of the iran telegram data Google Trends data you find and help you turn search queries into SEO success.
Related topics on Google Trends: FAQ
Is there an API for Google Trends?
There is no publicly available Google Trends API; however, Google provides access to two sample datasets, including real-time data from the past week and non-real-time data going back to 2004.
Trending searches on Google change from day to day, but current trending searches can be viewed on Google Trends . Results can be filtered by country, allowing you to see how trends are evolving around the world and what the top trends are in your country.
What are the top 10 searches on Google?
The Google Trends page shows 10 recent norm cameron director, enterprise infrastructure support trending Google searches. One day, Taylor Swift might be a popular Google search, and the next day, a new market disruptor will take its place.
You can also explore the top trends from the current year and each previous year. For example, in 2020 , popular Google searches included events like the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and famous people like Benjamin Griveaux and Cyril Lignac.
Google Trends is a useful keyword research data on tool that provides you with a wealth of information to strengthen your marketing strategy. If you want more help with keyword research, in addition to other keyword research tools, be sure to takeadvantage of everything Google Trends has to offer.
Find related queries to beat the competition
You can sort data by category, type, region, or time period. As you become more comfortable with Google Trends, you can use trending topics, trend forecasts, and find related queries to optimize your local and video SEO.
For example, using the platform to analyze search volume over a period of time can help you identify seasonal peaks for topics in your industry. With this, you can create an editorial calendar to promote content around that topic during its peak season.
Below we will see how you can use Google Trends for keyword research
- Understanding what india telegram data keyword search volume is
- Identify seasonal trends
- Avoid temporarily popular keywords
- Find relevant and trending topics
- Using trend forecasts
- Find related queries to beat the competition
- Optimizing your local SEO strategy
Understanding what keyword search volume is
The search volume for a keyword is the. Number of times that. Term was searched for in a given period of time. This is a critical metric for marketers and. Seos because search volume is ultimately. What drives new traffic to a site. Google trends allows you to enter any keyword and. See graphs showing how interest in. That topic has increased or decreased .over a given period of time.
You can also view regional interest in. A given topic or activity. And view state or regional maps. That show where it is most or least likely to be searched. A savvy keyword researcher will place. These results in a dedicated log or. Keyword manager so that trending items on google can. Be recorded and exported for appropriate use.
Improve your video SEO strategy
It’s important to know that Google Trends shows the relative popularity of keywords. This means that the line graph you see for a given term tuan chau graphic designer senior represents a ratio of the number of times that word or phrase was searched for to the total number of searches performed in a given location at a given time.
To get the full context of the search volume, you need to couple this data with what you get when you enter the keyword into our Keyword Overview tool . You will then have the exact search volume, as well as the difficulty of ranking for that specific keyword.
Identify seasonal trends
Most content marketers want to set their content calendars well in advance and stay on top of changes in keyword popularity.
With this in mind, tracking seasonal trends data on through. Google Trends can help you know when to produce. Content that is likely to be highly searched for. During certain times of the year, such as holidays. These search trends help your business find the right window for promotion.
Google trends allows you to see when and. How much a given keyword was searched. For compared to how often it was searched at other times of the year. Being able to prioritize cyclical trends with the. Most traffic helps reduce marketing mistakes.