Google Shopping ads are proven to be Google’s most effective advertising method today. So how to create an optimal Google Shopping ad optimal google shopping campaign to bring high conversions?
This article will guide you through 4 ways to create the most optimal Google Shopping Ads campaign.
Google Shopping Smart Shopping Campaigns
If you’re looking for the easiest, least involved setup, Smart Shopping campaigns are the way to go. Smart Shopping campaigns require a few inputs to get started. They require an approved feed, a daily budget, some geo-targeting, and your desired ROAS. You can also skip the specific ROAS target and just choose to maximize conversion value. Then Smart Shopping does the work.
Advantages of Smart Shopping Campaigns
If you have an optimized poland telegram data feed, Smart Shopping campaigns usually perform quite well. They often perform as well as, or sometimes better than, standard Shopping campaigns.
The real advantage here is that it’s easy to set up and easier to manage. Plus, Smart Shopping campaigns include dynamic optimal google shopping remarketing ads. So you don’t have to set up a separate dynamic remarketing campaign. Smart Shopping does it for you.
Sometimes you need to check and make sure you don’t have any feed issues, and occasionally you may want to adjust your ROAS target if performance isn’t up to par. Other than feed updates or ROAS target changes, Google will handle the rest.
Disadvantages of Smart Shopping Campaigns
Smart Shopping campaigns have less data visibility and performance optimization capabilities. For example, you can’t add negative keywords, run search terms reports, and have more than one ad group.
ROAS targets can be set at the campaign or ad group level. Since you can only have one ad group per campaign, essentially every product in a given Smart Shopping campaign will have the same target ROAS.
If your profit margins are consistent across products
It can be good to have the power of micro-influencers all of your products in the same campaign. While you can’t have multiple ad groups in a campaign, you can run multiple Smart Shopping campaigns at once.
It’s best to create a separate campaign for each product group that has a similar ROAS goal. For example, let’s say you sell sneakers and socks. It’s best to create one campaign for sneakers and a separate campaign for socks.
How to set up a Smart Shopping campaign
Click to create a new campaign, then job data select Sales as the campaign objective, select Shopping as the campaign type, select Merchant Center, select the countries where your products are sold, then select Smart Shopping as the campaign subtype.
Then, name your campaign, set a daily budget, and provide details about your ROAS target.
Next, select your product group. The default is “All products,” which includes all approved products in your feed. Or you can select only certain products based on Category, Brand, Product Type, Custom Label, or Item ID.