On different aspects such as dm focuses on bond market information and qeubee terminal focuses . On currency and bond market information qb and dm system function iteration map qbningbo senpu . Development bend product managers ability model and learning improvement the first challenge facing bend product . Managers is how to correctly analyze and diagnose business problems this is also the most . Difficult part product design knowledge is basically of no help in this part of the . Work if you want to do a good job of business analysis and diagnosis you .
Must Have a Solid View Details Qb
Must have a solid view details qb ningbo senpu was established years ago and has . Received investments from sequoia capital oman email list chinese culture the world bank etc with a peak valuation . Of over us billion from to accounts were provided to customers for free and account . Fees began to be charged in january in the first five years we focused on . Customer needs to provide electronic tools and financial information services and explored cooperation with official . Institutions to obtain exclusive data resources at this moment we were not in a hurry .
To Generate Traffic and Find Investment in
To generate traffic and find investment in the next three years we focused on system . Docking for customer efficiency improvement segments your list so you focusing on realtime docking with the internal systems of financial . Institutions and at the same time obtained various types of capital investment in the past . Three years we began to operate valueadded services and explore traffic according to public news . It has covered domestic and foreign professional institutions public opinion in it was fined million . Due to exclusive bond quotation data issues httpsmpweixinqqcomsxrafzezoddrzearw data source qb wechat official account dmhuanqing .
Information Development Stage Mainly Relying on Offline
Information development stage mainly relying on offline promotion and operation methods to quickly guide platform . Users user aleart news pain point mining is in place main customer groups urban and rural commercial . Banks securities companies the initial development of dm relied on the main creative team to . Discover the pain points of traders quotations and began to use the peer resources accumulated . By traders in the main creative team in the early stage to quickly connect to . Traders in the entire market it quickly gathered users in a similar way to the .