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New Book by Artjoker. Action Guide: Marketing on Instagram

We love Instagram very much, so we decided to dedicate another white paper to this social network. Of course, you won’t find any odes or ballads in it, but only useful tips for your business, or more precisely: how to promote your brand on Instagram, what are the rules for interacting with the audience, how to attract them to the content and how to get results from all this in the form of sales. Click on the picture, and you will be taken. To a page with a form for downloading the white paper.

  • the article)
  • Do you use “smart” pop-ups on your website – with scripted appearance scenarios? (how to do itread here)
  • Is your Facebook newsletter subscription form integrated?
  • Do you segment your base: by demographics, by interests, by value, by engagement? (details of proper segmentationare described here)

Part 2. Developing an Email Marketing Strategy

Strategy is the foundation of any effective malaysia telegram data marketing, including email. You can build a database, but if you send them chaotic, incoherent emails, there will be no positive result. To create a competent strategy, ask yourself these questions:

Who is my target audience and what are they interested in receiving from me in their newsletters?

What, in addition to commercial offers, can you send to your subscribers: useful articles, interesting selections, invitations to partner events?

Is a trigger mailing system set up on your gambler data resource? (return of those who “abandoned the cart”, reaction to certain user actions on the site,Read more in the article)

How often do you plan to send newsletters? (2-3 times a month is recommended, but this number varies depending on the focus of your business)

Is there a sending schedule for each type of mailing?

Download the book “Action Guide: Marketing on Instagram” absolutely FREE. To get it, fill out the form on this page.

PS Download all 14 free white papers here.

Part 4. Technical

It’s not just a quality base, good content and a well-thought-out strategy that’s important. If you trust all of this to unreliable technology, all your efforts will go down the drain. So, check:

  • Are the templates drawn by the an seo strategy to boost your sales during the sales designer correctly laid out – displayed in all mail services, cross-browser compatible, adaptive for mobile devices?
  • Are your programmer. Triggered emails set up correctly?
  • Which mailing service will suit your needs? (I recommend using for small databasesMailchimp, and with its rapid growth, move on toEsputnik)

I also recommend reading the book”Selling mailings”Yana Brody, and also download a free white paper from our team, “A Guide to Action: Effective Email Marketing.


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