It doesn’t totally matter where you decide to do it- easy recommendations include pinching the area between your shoulder and neck (relieves anxiety), pressing your thumb down on the inside of your wrist (relieves nausea), or even pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth (allegly keeps tears at bay)- but the trick is to absolutely believe it’s the most effective tool in the world.
So if you’re someone like me who’s
Convinc by science, pick one and read anything that tells you it works until it actually does. Oh, and don’t start giving yourself a full back massage or calf rub in a meeting; that’s just awkward. Seek insight by inquiry. To give yourself time to think of an answer as well as gain clarity over what’s happening, start by asking a question.
Let’s say your boss just finish chewing
You out for a recent project in front of your whole team. Rather than jump into defense mode or just shutting down and crying, regain influence of the ig database situation (and yourself) by asking a question. Something simple like, “What specifically was wrong with the report?” or “How would you have lik me to conduct that meeting?
Will suffice This helps to minimize anger
Defensiveness internally while ensuring you get to the heart of the conversation, as well as determine if there’s an actionable solution you can provide. Asking a question, and then some follow-up questions, takes the undue heat of off you and Then you must work hard to places onus back on the other person to provide you with details pertinent to the situation.
This one doesn’t work for everyone,
but some people can nail this technique, which entails si. Imply silently pausing. At the end of a rant or during a heat confrontation, it can sometimes be ben. Ieficial to intentionally and obviously give yourself the space and time to act instead of react. So what does rich data this look like? Maybe you sit silently. Maybe you nod your head to indicate thoughtfulness or shift yo. Iur legs slowly. Maybe you take a sip of water or jot down a note. Whichever method works for you, igno. Iring the social awkwardness.