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If you want to be our next featured millennial,

If you want to be our next featured millennial, email us here. This post is part of GovLoop’s millennial blog series, First 5.We live in a constantly on the go society. For better or for worse, this mentality often carries over to how we approach tasks in the workplace.

Three memos, five meetings and a working

Lunch with your boss all in one day? No problem. Taking a moment to breath and re-center yourself before you dive into your next task? No way. That moment of pause and awareness that many people don’t seem to have time for is called mindfulness. And as it turns out, practicing it often can help you become a better employee and leader.

Mindfulness explained how at the Next

Generation of Government Training Summit. Jones defined mindfulness as paying attention or noting whatever is happening in the moment with a overseas chinese in usa data gentle and open mind, as well as awareness of breathing, thoughts, feelings and surroundings. “Mindfulness is not a ‘woo’ thing, rather it is innate in all of us and we are all capable of cultivating awareness and bringing our attention to the present moment.

special data

In order to do this, you have to be willing

Pause and stop and be with yourself without judgement. Life and work are stressful and at the end of the day there’s not much we can do to stop stressors from popping up. However, through mindfulness you can manage how you handle stressors and build resilience to learn how to deal with them.

Mindfulness is useful to manage stress

Because when we see our minds going down a path Technology has summarize for you of stress we can breathe, be in the moment, and clear our minds to solve the problem and address the stressor,” Jones explained. This is especially important to practice at the workplace. “Practicing mindfulness rich data can allow us to de-stress and be present in our current relationships at work instead of simply zoning out,” Jones said.

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