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How To Do Backlink Gap Analysis With Semrush And Python

The importance of a good backlink profile within an SEO project is well known: effectively managing the acquisition strategy, through the search for suitable publishers and careful planning of publications, is crucial to consolidate and facilitate the organic ranking of a site.

These factors become even more crucial

When we operate in hyper-competitive sectors, where we will need to know exactly who our competitors are and how they move (also) in terms of off-site strategy.

Today I want to introduce you to an effective and perfectly replicable method to analyze and mitigate the gap between your backlink profile and that of your competitors .

The key questions semrush.com persistent are two:

I have found that there is a backlink gap between my site and those of my competitors, how should I proceed strategically?
I have planned and implemented a good acquisition strategy, how can I clearly visualize the results obtained to demonstrate the value of the work done?
We will use Semrush to get the data always updated chinese overseas africa number data and some Python scripts to develop visualizations that can clearly show if and how we have filled or reduced the backlink gap.

I will show you a practical case where I applied (and am continuing to apply!) this method successfully ff site.

What Is A Backlink Gap And How To Manage It
By comparing our backlink profile with that of the big players in the sector, we may detect a certain gap, which may be quantitative or qualitative (or both).

And, often, this gap can negatively influence the organic ranking of our domain: the first fundamental step is therefore to identify and understand the size of this gap , to then study an effective compensation strategy.

However, in a competitive niche

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Where you are “bumping into” some big brands or where competitors are active every day from an off-site point of view – it is highly unlikely that you will not have any backlink gaps .

A Practical Case: E-commerce in the Pharma video keywords are not only suitable & Beauty Sector
This is an SEO project I have been working on since its inception, less than two years ago.
A highly competitive sector, where some well-known competitors have been present for several years during which they have been able to build and consolidate an important advantage – also in terms of backlink profile.

So I find myself analyzing semrush.com persistent and wanting

To recover this rather large gap: using Semrush’s Backlink aleart news Gap tool , I found that our client’s domain had accumulated a fairly significant gap – not only in quantitative terms, but also qualitative (authoritativeness and intrinsic value of the backlinks not received), due to the great competitiveness of the sector and the very fierce competition.

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