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How many legs does your sheep have

Business Life / No comments For my parents, a recruitment . T agency was already a somewhat abstract concept, specializing in digital and electronics professions… So the office is easy to explain and understand and then the word office sounds good. But I admit that even I, when reading “specializing in the Digital and Electronics professions… So I’m starting my first week and I’m overwhelmed with completely unknown vocabulary: Java J2EE, PHP, Front, Back, C#, wait a minute I know that one, the # is good for Twitter.

And this sentence that someone came

out to me one morning: “you know Alice . T here we know south africa phone number data the difference between Java and Javascript…” Oh yes I was saying that to myself too. Fortunately, this vocabulary, which is a little surreal at first, is accompanied by words that we understand a little better: Software publisher, Web, e-commerce, iOS and Android… And then everything becomes clear:

Phone Number Data

There is indeed someone who is developing

this compass application that allows me to know where kcrj north is! So here we go, I’m starting my first mission and I’m looking for a native iOS developer for a client based in Lyon and given the characteristics requested by this client, I understand that I’m looking for a 5-legged sheep: • the candidate must be in the right geographic area (and/or willing to go there) • 5 years of experience in mobile • native iOS • the salary • Bilingual English Then comes a whole bunch of criteria specific to

each position: that he/she is developed in Android this parameterization allowed that he/she is in management… My job is simple, find this 5-legged sheep, I start my research, and BAM: second CV opened: it’s perfect Michel! I call him right away!!!! And then it’s the drama: Michel is in post he is not at all looking for a new job.. Ok, so my 5-legged sheep must be looking for and/or on the lookout for opportunities and the one(s) I have to present to him must correspond to his expectations… So we go back, we talk with our colleagues and yes we are specialized, we have already worked on this type of need, we already know candidates, and we open CVs and we call candidates, lots of candidates, but then lots of candidates.

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