Follows social analysis social analysis focuses on the impact of changes in the social environment . On consumer demand and behavior the social environment includes social structure social culture religious beliefs . Values factor markets and other aspects the cultural level will affect the level of residents . Needs religious beliefs and customs will prohibit or resist the conduct of certain activities values . Will affect residents recognition of corporate goals and activities enterprises need to pay attention to . The changes in these social factors so as to formulate product and service strategies that .
Meet Market Demand the Main Considerations Are
Meet market demand the main considerations are as follows technical analysis technical analysis examines the . Development mexico email list and changes of technical means directly related to the field in which the enterprise . Is located as well as the countrys investment and support focus on scientific and technological . Development including rd environment technology industrialization and other aspects enterprises need to pay attention to . Technological development trends increase rd investment and enhance independent innovation capabilities the main considerations are . As follows after completing the macroenvironment analysis of the four dimensions of policy economy society .
And Technology Enterprises Need to Comprehensively Consider
And technology enterprises need to comprehensively consider these analysis results to formulate and adjust their . Strategies policy dimension different from the traditional manual according to the results of policy analysis enterprises need to pay attention . To changes in government policies especially industrial policies resource and environmental policies and intellectual property . Policies related to their own industries enterprises should actively apply for government subsidies and tax . Incentives based on policy guidance and comply with relevant laws and regulations to ensure compliance . Operations economic dimension changes in the economic environment directly affect the market performance and profitability .
Of Enterprises Enterprises Need to Pay Close
Of enterprises enterprises need to pay close attention to economic growth trends monetary policies and . Fiscal policies etc in order to formulate aleart news sales strategies and financial plans that adapt to . Market changes in economic downturns enterprises may need to adopt conservative financial strategies to reduce . Operating costs while in economic prosperity they can increase market investment and expand market share . Social dimension changes in the social environment have a profound impact on consumer demand and . Behavior enterprises need to pay attention to social factors such as population structure education level .