Home ยป Blog ยป Email Marketing Experience That Can Be Applied to Web Push Emails

Email Marketing Experience That Can Be Applied to Web Push Emails

In short, pop-up messages that come directly to the recipient’s desktop. The recipient can close the tab with the site, minimize the browser, close it completely – and still receive such messages.



What’s the beauty of the channel? Such messages are the most oman phone number data noticeable. Almost all recipients read them. Take the

mobile phone number library

percentage of readability of your mailing list, multiply by about 40-50 (yes, not 4-5 times)ย  you get the readability of webpush.

But readability is only half the battle. Clicks and transitions to the site are more important. Let’s talk about what tips from classic email marketing will be useful to us.

Email marketing rules that work for web-push too
Tip 1. Don’t write long headlines

In the era of smartphones, writing too long headlines even for emails is pointless, only the first words will be read. Browser webpush notifications are initially oriented towards desktop and mobile devices โ€” thatโ€™s why their title is as short as possible.

Statistics show that the most opened emails have 1-15 characters in the title, anything longer is opened less often.



Tip 2. Write the first paragraph concisely and to the point

The thing is that webpush messages generally have nothing but the title and the first paragraph. This is the entire text of the message, and the recipient will see it as soon as they receive it. Then comes the click (or not). Therefore, itโ€™s worth devoting even more effort to the paragraph of text โ€” and fitting your message into the 125 character limit.

Tip 3. Use “magic words”

In classic email marketing, there are statistics that mailings with the words “thank you”, “please”, “sorry”, “how (to do something)”, “free” and a number of others increase the conversion of mailings by about 7-10%.

At the same time, there are a number of words and symbols for which you can simply end up in spam: all this is advertising-related – “discount”, “%”, “!!!”, “promotion” and so on.

We wrote a guide for beginners in email marketing – there is a useful link to a list of words that mail services hate. Well, they are hated not only by spam filters, but also by real people. The statement is equally true for email and webpush.

Tip 4. Don’t get carried away with mass mailings

Many people send letters to 1 million addresses and are then ways to look up business information and tax surprised by low conversions, a high percentage of unsubscribes and getting into spam.

The percentage of reads falls along with the growth of the recipient base. Something like this:


Therefore, narrow targeting, segmentation of the data on base and personalized content for each segment are what you need to do.

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