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 Dynamic and Large Background Photos


If you can’t make a video sequence for the background, then try to hold a cool photo shoot so that you have something to use as huge background photos on the main page of the site.

The photo should be lively and dynamic, this is the only way you can convey your sporting spirit to the website visitor.

An example of a huge background photo on the Rubisapp website:


Convenient selection of training schedule

Since the goal of a sports website is not only to create a wow effect, but also to help a potential client choose a convenient time for training, it is important to work on the usability of the “Class Schedule” page. Add filters by time, place, days of the week, and areas of interest.

An example of a convenient selection of the optimal schedule Mpoweryogastudio:


Blog – a magazine about a healthy lifestyle

Having decided to take up a healthy lifestyle, we begin to read a lot of information about how to do it correctly. Start a corporate blog on your website, design it as a kind of healthy lifestyle magazine, and write articles there about losing weight, diets, etc.

Example of Equinox blog-journal:


Experiments with Geometry

The decision to use geometric shapes armenia phone number data can solve the problem of a lack of large photos or videos. Instruct the designer to experiment with triangles, diamonds, and other shapes that are not as common on websites as squares and rectangles. This way, you can bring dynamics where it would seem unachievable.

An example of a successful experiment with geometryRed Carpet:


Section “Motivation”

Encourage your site visitors to start their workouts right now, without putting it off. You can do this with the help of a special section called “Motivation”. It can display what a person will achieve by regularly doing sports.

Example of the Motivation sectionEberamaya:


Broadcast of community results

Create a feed on your website that will gambler data broadcast the results of those who are doing your program using a special hashtag: this could be a feed of Instagram photos, or posts on Facebook or VKontakte.

Example of broadcast of Fitstar community results:


10 Bright information blocks

Move away from standard and boring ways of presenting information. Simplicity and minimalism can be bright. This can be achieved with the help of interesting typography, color scheme, geometry.

Example of bright information blocks:


11 The text is short, but to the point

Sports-themed websites should not have a lot of text. As I wrote above, it is important for the copywriting to be bold. But it is also important to provide information about you, your services, your team clearly and succinctly.

Example of Fitstar’s bright information blocks:


12 Clear Calls to Action

Formulate the text that will be use asynchronous and deferred loading for css placed on the CTA buttons (call-to-action elements) as briefly as possible, including a strong verb: “Start a new life”, “Calculate your program”, “Sign up for training”, etc.

An example of clear calls to action.



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