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Discovery of a profession that I did not know

You’re going to do recruitment, what does that involve? Is it like Pรดle Emploi? Can you find me a job?” These are the questions that my loved ones asked me before I started my internship and which I had difficulty answering because I didn’t know any more than they did (or very little). A little apprehension, a little excitement, here we go! A phone and a computer, that’s all for the equipment. Start a week of training in the job of recruiter, more precisely in the job of recruiter of engineers. I, who did not know the difference between an operating system and a search engine, was served.

The challenge was therefore to familiarize

myself with the obscure world of 1s and 0s. I had to discover switzerland phone number data and understand the jobs that revolve around websites, applications, around the green card that is inside my phone, my computer, my television, the electronic equipment in my car, … the jobs that, ultimately, make up my daily life. But an engineer is an engineer, right? No, I discovered that in the country of engineers there are.

Phone Number Data

Many regions many cities

which communicate with each other or not, which speak three ways you must know about promoting seo articles the same language or not, that electronics engineers, front-end developers, FPGA experts all had the status of engineer but not at all the same daily life. I had to meet Linux, approach Asic, approach Java, get in touch with the C team (C, C++, C#)โ€ฆ It was both frustrating and exciting to explore a new world and to understand its mechanisms only at the functional level.

But this was necessary to then be able to practice the kcrj job of recruiter with candidates, to manage to understand their background, their expectations, and find the position that would suit them best. It’s quite unsettling at first to contact people unexpectedly to ask them for information about their background, their wishes, their goals.

but we quickly realize that everyone (or almost everyone) understands that it’s only in their interests and gives us their time and later their trust. Recruiting is like this: a profession that requires listening, rigor, patience, and which has the honorable objective of allowing candidates to find the position that they dream of and companies to find precisely the desired employees. Keywords: Job search , recruitment , Internship Be the first to rate this article.

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