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How to install a font in Photoshop?
No fluff, straight to the point.
How to install a font in photoshop
You don’t need to install fonts in Photoshop itself. The thing is that fonts need to be installed in the system (Windows, Mac, etc.) And Photoshop already loads the fonts installed in your operating system.
I’ll tell you using Windows as an example…
Fonts in Windows are stored in the “fonts” folder at: C:\Windows\Fonts
Or on another disk. In general, where you have the operating system installed. That’s where you need to add the new font.How to Install a Font in Windows
It’s as easy as pie. And there are several ways.
Let’s say you downloaded an archive with some font. For example, I downloaded the free font BadScript.
We open the archive and see a file with the extension .ttf
The first and easiest way is to drag the file from the archive directly into the Fonts folder.
The second option is if you are not sure if you need this font and want to take another look at it.
Then just run this file by double-clicking the left mouse button. You will see a preview window like this:
will install the font
Once you are convinced of the aesthetic beauty of the font, click the button with the telling name “Install”.
By the way, here you can see whether the font supports Cyrillic.
Well, the third way, if you have already ghana phone number library unzipped the font archive, and the file is simply stored in some folder…
In this case, you can right-click on it (the font file) and find the same “Install” button in the context menu:
P.S. A small clarification. When installing new fonts, close Photoshop. And if you haven’t closed it, close it and open it again. The newly installed fonts will appear immediately after restarting the program.I managed to install the font in Photoshop, how about you
You can install a lot of things in Photoshop: brushes, gradients, palettes, actions, etc. All of this is installed directly into the program itself. But this parameterization allowed with fonts it turns out to be a little different, but not at all difficult. Right?
Note – “How to install brushes consumer data in Photoshop”
Now you know how to add fonts to Photoshop. Well, if you have any questions, ask them in the comments.What is better a business card site or a landing page? What is the difference?
A short article about what is better, a business card site or a landing page. Need a site, but can’t decide what will suit you better? Then this article is for you.
Business or service?
Why do you need a website? Do you want to advertise your entire business or a specific product or service? If the former, a full-fledged website will suit you better.Example: A dental clinic with a wide range of different services creates one long landing page. It describes all its advantages. On one of the screens it provides a table with types of services and prices. Everything seems fine, but will such a site inspire confidence in visitors? Will you personally be ready , having visited the one-pager, to entrust your health to this clinic?
Now let’s assume that this dental clinic has a full-fledged website with all the necessary information. It fully reflects the image and status of the company.
And only after that
For a specific service (for example, the now fashionable veneers/lumineers) the clinic creates a separate landing page. And there it describes all the advantages of this service.
In this case, the landing page acts as a branch of the main site. Agree that this approach inspires more trust. And rest assured that the conversion in this case will also be higher.
What tasks is a one-page website suitable for?
For example, selling one type of product. It could be either gyro scooters or granulated sugar with delivery. It could be germany phone number library services . For example, consultations, massage, calling an electrician or photo shooting.Landing pages are suitable when:
If the range of services is large or the service itself has many nuances, then it is better to choose a multi-page site.If the goods are expensive and have many specifications, then it is also better to use a website, because the landing page will inspire less confidence when buying, for example, an expensive watch or a mobile phone.
Difference in optimization
Due to the fact that the format of one-page sites implies a small amount of information, it is somewhat more difficult to optimize them for key queries. And for a group of target queries it is almost impossible.
Even if we are talking about such a long landing there were almost no problems page as in the example above, if we were to make a multi-page site out of it and turn each section into a separate page with a special keyword, then it would be much easier to promote such a site in search results.
Traffic to landing pages is usually paid. If you are going to promote your landing page in natural search results, then this will not be an easy task. Don’t believe me? Try entering some commercial search query in Yandex and see how many consumer data landing pages are located on the first page of results. Most likely, there will be full-fledged sites and online stores, but not one-pagers.
Are pop-ups a good idea or not?
Ask any internet user how they feel about pop-ups? Chances are you’ll learn some new curse words. And yet, many sites still use them to push their marketing messages. Why?
The thing is, pop-ups may be the most disliked form of online advertising, but they still work.
Yes, indeed… Pop-ups work because they grab attention and position the message or call to subscribe above other distractions.
As users, we hate them because they get in our way. As designers and developers, we love being asked to include them in a site because in many cases they make it difficult to create accessible and delightful websites.While they may improve conversions
They don’t improve subscriber engagement. And even those that only appear when a user leaves the page (exit-intent popups) still cause a negative reaction.
“I wrote code to run a pop-up ad. Sorry.”
– Ethan Zuckerman, inventor of the pop-up ad .
Pop-up ads are annoying because they distract us when we’re trying to do something (which is ironically what they’re designed for). Commercial sites install pop-ups to show big numbers on their monthly report.
SEO penalties for pop-ups on mobile
Even Google has agreed that a bad georgia phone number library user experience just isn’t worth it.
To improve the mobile search experience, after January 10, 2017, pages where content is difficult for a user to find when navigating away from mobile search results may not rank highly.
This means that as of January 10, 2017, pages that display intrusive pop-ups and interstitials will appear lower in Google’s mobile search results.
The ranking changes do not applyTo pages with pop-ups that take into account the accessibility of the page content. The same applies to ads that take up a small amount of space have you heard seen the beach’s and do not interfere with users’ access to information.
If you must use pop-ups, use them responsibly.
Whatever your reasons for using pop-ups, remember that they are intrusive. Before you launch one, consider whether users will find the pop-up consumer data annoying or helpful.
If you must use a pop-up, either by necessity or direct order, use it wisely.How I Passed the Shutterstock Exam in 2017 With One Picture
Is it possible to pass the Shutterstock exam with just one picture? It turns out it is 🙂
I’ll start with the fact that I was registered on a large number of stocks a long time ago. And I already had an account on Shutter, although I didn’t even try to pass the exam.
In the distant past, when my main income was photography, I thought about photo stocks and even uploaded a few photos to the Lori photo bank . But that was all I could do then ))
Years have passed, I have been doing web design for a long time , and I left photography and retouching for the soul.
Why I decided to take the Shutterstock exam
This may sound funny, but I needed to check how good my vector is from the technical side. Yes, you heard right ))
It all started when I decided to open my own shop on Creative Market. But after looking at the formats in which people sell their work there, I realized that I couldn’t do without vector.
No, of course there are those who upload only PNG, JPG or PSD, but there are catastrophically few of them. Mostly people upload EPS, and in addition other formats of their choice.
Well, that’s not what I’m talking about…
If I know Photoshop like a skunk, then I have Illustrator installed solely for entertainment purposes. Well, sometimes I can draw business cards or a logo. As for how to prepare vector files for transfer to another person, I only knew in general terms.And in order not to fall flat on my face, I france phone number library decided to check if I was doing everything right. But how to check? I need to send the file to someone who knows, so that he can look at it, evaluate it, so to speak, identify the flaws, point out the mistakes. And then you can sell EPS to people…
But unfortunately, I don’t have any friends who understand vector, and I can’t bother strangers on the Internet, my conscience doesn’t allow it. And then it dawned on me. After all, you can try to pass the exam at Shutterstock. They say that many people fail to get in there the first time, so they have a strict selection process.
Preparing for the examI learned about Shutterstock’s requirements for vector images. They say there should be no open paths, empty layers, invisible dots and blah-blah-blah. I didn’t know all these things. I only converted text to vector and saved it in AI. And here’s what they require.
Ok, I guess. Isn’t this a skill test?
I read that now, on Shutter, the exam has the well-known suno ai been greatly simplified. Previously, you had to send 10 works and 7 of them had to be approved. But now the main thing is that at least ONE work is approved.
Well, if that’s the case, then I decided not to draw 10 works, but to start gradually ))) I thought, I’ll do one, and if it doesn’t work out, I’ll continue to study ))
In general, I created one seamless pattern consumer data with flowers. I “licked” it as it should be and uploaded it to Shutterstock… However, I wasn’t sure that I did everything correctly.First sale on Shutterstock
And I have my first sale on Shutterstock . Just keeping you updated 🙂
How I got to Shutterstock and how I passed the exam, I told here ⇒ And today I want to share with you good news. Only about 10 days have passed since I uploaded my first picture, and here is my first sale.
Very unexpected.
So I’m sitting here, working, it’s night outside. Once an hour I go to Shutterstock to check if my new works have appeared in my portfolio.
The thing is that after the works are accepted
They do not immediately appear on the author’s page. But they are in the search and buyers see them. People on forums write that it can take from a couple of hours to 2-3 days. I really didn’t have this. They were not displayed for half a day at most.
So, once every couple of hours, I go in and refresh my personal account page.
And then bam, in my personal account I see a picture on the map:
First sale on Shutterstock
This is how sales are displayed. Thank you, man from Mexico. You made my day 🙂
To be honest, I thought that sales start when there are more than 50-100 pictures in the portfolio. This is again, info from various forums finland phone number library on stocks. Therefore, I did not even hope.
And in general, I had this suspicion that I would not upload 100 pictures, but would abandon this business earlier. It just turned out that attributing images is a terrible routine for me. Even understanding the importance of selecting keywords, it is boring and annoying. Especially when there are 10 pictures, and all on different topics. I do not really understand how people attribute 50 pictures a day.
Maybe there are some algorithms that
I do not know about yet. Or they just draw in series to make it easier.
By the way, after passing the exam, I uploaded 23 vectors to Shutter, one of which was not approved due to an incorrect description. And i didn’t even realize it since I’m a “lazy ass”, I didn’t even re-upload it, but simply deleted it 🙂
In total, by the time of the first sale, I had only 22 works in my portfolio. Most of them are patterns (seamless patterns). I uploaded patterns selectively consumer data from those that I prepared for another Internet site. It is not clear by what principle I selected them. I did not look at trends, did not analyze niches and generally treated it somehow indifferently.
What is the difference between a unique website design and a template one?
I am often asked how a unique website design differs from a template one. And so as not to explain it every time, I decided to write about it.
A template design is a ready-made, or in other words, standard design. Templates or themes for sites are created by designers and webmasters for various CMS. In order for the site to work, after installing an engine, for example, WordPress on the hosting, you need to buy/download and install the selected template.Each template has its own design
Structure and some basic functionality. You can choose a template with a ready-made design of a certain theme. For example, a template for a construction company, for a portfolio site or for a travel blog.
But you must understand that a site created on the basis of such a template will not be unique. And there will be a huge number of sites similar to yours on the Internet.
Usually, after installing a template, the site looks crooked and awkward. This happens because it is impossible to perfectly select a template estonia phone number library that suits a specific project. Therefore, all sorts of edits begin. Color schemes, sizes, structure, etc. are corrected…
Template code edits often take a long time because the code is not clean and sometimes it takes a lot of time to change some little thing. Often, adding the necessary functionality causes conflicts and failures in operation.
Main advantages of template design
The two main advantages are price and timing.The cost of the template itself + the price for installation and setup will cost several times less than creating a unique design.
The only time required is to customize the template, which is faster than developing a new unique website.
That’s where the benefits of templates end.To understand the whole picture
You need to look at both options, and then you can figure out what to choose. So let’s now look at a unique website design.
Such a site is truly an author’s work. Design, forms, sizes, structure, elements – all this is drawn from scratch for the specific needs of the seonthebeach song, more than customer. A design layout is created, unique in its kind. This means that on the vast expanses of the Internet you will not find exactly the same site.The site code is also written from scratch. It is simple and easy to edit, which means it will not be difficult to change or add any element of the site. After consumer data the design and layout, the site is “stretched” onto the CMS (in our case, WordPress), so that the owner has the ability to edit and add the necessary materials..
How much does a banner design cost or why can’t I name the price right away
Hello, friends! Today I want to talk about pricing for small web design. By small design I mean banners, headers, covers, business cards, etc.
The thing is that today I again received two messages on social networks at once from the category “Hello, How much does it cost…”
And it’s good if they ask about the cost of website design . Then, I just give a link to the page with my prices or to the article “How much does website design cost and what does the price depend on.”
But both messages were about banner design
In the first case, “just a banner” was needed. In the second case, they gave a little more information. (2 banners for a slider on the site + one slightly smaller for another section on the site).
And how can I name the price in this case? The thing is that I do not specialize in small printing and I do not have a clear price list for business cards, booklets, banners, etc. Yes, creating a beautiful banner for a website slider is not a problem el salvador phone number library for me. But in order to name the price, I must understand how much time will be spent on the work.
The customer knows exactly what he wants to get. He has adequate text for the banner, he knows the style approximately, or he even has ready-made images. And he essentially only needs to put everything together, select fonts and slightly adjust the images. In general, make everything look harmonious and be the right size.In such cases, edits will be minimal or absent altogether. The average work time is 1-3 hours, taking into account feedback.
Now lets imagine a situation where the customer
Does not have any additional materials, only has a rough idea of what should be written on his banner, he has no preferences in style, etc. Oh, yes, he is also a very creative person who is ready to consider a bunch of possible options from which my first internship by joel he can choose something, make his own changes and only then approve it.
In this case, the work can take up to a week. And it will look something like this. Let’s look for some more pictures, and play with the fonts, and maybe move this text a little to the right, oh, that’s too far, let’s move it a little to the left now…
And I don’t want to say that the 2nd customer consumer data is worse. I understand such clients perfectly well and am ready to work with them. But you should also understand that you choose a designer based on their portfolio, style and reviews. And a freelance designer takes money from you for the time spent on your project.
My first internship By Joel
First day of research: Okay, I’m getting started, I’ve postponed my research 7 times, it’s starting to be urgent, I think that two months before the deadline is still acceptable. I start by asking around to see if many have already found something. Some have, for three months already… others are just starting like me,
Still others have just realized that
we have an internship… It’s good, nothing is lost. Where to thailand phone number data start? What internship to do? Where to look? Find a website: I ask around me, second years, my friends, they recommend APEC and INDEED, I’ve done others but it’s true, there’s nothing better.
I start looking in human resources
all companies offer to do recruitment, might as well kcrj look for a recruitment agency. The list is long, all the ads are similar. I apply here and there, I set myself about twenty applications before the end of the month, I send 4. The deadline is approaching, a little pressure, I send about fifteen applications, I receive three calls, I miss two. I see a new ad on APEC, Sept Lieues.
I am offered to break dart throwing records, I am this parameterization allowed intrigued, I apply. Two days later, while driving, I parked urgently to answer a call. The next day I was in an interview; I was given a private lesson, they explained the main points of recruitment, the issues of the job…
I finished the interview on the terrace of a café, I have a good memory of it and an impression totally out of step with what I imagined of recruitment agencies. No suit and tie, no stiletto heels, just experienced people who have managed to create a real corporate culture that combines well-being and rigor. The following Monday I received a call, I was hired at Sept Lieues! Phew, not only did I find my internship, but I got the one I wanted. Keywords: Internship .
We need to rethink the recruitment experience
In the digital age, the most successful recruiters will be those able to offer the best candidate experience. By ” experience “, we mean all the means implemented by companies to free themselves from traditional hiring processes. The objective: to re-energize their employer image to continue to attract new talent. According to a recent study, only 45% of young graduates are satisfied with their experience of the recruitment process in companies.
Their grievances: inefficient and excessively
long recruitment methods, a huge lack of taiwan phone number data communication as well as a gap in perception between young graduates and companies on the skills required. It must be admitted that in the future, candidates and recruiters will have to maintain a new relationship, at the same time original, fast and uninhibited. The digital experience pushes candidates to more and more demands, irremediably forcing HR to innovate in order to hope to attract the best talents.
Indeed more than a career or a huge salary
young workers dream above all of a work environment a summary of Internet marketing terms conducive to self-fulfillment. In other words: an exciting challenge, autonomy, responsibilities and impact, without forgetting the comfort of life. Communicate differently to recruit better This promise is the one that we will have to be able to keep tomorrow to be competitive on the job market.
The stakes are high and some companies have already kcrj understood this very well. This is particularly the case of Michel et Augustin , a young brand that recently launched a recruitment campaign that is a complete break with the norm. At once funny, offbeat and ambitious, it offers new promises to candidates looking for an innovative message. The objective is clear: to present yourself as a “trendy” employer to attract profiles that are qualified, original and truly motivated.
And it works! In addition to piquing candidates’ curiosity, this type of innovative practice contributes to the influence of the famous “employer brand”, the true spearhead of HR and the company’s first banner on the job market. It is important to understand that in the future, communicating and recruiting will be one and the same (if this is not already the case), so it is best to start doing so now. A booming job market There is another way to increase your workforce while advertising your brand. We are thinking in particular of recruitment events or “job fairs”. They are popping up everywhere and aim to bring together more freely – and more massively – companies and candidates from the same sector of activity.
Discovery of a profession that I did not know
You’re going to do recruitment, what does that involve? Is it like Pôle Emploi? Can you find me a job?” These are the questions that my loved ones asked me before I started my internship and which I had difficulty answering because I didn’t know any more than they did (or very little). A little apprehension, a little excitement, here we go! A phone and a computer, that’s all for the equipment. Start a week of training in the job of recruiter, more precisely in the job of recruiter of engineers. I, who did not know the difference between an operating system and a search engine, was served.
The challenge was therefore to familiarize
myself with the obscure world of 1s and 0s. I had to discover switzerland phone number data and understand the jobs that revolve around websites, applications, around the green card that is inside my phone, my computer, my television, the electronic equipment in my car, … the jobs that, ultimately, make up my daily life. But an engineer is an engineer, right? No, I discovered that in the country of engineers there are.
Many regions many cities
which communicate with each other or not, which speak three ways you must know about promoting seo articles the same language or not, that electronics engineers, front-end developers, FPGA experts all had the status of engineer but not at all the same daily life. I had to meet Linux, approach Asic, approach Java, get in touch with the C team (C, C++, C#)… It was both frustrating and exciting to explore a new world and to understand its mechanisms only at the functional level.
But this was necessary to then be able to practice the kcrj job of recruiter with candidates, to manage to understand their background, their expectations, and find the position that would suit them best. It’s quite unsettling at first to contact people unexpectedly to ask them for information about their background, their wishes, their goals.
but we quickly realize that everyone (or almost everyone) understands that it’s only in their interests and gives us their time and later their trust. Recruiting is like this: a profession that requires listening, rigor, patience, and which has the honorable objective of allowing candidates to find the position that they dream of and companies to find precisely the desired employees. Keywords: Job search , recruitment , Internship Be the first to rate this article.