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How to make a balance sheet in detail
What is a balance sheet? How to make a balance sheet? Latest balance sheet template? Refer to the following article of Meinvoice for detailed answers.
Table of Contents Hide
1. Balance sheet overview
What is a balance sheet?
Balance sheet in English
The meaning of balance sheet2. What does a complete balance sheet include?
Asset section
Capital section
3. Balance sheet template
Sample balance sheet according to circular 200
Sample balance sheet according to Circular 133
4. Instructions for preparing balance sheet according to Circular 200
Principles of preparing balance sheet
3 steps to create an accurate balance sheet
5. How to read a balance sheet
1. Balance sheet overview
What is a balance sheet?
The balance sheet is an important component iraq telegram data in the financial statement set used to generally reflect the total value of the existing assets and the sources of formation of those assets of the enterprise at a certain point in time.Based on the balance sheet, you can make comments and general assessments of the financial
situation of the business over a certain period of time.
Balance have you heard seen the beach’s sheet in English
Balance sheet in English is Balance sheet. In addition, some English terms related to the financial balance sheet below consumer data you can refer to:English Vietnamese
Assets Asset
Liabilities Liabilities
Owners’ equity Equity
Fixed Assets Fixed assets
The meaning of balance sheetSome important meanings of making a balance sheet:
Evaluate the financial situation of the enterprise through the following factors:
Liquidity: The ability to convert assets into cash to meet short-term obligations
Efficiency: The ability to effectively use assets to expand production and business to generate revenue and profit.
Leverage: Assesses the level of financial risk that can be encountered but does not endanger the business.
Financial History: The cash flow history and financial position of the company at a given point in time
Compare business with competitors: Helps compare business’s solvency, profitability and growth potential with competitorways to look up business information and tax
The business tax code (also known as the business code) is a series of numbers created by the national information system and issued to businesses upon establishment.
So how to look up the business tax code ? The following article by misa meinvoice will guide you in detail on the steps to find the tax code and information about the business. Let’s find out now.
See more: how to look up personal tax code online quickly
table of contents hide
1. What is a business tax code? Notes when using a business tax code2. Instructions for looking up business tax codes
Method 1: look up the business. Tax code on the general department. Of taxation website.
Method 3: look up the. Business tax code.on the law library page.
Method 4: look up tax. Code on the national business. Registration portal.
Method 5: look up.the company tax code on the .business registration certificate.
Method 6: look up business. Information at the business .registration office of the department. Of planning and investment.
3. Some frequently asked questions iran telegram data about business tax codes
1. What is a business tax code? Notes when using a business tax code
pursuant to the provisions of article 29 of the enterprise law 2020 on corporate tax codes:“1. The enterprise code is a series of numbers created by the national enterprise registration
information system, issued to an enterprise
upon its establishment and the well-known suno ai recorded on the enterprise registration certificate. Each enterprise has a unique code and cannot be reused to issue to another enterprise.
2. The enterprise code is used to perform consumer data tax obligations, administrative procedures and other rights and obligations.”
in addition, each enterprise is assigned a unique code called the enterprise code. This code is also the tax code and the social insurance participation code of the enterprise. (based on the provisions of clause 1, article 8 of decree 01/2021/nd-cp)
what is a business tax code?
enter the issued tax code into invoices, vouchers, and documents when conducting business transactions; declaring taxes, paying taxes, refunding taxes, and tax transactions; opening deposit accounts at commercial banks and other credit institutions.
Do not use another taxpayer’s tax identification number.
In case the office lease expires and you need to move to another location, you must notify the taxDefinition classification and conditions for recording fixed assets
Fixed assets include physical assets such as land, buildings, machinery, equipment and means of transport owned by an organization for long-term business operations.
Refer to the content below to understand what fixed assets are and the types of fixed assets today.
See more: What is net assets? How to calculate net asset value in financial statements
Table of Contents Hide
1. Overview of fixed assets
Some terms related to fixed assets
Fixed assets are different from current assets.2. Regulations on fixed assets
Standards and conditions for recording fixed assets
8 types of fixed assets that do not require depreciation
Fixed Asset Depreciation Time Frame
3. Classification of fixed indonesia telegram data assets of the enterprise
Fixed assets used. For business purposes.
Fixed assets. Used for, security and.defense purposes.
Fixed assets. For safekeeping. Custody storage.
4. Answers to some questions about fixed assets
What does it mean when fixed assets decrease?What does it mean when fixed assets increase?
How to account for i didn’t even realize it depreciation of fixed assets?
How to calculate depreciation of fixed assets?
What are the methods for calculating depreciation of fixed assets?
How to determine the original cost consumer data of tangible fixed assets?
1. Overview of fixed assets
What are fixed assets?
What is fixed asset?Currently, there is no legal document defining what fixed assets are, but to be identified as fixed assets, the assets must have a usage period
of over 01 year and a value of 30,000,000 VND or more.
According to Article 2 of Circular 45/2013/TT-BTC, fixed assets can be understood as follows:
Tangible fixed assets: Are assets that participate in many production and business cycles over a long period of time while still retaining their original physical form, such as: machinery, houses, real estate, etc.
Intangible fixed assets: Are assets without physical form, representing an amount of invested value that meets the standards of intangible fixed assets, participating in many business production cycles of the enterprise, for example: patents, copyrights, inventions, etc.
Fixed assets for financial leasing.these are fixed assets that businesses. Lease from financial leasin.How to store input and output electronic invoices
Is your current way of storing input electronic invoices really optimal? What storage and management methods are available on the market today? The experience of storing input electronic invoices in the article below will help you save 80% of time and costs in your work.
How to store electronic invoices safely
Storing electronic invoices is a form of copying all sales invoice data, import-export invoices to external storage devices such as USB, CD, etc.
Electronic invoices are increasingly popular
and used by the majority of businesses because of their outstanding features and benefits. Compared to paper invoices, which are difficult to store, electronic invoices are stored safely and securely, avoiding loss, theft, and counterfeiting of invoices.
Table of Contents Hide
1. Regulations on how to store input india telegram data and output electronic invoices
5 latest ways to store input and output electronic invoices
3. Important notes when storing electronic invoices
4. MISA meInvoice – Automatic, centralized, and secure invoice management and storage software
4.1 Use a centralized email box to receive input electronic invoices – store consistent data4.2 Convenient invoice lookup and reporting
4.3 Automatically check the validity and legality of electronic invoices
The storage invoice must seonthebeach song, more than meet the following requirements:
Security, integrity, and completeness. Invoice consumer data information is absolutely unchanged or incorrect during the storage period;
Store electronic invoices correctly and for the full period of time as prescribed by accounting laws;
Electronic invoices must be preserved and stored electronically. Agencies, organizations and individuals have the right to choose and apply appropriate forms of preservation and storage of electronic invoices to ensure that they are ready to be printed on paper or looked up when required.
Invoices printed by tax authorities, printed documents, and self-printed documents must bepreserved and stored to ensure the following requirements
In case invoices and documents have not been created. Store and preserve in the warehouse according to. The storage and preservation regime for valuable documents.
In case of invoices and.documents already created.
In accounting units. Store according to regulations on storage. And preservation of accounting documents.
In organizations. Households and individuals that are .not accounting units. Store and preserve as private property. Of that organization, household or individual.9 benefits of creating mobile apps for your business
Jonathan Melgoza Rangel
Jonathan Melgoza Rangel
Computer Systems Engineer, passionate about programming, web development and writing. He enjoys learning about search engine optimization, digital marketing and technology.Wrote 1 post
recommendationsIncrease your sales with Doppler
Did you know that with Email Marketing you can reach more customers, integrate advertising database your messages with social networks and measure their impact in minutes?
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Technology opens up new opportunities to boost our business through mobile applications. Find out what their advantages are and why you should create one. Go ahead!
Nowadays, almost everyone has personal mobile devices with which they interact all day long in their daily tasks . This is where a great opportunity arises for companies to be even closer to their customers and create another sales channel.
The vast majority of everyday tasks are performed using a smartphone: buying plane tickets, paying at a restaurant, recording and sharing moments, even purchasing products from the palm
A of your hand. Technology is changing the
A way we do things and companies must adapt to that or make room for someone who knows how to do it.
Having a mobile app is vital for our company these days. Do you want to know why? Keep reading and discover all its benefits!
1. Brand strengthening
Your business will stand out from the competition by having a mobile app that awaiting moderation alendronate allows your users to interact with you in a way that you can’t achieve through other channels.2. Greater visibility
A mobile app, when hosted on major app stores like Google Play Store and Apple singapore data App Store , will be available to thousands of users interested in your product.[White Paper] 10 Email Marketing Tips for Tourism
Lucas Sanchez
Lucas Sanchez
Sales Manager at @fromdoppler. Fan of outdoor walks and arthouse cinema.Wrote 8 posts
recommendationsIncrease your sales with Doppler
Did you know that with Email Marketing you can reach more customers overseas data ate your messages with social networks and measure their impact in minutes?
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Email Marketing White Paper for TourismDo you have a tourism company? Check out our new White Paper with the main keys to Email Marketing for Tourism and turn your Subscribers into frequent travelers!
You, more than anyone, know that today the ways of travelling and, above all, of organising a trip, have changed dramatically. For most people, all prior research, the choice of airline, hotel, excursions and other key aspects of tourism, take place in the digital world .
That is why it is crucial that you too can take
A advantage of all the possibilities that Online Marketing offers to reach your target audience at the right times, with the right messages and in the most direct way possible.
Have you tried Email Marketing yet ? It is the tool that will help you achieve all your business goals in the mo singapore data st efficient way . It doesn’t seem like an opportunity to pass up, does it?
As we know that every company in the tourism industry will want to take advantage o transfer to different container f this fabulous tool, we have created a fantastic White Paper so that you can learn the 10 keys that will allow you to achieve success with your strategy . Download it for free !
Email Marketing for Tourism: 10 keys to success
Did you know that 55% of travelers are influenced by online searches ? More than half of your potential customers research, consult and even book on digital platforms. Surely for you this is your main conversion, so it is no small feat.A 2016 with more free content
In addition, throughout the year we have expanded our content offering within the Free Materials section . This way, you can continue learning with the most practical, useful and attractive resources on the topics that interest you most.
Among the notable launches of the year are: the Content Marketing eBook , the Email Marketing White Paper for Tourism , the Pre-Sending Campaign Checklist , just to mention a few.
For its part, Doppler Academy has been the best way to provide you with almost 40 free training courses. Through fabulous Webinars, the best experts in the online world have brought you all their knowledge.
And what about EMMS 2016 !
Once again, it has filled us with joy and pride. This year, more than 19,400 people have participated in the mega online event. Thus, it managed to become a trend in 8 countries at the same time . 9 luxury speakers and 8 different formats have given this ninth edition a unique imprint. We continue to break records!
Although it has been a year of hard work, we are not giving up at the end! We are launching our Christmas Marketing action so that you can fill yourself with gifts for your strategy on this special date. Have you not participated yet? You are still in time!
How we have achieved it
All of this has been possible, first of all, thanks to you, for having trusted us and having accompanied us every step of the way, whether through the Blog, Doppler Academy or by using the tool.Teamwork has also been very important , with new members in Ecuador and Colombia, in addition to the offices we already had in Argentina, the United States and Mexico. Thus, Doppler’s presence has become even stronger throughout Latin America, strengthening its leadership even further .
One more year leading the market in Latin America
In 2016 we celebrated 10 years in the market and to celebrate, we shared the Doppler Adventure with all our clients, users and readers . Everyone had fun and won amazing prizes!
This is something that cannot be achieved overnight. It requires a lot of work, effort, motivation and a desire to grow. And that is what this team has in abundance!
This track record and the trust we have managed to generate have also contributed to the significant growth of our list of Partners this year . Another important achievement for us in 2016 and another tool for continuing to grow!
And let’s not forget the great events that have filled us with adrenaline and energy. This year we were present at eCommerce Go Mar del Plata , the Email Summit , the eCommerce Day in Buenos Aires and Ecuador , among many others.
All of this helps us to grow and share our experiences with the entire community. It also shows us that all the work and effort we invest day after day with so much enthusiasm is really worth it!
Today, we have managed to become a benchmark for Email Marketing in Latin America and, for us, it is a great pride.
Thank you, thank you and a thousand thanks to you
We thank you for always being part of our history, for helping us grow, for trusting us and making us see everything we can do. You have been the key to a great year and our greatest motivation to begin another cycle full of new projects .Goodbye 2016! Check out the big milestones of this year
Gabriela Campos Torres
Gabriela Campos Torres
Marketing Rep. MX at FromDoppler. She loves traveling, visiting museums, and cycling. She is a fan of crepes and black tapioca.Wrote 9 posts
recommendationsIncrease your sales with Doppler
Did you know that with Email Marketing you can reach more customers, integrate your messages with social networks and measure their impact in minutes?
Try it for free
Become a guest authorDo you want to be part of the group of authors who write for the Doppler blog? Don’t wait any longer! Send us your article.
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The best of Doppler in 2016Another year is coming to an end! It seems like it was just yesterday that we wrote the farewell post for 2015. It’s just that when you work so hard, and on such motivating projects and activities , time flies!
There are those who are a little discouraged by the end of the year. Taking stock, stages that are coming to a close, reflections and all this, accompanied by the rethinking of many things .
Well, at Doppler, the opposite happens. If there is something that motivates and encourages us, it is the idea that a new cycle is opening up before us. It is a blank slate to be filled in with our best ideas, projects and challenges .
Not to mention the results of the year that
A is coming to an end! Looking back, we realise that it has been a wonderful cycle . Full of objectives achieved, with much growth and immersed in an environment filled with enthusiasm and a desire to move forward.
And we’re not just talking about the Doppler team! Not at all. We’re also talking about you. Because with your desire to learn and grow, you become our greatest motivation to always keep improving.
Do you want to know our 2016 results? Keep reading and you will find out how we have grown this year, thanks to you!
A 2016 to remember
New features and integrations
It’s been a really busy year, really. Where to start? We’ve improved the tool , adding features and integrations to provide you with exceptional service.Thanks to this, you can now send RSS Campaigns and keep your Subscribers always updated with the posts on your Blog or News Site.
At the same time, we created new 100% customizable and free HTML Templates so you can design your Campaigns in minutes thanks to our powerful Editor. There are so many that we had to add new categories!
In addition, we have multiplied the alternatives so that you can add attractive videos to your Campaigns. This will help you boost your CTR and build loyalty in your Contact Base.
So, on the one hand we have added
A new Element in the Editor to embed previews with links that direct directly to your content.
But in addition, we have generated a powerful integration with Viwomail so that your videos can be played directly from the Emails!
We knew that Video Marketing was becoming an essential tool to achieve your goals. That’s why we work hard to help you get the most out of this trend through your Doppler Campaigns.
If we talk about integrations, we cannot fail to mention Mercado Shops , Tienda Nube and Magento , the most important eCommerce platforms on the market. Now you can automatically import the contacts you have on these platforms to your Doppler Lists to send the most effective Campaigns. But you can also incorporate your products and offers into your pieces, just as you offer them on these platforms .
If these integrations have surprised you, you don’t know what else is coming in 2017. Stay tuned!
A 2016 with more free content
In addition, throughout the year we have expanded our content offering within the Free Materials section . This way, you can continue learning with the most practical, useful and attractive resources on the topics that interest you most.Among the notable launches of the year are: the Content Marketing eBook , the Email Marketing White Paper for Tourism , the Pre-Sending Campaign Checklist , just to mention a few.
For its part, Doppler Academy has been the best way to provide you with almost 40 free training courses. Through fabulous Webinars, the best experts in the online world have brought you all their knowledge.
And what about EMMS 2016 ! Once again, it has filled us with joy and pride. This year, more than 19,400 people have participated in the mega online event. Thus, it managed to become a trend in 8 countries at the same time . 9 luxury speakers and 8 different formats have given this ninth edition a unique imprint. We continue to break records!
Although it has been a year of hard work, we are not giving up at the end! We are launching our Christmas Marketing action so that you can fill yourself with gifts for your strategy on this special date. Have you not participated yet? You are still in time!
How we have achieved it
All of this has been possible, first of all, thanks to you, for having trusted us and having accompanied us every step of the way, whether through the Blog, Doppler Academy or by using the tool.Teamwork has also been very important , with new members in Ecuador and Colombia, in addition to the offices we already had in Argentina, the United States and Mexico. Thus, Doppler’s presence has become even stronger throughout Latin America, strengthening its leadership even further .
2016 Survey: Help us improve and get the most out of Doppler
Sun Romeo
Sun Romeo
Chief Marketing Officer at @romDoppler. He loves British music, fashion and communications.Wrote 74 posts
recommendationsIncrease your sales with Doppler
Did you know that with Email Marketing you can reach more customers email data integrate your messages with social networks and measure their impact in minutes?
Try it for free
Become a guest authorDo you want to be part of the group of authors who write for the Doppler blog? Don’t wait any longer! Send us your article.
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Customer Satisfaction Survey 2016Have we told you how important you are to us? Of course! Millions of times. That’s why we’ve prepared a small survey to get to know your opinions and interests even better .
Knowing what you think about the way we address your concerns, how useful you find the features we offer, as well as how interesting you find our Free Materials and Doppler Academy training is our priority at this time .
We are closing the year and we
A think it would be an excellent time to think together about what went well and what not so well during 2016. We also think it would be a good opportunity to find out what you would like us to improve during 2017 .
We are full of ideas and we are constantly thinking about how to improve so that you can always achieve and exceed your goals with our service in an efficient manner.
But there’s no one better than you to help us in this mission . It’s just a matter of answering a few que singapore data stions and in return you’ll get an incredible gift! Enter now and take a few minutes to help us provide you with the best Email Marketing service .
Discover the great gift you will win
If you are an entrepreneur or are just starting out in the world of Digital Marketing logorama. cartoon for designers. you will appreciate more than anyone the fabulous prize we have for you. It is a great template so you can create your Marketing Plan for 2017 .You already know that if you want to get good results , organizing your goals, strategies, actions and budget is a key part of the process. Sometimes it’s not so easy to sort out all this information or you may not even know where to start.
Whether you need it for your own business, for a client, or even to present to your company’s executives, there’s no doubt that it will be a super useful tool to achieve fabulous performance .
So take the survey now and don’t miss the opportunity to get a powerful template to prepare your 2017 Marketing Plan . The new year is just around the corner!
2016 Survey: Choose the service you want to receive
You have probably already decided to complete the survey. Not only for the prize you will get by doing so, but because by participating you will give us the best ideas so that you can get the service you really need .Saturate with communication media
Not all social networks are necessary for all businesses. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc., if they do not serve communication purposes, should not be used simply “for fashion”.
Knowing the nature of the organization and its communication objectives will help you define which ones best fit your requirements.
2. Focus all efforts on gaining followers
When the message is forced, it shows. Making a living by doing raffles or contests can be fun, but an organization that only gains followers at the expense of gifts does not generate a good brand image or provide seriousness. This will only be effective if it is planned strategically .3. Saturate with publications
Depending on the company’s sector, whether it sells services, products telegram database users list or whether it is an NGO, famous personality, etc., it is recommended to publish no more than one post per day to avoid saturating the audience and generating an undesirable effect.In addition, it is ideal to publish different content on different Social Networks to provide variety and generate engagement with the public (see item 10).
Do not publish periodically
Never posting has the opposite effect and results in a loss of followers , since you should always give added value to the user who thinks, “Why should I follow this page if I don’t know who they are, what they do, etc.?”
Worrying more about “Likes” than interaction
It is related to item 2. Sometimes, 10, 100 or 1000 likes are not worth much if there is zero interaction . Remember that social networks are just that: social. A few positive comments are worth more than a thousand “Likes”.Not maintaining coherence between saying and doing
If you portray your organization as attentive to users but do not respond quickly to private singapore data messages, you will generate noise in the brand image and, therefore, frustration and anger in the user who took the time to communicate.7. Inconsistency between communication tones and visual identity
If a company’s website or blog is strictly formal and has a certain aesthetic, as the region offers opportunities does the way it handles email messages, but its Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter profile is informal or uses a completely different aesthetic, we are faced with a communication inconsistency .8. Delete bad comments
There is nothing worse than companies that delete negative comments or posts from their users. Never do it!Therefore, offer your help to solve the problem in a personalized way. If necessary, you can also write to him privately.
Overdoing it with informality
It is also not useful to be extremely “modern” and “ open-minded ” to a very extreme level, because this can cause the user to not feel taken seriously.
10. Share content between networks
Making a post on Facebook, linking to it on Twitter and sharing it on Google+ is usually not a good idea.This relates to item 4: if there is no time or resources to allocate to managing networks, it is better not to venture into them.
10 mistakes you may be making on social media
Julieta Skliarevsky
Julieta Skliarevsky
Marketing & Communications Manager at Facturante and freelance PR. Passionate about reading, painting, fashion and communication.Wrote 2 posts
recommendationsIncrease your sales with Doppler
Did you know that with Email Marketing you can reach more customers whatsapp data integrate your messages with social networks and measure their impact in minutes?
Try it for free
Become a guest authorDo you want to be part of the group of authors who write for the Doppler blog? Don’t wait any longer! Send us your article.
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10 mistakes on social mediaIn the age of digital communications, managing online interactions correctly is key. Read this article to learn the most common mistakes so you don’t make them too!
Social networks are here to stay, no
A matter what type of organization it is. What this requires is communicating the latest innovations (to stand out from the competition, as Doppler indicates in several of his articles) and interacting with the virtual community, providing its users with quality content.
For example, Facturante , an online Electronic Billing solution, is concerned with providing singapore data added value to the final product, not only by sharing updates about its service, but also by generating content of interest for its followers .
The key is to know your target audience and what they are interested in this is a sign hearing from you. However, there are some things to keep in mind to avoid making certain mistakes that can have an undesirable effect.
Here we leave you a summary of those that are very commonly repeated in organizations that do not manage their Social Networks well.
Special Dates Calendar 2017: Which ones can’t you miss?
Sun Romeo
Sun Romeo
Chief Marketing Officer at @fromDoppler. He loves British music, fashion and communications.Wrote 74 posts
recommendationsIncrease your sales with Doppler
Did you know that with Email Marketing you can reach more customers, integrate your messages with social networks and measure their impact in minutes?
Try it for free
Become a guest authorDo you want to be part of the group of authors who write for the Doppler phone number library blog? Don’t wait any longer! Send us your article.
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Calendar of important dates 2017Take advantage of every special date of the year to reach your Subscribers with the best Campaigns. Do you need help? Here you have it! Download our 2017 Seasonal Calendar now .
After the resounding success of the 2016 Calendar, we had no doubts when it came to preparing this new material.
We know all the things you need to do throughout the year to make your business work, and that’s why we’re always thinking about how to help you. We want to give you all the support you need to make your work easier every day.
A the hand of this fantastic Calendar that will remind you
A of all the important dates of 2017, so that you do not forget to plan your actions in advance .
Valentine’s Day, Labor Day, Women’s Day… It’s quite possible that you’ll miss one of them in the whirlwind of the year. Download the 2017 Seasonal Calendar for free and don’t take any risks!
Seasonal Marketing: A perfect strategy
There are important dates in the year when the opportunities to boost your sales and increase . A the loyalty of singapore data your Subscribers multiply exponentially .These are times when consumers are more predisposed to . A receiving what is the difference between a blog and a website? offers and promotions. In addition, most of them are mobilized, becoming more vulnerable and with their emotions on edge.
That’s why these are days that all brands are eagerly awaiting . There is no one that wants to miss the opportunity to run attractive campaigns across all of its channels.
Seasonal Marketing is a strategy that takes full advantage of the sensitivity and predisposition of customers during these dates, to meet various Marketing objectives . Don’t you think it’s an ideal time to reach your Subscribers with super effective Campaigns?
You will have to think carefully about the objective of each one of them; you know that not everything in this life is about selling. But you won’t have to worry about remembering each date, because for that you will have the 2017 Calendar !
Download now this free material that we have designed to help you achieve your goals in an easier way and plan your actions in advance!
Get your 2017 Seasonal Calendar before anyone else
Calendar of important dates 2017Special greetings, unique promotions, contests and giveaways – anything goes when it comes to getting creative .
The important thing is that none of these important dates catch you off guard, or your competition will get there before you !
Download the 2017 Calendar for free and find all the important dates to plan your actions from now on.
The best tool to succeed with your Email Marketing Campaigns is planning. Don’t rest on your laurels !