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9 eCommerce Segmentation Tips to Increase Customer Loyalty
What is eCommerce Segmentation?
Imagine walking into a boutique you frequent and having one of the staff members greet you by name and show you new clothes since your last visit.
The staff gets to know your taste in dresses (your favorite colors, sizes, and styles) and recommends some for you.
How would you describe this whatsapp and digital marketing experience? Exciting, right?
These experiences are exactly the same as what we encounter at our favorite restaurants, boutiques, local shopping centers, and more.
The question now is how do weE-commerce StoreThere was little to no physical contact?
This is where eCommerce segmentation comes in.
E-commerce segmentation means grouping customers based on specific criteria in order to better understand and serve them.
You can improve the shopping experience and customer loyalty by segmenting your customers.Event Management PlatformA useful tool for tracking your progress and staying organized while segmenting.
This article will introduce nine e-commerce segmentation techniques to increase customer loyalty and provideA tailor-made experience.
Let’s get started.
1. Upgrade shipping for high-frequency buyers
Do you have regular customers who shop at your store? If so, how do you compensate them for their frequent purchases?
You simply cannot afford to lose such customers as you will lose brand evangelists and orders.
To avoid this, reward frequent buyers with upgraded shipping , offer lower shipping rates specifically for them, etc.
This improves theirShopping ExperienceAnd give them more reasons to stay loyal.
How to segment them
Determine the number of orders and revenue required to qualify a customer as a high-frequency buyer. It could be a customer who buys 10 units per month or $2,000 worth of products per month. Once you’ve decided, rank the customers who fall into that range.
2. Provide high-end support for high-income customers
resource -Zendesk 57%of consumers say good customer service is critical to brand loyalty.
In other words, three out of five customers will become loyal to your brand if you provide good customer service.
If your customer service is terrible, people will leave and give you bad reviews. And you can’t risk losing customers who bring in a lot of revenue doing and emails is especially because of bad service.
So, prioritize your top customers when it comes to customer support. You can do this by offering fast product delivery, extended return policies, quick responses, etc.
How to segment them
Sort customers by lifetime revenue (total spend) and create support tiers based on total spend.
4. Cross-sell based on customer purchase history
Cross-sellingIs the act of promoting additional products to your customers. The recommended products must be related to the products that the customer buys or has bought.
For example, it makes sense to cross-sell shaving cream to a customer who buys razor blades. But there is little chance of success in cross-selling baby toys to the same customer.
McKinsey believes that cross-selling canIncrease profits by 30%If executed properly.
You can use an email marketing platform to cross-sell. That is, you can send and automate cross-sell emails to your customers.
You can also add phrases like “ People also bought ” and “Best picks for you ” in your thank you email.
Amazon does this very well:
How to segment them
Sort customers by product category and purchase history.
Cross-sell them products from the same product category.
You can also sort customers by specific products and create marketing campaigns to cross-sell them.
5. Incentivize Brand Promoters
If you have customers like your friends both online and offline, then congratulations. This shows that you provide them with excellent service.
But don’t stop there. Reach out to your brand promoters and incentivize them. Set up a referral program where customers can earn rewards any time they recommend someone to your business.
You can also incentivize them through gift cards, coupons, discounts, gifts, and more.
How to segment them
Sort brand promoters byNet Promoter resource data Score(NPS). NPS allows you to survey your customers to determine how likely they are to tell others about your brand.
It uses a pointer scale of 1 – 10. Customers who score 5 or higher are likely to be brand promoters.
Doing and Emails is Especially
Is that right? Another benefit of doing videos and emails is especially using a . Service like ours or some other service where they keep open links clicked and the . Video plays along with it. You can segment the list of people you’ve done. This . Or not doing that. Allow you to follow up and follow up politely to make . Sure that you… Even clients who love you and like the service you provide and .
Have Minutes Right Now to
Get good results they probably don’t have three minutes right now to leave a review. . But I think there’s a general consensus that page speed, or the lack thereof, is . A variable in whether or not a page ranks. Can you talk about that? I . Mean obviously I don’t have all the insights into all the factors that affect rankings. . If that were the case I probably wouldn’t have to work anymore.
To One Thing There is
But I think . It’s important to remember one thing. There is a reason for all this. So more . And more traffic is going through mobile devices. They may need this reminder. Content is . Everything. So our websites are actually content management systems but they have to work like . A content management system. Have a look. It is a modern cloud-based system licensed only .
Use Very Fast and Won’t
To agencies. It’s really easy to use. It’s very fast and won’t disrupt your seo. . It really reduces the time and effort involved in launching a client website so mobile . Traffic has significantly surpassed desktop traffic. So google searches on mobile devices bring more traffic . Which brings visitors which brings more market than on desktop. Th lebanon email list ere are more marketing opportunities . In these channels. But what we generally see is that conversion rates are lower on .
There’s Lot of Interest in
Mobile than on desktop. So obviou rethink advertising budget allocation sly there’s a lot of interest in improving page speed . Because that’s one aspect that impacts user experience. Beautiful themes and very fast and profitable . Way. They include proxy services to truly make them a plug-and-play development store for you. . Please visit. That is. John jentsch so I’ll tell you another great use I think . Is we talked about,Hey you haven’t met me yet I’m going to go to .
But My Business We Send
Your house. we’ve talked about referrals. But in my business we se crawler data nd out a lot . Of proposals and there needs to be a lot of language in those proposals because . We want everything to be spelled out for the person who reads every word so . In a way the reason it’s important for rankings is also because it’s good for . Users that’s why it’s good for conversions which in turn is good for people who .
Really I Don’t Have Any
Advertise on that channel. So I really can’t I don’t have any further insights into . The ranking factors. All I can say is that it’s all for good reason. What . I tell people all the time is what you say. But the reality is that . I would say % of the people who received our proposals didn’t read very much . Into it. What they want to hear isWhat does this mean and I think .
If Don’t Deliver Them Across
Videos explaining proposals are almost mandatory if you don’t deliver them across your desk. I . Like that it has another benefit. This is a great use case. Another benefit is . That there are often multiple decision makers. You have been dealing with jennifer but jennifer . Also had to consult with tina and ted to make this commitment. A slow-loading page . Is a bad experience. So google doesn’t want people to have a bad experience.
Page Think That’s the Way
So . They won’t display the page. I think that’s the way to look at it. I . Think that was their intention all along. So things will change with the algorithms not . Just because they better understand all the factors that go into a page on a . Website. So I think there’s no doubt in fact one of the easiest ways to . Test this is when our customers have a really bad mobile experience whether it’s design .
Can’t Them to Show Up
Or loading speed I mean we can’t get them to show up in mobile searches. . So you have the ability to put your best foot forward and make the best . Recommendations you now don’t need to rely on jennifer to communicate the value proposition and . Points of differentiation to re-address any objections to ensure people feel comfortable with the contract. . You can do it yourself and you’re giving them something easy to forward.
Tracking Know It’s Going to
Then again . Because of the tracking you know it’s going to be forwarded because your email won’t . Be opened times and the video played times unless she’s a weirdo they just won’t. . So I think that’s as clear a hint as anyone needed to suggest that it’s . A factor no matter where you place it in the rankings. I guess what I’d . Say is that the biggest takeaway I’ve gotten from all the time I’ve been doing .
Teams the Amount of Work
This is that a lot of teams overestimate the amount of work required for even . A small fix. Therefore, page speed optimization on mobile pages can be said to be . A big project. I bet she wasn’t in my hypothetical story. This lets you know . You’ve gotten past gateke laos email list epers and or reached other decision-makers. We often hear this story too. . Yes tracking is key. The key is to do it yourself.
Talked It a Lot I Think
John jentsch yes. So . We’ve talked about it a lot…I think we’ve pr r plan formed ready then go ahead and obably spent a lot of time convincing . People why they should do it but maybe we want to talk about the actual . Approach but as I tried to emphasize before there’s not a lot of things a . Lot of little things that can be done to improve. Please give me an example . Or two that might emphasize this point very thoroughly.
Image What You Can
Many people try to optimize their . Heroic image. What you can do is very sim crawler data ple like you can do that you . Can transfer your hero image into let’s say a string of code. It’s called in . Coding and suddenly you can send your hero image with the first request in a . File. I assume most tools to do this are in browser extensions you just open . It and record a video of yourself or your screen.
In I Wrong About Something
Then you can embed it . In. Am I wrong about something? This is not the case with ethan bote. Especially . With lots of extensions. Easiest to build I guess. We do have an extension that . Allows you to access the entire video library or record a video and then get . Or put it in various locations. All I’m saying is that no big changes need .
Image It to Another Format
To be made. You take an image, convert it to another format and now send . It along with your first file and a good portion of your first above-the-fold content . Is ready to draw. So I think that was probably my biggest takeaway that there . Were a lot of little things to do and not unnecessarily ruin it by making . It one big project. For example I use an extension to record a video fetch .
What Lot of Other People
And put it into a message. What a lot of other people do with what . We don’t integrate is they put the code there and put it somewhere else. But . We do it directly in the inbox. In every composer reply window we have a . Little bomb icon. Open it. You can go to your media library and use the . Videos you recorded john jentsch so let’s say a listener is out there thinking he .
Of but I Don’t Know
Said something that makes a lot of sense but I don’t know what to do . With it. Where do you find people like that because again if you just google . Page speed consultant you’re going to get very technical people you’re going to get people . Who are just saying they can do this but they are actually all they want . To do is put you move to new hosting or elsewhere.
Video Recording It Among Various
You can schedule a . New video before recording it, among various other things. The same goes for your inbox. . And then from our web application it’s more like traditional email marketing and a very . Lightweight marketing automation platform. Likewise video was designed to be an integral part of the . Process from the start. So you can put a video directly into an email on . Your desktop and you can record a video directly into an email and then you .
So I Mean How Do
Can manage lists and con kuwait email list tacts and so on I mean how do you find the . Right resources to help you with these little question I think this is a very . Good question. What I can say is that a lot of it is already discoverable . If your team does a reasonable job of browsing through the files one by one. . Is it possible that your font files are just old font file formats? Is there .
Experience and Founder of
Oh I’m actually not ready yet. he’s a former go it is better to set one that ogle user experience manager and founder . Of. Focus on page speed during. Page speed may not even be on some business . Owners’ radar screens but how quickly your website loads can have a huge impact on . Your conversions and sales. Harnsch drew an analogy between brick-and-mortar stores and online businesses. If . The sliding doors of your brick-and-mortar store opened so slowly that people gave up and .
About Right You Need to
Turned around, you would do something about it, right? You ne crawler data ed to think about page . Speed in the same way.I don’t even know why I hit the record button. . It’s rare. And then the only time I do it is as if I know . I can record that video % to % of the time like out of respect . For the other person. If I record a two minute video and I know I .
May It Out of Respect
Can do it in seconds I may re-record it out of respect for others. This . Way the re-record button gives you that opportunity. Drive away potential customers before showing them . Information about your business. In this episode we discuss page speed in detail and also . Share his new business that leverages the power of artificial intelligence to target audiences through . Smart cards that are designed to qualify and convert more.
Your Experience is Similar
As a multiple . Time author I hope your experience is similar to mine because most of the action . Happens on amazon. That’s why major brands like . To learn more please visit. Free . Ai tips for building a marketing strategy ai tips for marketing strategy images subscribe to . Our weekly newsletter join over 1,000 strategic marketers to level up your marketing game join . Today to get free tips! Name * first last last email * email previous next .
Also How to Master the
Tag user experience design you may also like how to master the science of learning . From tetris to teaching read more how to master the science of learning from tetris . To teaching how to win in spending read more how to win over consumer boredom . The key to eliminating clutter how to navigate the new era strategies for understanding cons korea email list umer . Search behavior read more how to navigate the new era strategies for understanding consumer search .
Of Duct Tape Marketing is
Behavior duct tape marketing the founda a lot of instagram followersinstagram needs to tion of logo duct tape marketing is the simple belief . That marketing is the most important system for small businesses. Even if you let people . Know that if you like independent business then you will like it. John jentsch yeah . That’s ethan bott right they still go to amazon. Yes amazon attracts a lot of . People especially in the book buying business. They make it so easy so it’s part .
By Guess You’re in My
Of the process. Thanks for stopping by I guess you’re in my neighbo crawler data rhood today. I’m . In coal creek canyon west of boulder but I guess… Aren’t you in colorado springs . Ethan bote yes works with us as a certifying agency licensing our system hiring part . Guides part local marketing professional services development agency or consulting business guide marketing strategy plan . Content marketing customer journey testimonials mobile marketing email marketing this paid search social media crm .
Business Sales Volume Small Business
Marketing automation website design advertising small business finance sales volume small business marketing systems results . Business client certification agencies about about us contact resources communications blog podcast invite john to . Speak books workbook find a certification agency copyright duct tape marketing privacy pol tegy conference year small business marketing insights home blog the .
The Podcast About the Year
Year of small business marketing insights the marketing podcast about the year of small business . Marketing insights I want to end the year with a solo show and look ahead . To the next one; let’s talk about the year of small business marketing insights. Beautiful. . What are you doing on it is it like an extended vacation experience john jentsch . No no. I also have a home here so I’ve lived in kansas city and .
Bott Beautiful Good for You
Coal creek canyon as well. Eth japan email list an bott is beautiful. Good for you. Yes we are . All in colorado springs. We have some people spread out far and wide, but the . Vast majority of our team members are in downtown colorado springs. Although there are some . Big trends in marketing such as artificial intelligence that are getting a lot of attention, . I’m not here to talk about them.
Not Relevant to Small
Of these. Trends like this are not typically . Rele need a lot of instagram followersthe answer vant to small business owners. Instead I want to present what I consider to be . Some insights from the year in order to give you some things to think about . That can actually add to your long list of planning elements. Insight: audio content will . Prevail. I think audio content is going to be something that people need to really .
Altitude Feet is Cold and
Embrace in 2020. Well here, the altitude of feet is cold and wi crawler data ndy. Ethan prey . Yes. Cool. John jentsch is awesome. Well thank you for stopping by and hopefully one . Day when I am I will visit you. You are always welcome to have lunch . At my expense. John jentsch is awesome. Thanks ethan. Ethan bote thanks. Free ai tips . For building a marketing strategy ai tips for marketing strategy images subscribe to our weekly .
To Up Your Marketing Game
Newsletter join over 1,000 strategic marketers to level up your marketing game join today to . Get free tips! Name * first last last email * email previous next tag rehumanizing . Your business customer experience podcast you may also like how to start your speaking business . Transcript read more how to start your speaking business track record of cultivating compelling communications . For your business read more track record of cultivating compelling communications for your business track .
Mindset Read More Track Record
Record of sales, marketing, and business mindset change read more track record of sales, marketing, . And business mindset change duct tape marketing logo pipeline tape marketing is based on the . Simple belief that marketing is the most important small business system. If you don’t have . A podcast now is the time to start one. This is a great way to . Create content. It’s also a great way to establish a line of communication with the .
Whether Writers and Influencers or
People you want to talk to whether they’re writers and influencers or people in your . Target market or even your own customers. So podcasts are a great way to build . Relationships. But beyond that the format caters to the needs and sensibilities of modern audiences. . Work with us as a certification body licensing our systems hire part guide part local . Marketing professional services developmemark italy email list etinnt agency or consulting business guide marketing strategy plan content marketing customer .
This Search Social Media Customer
Journey testimonials mobile g email marke the data for example statistical analysis case ting this paid search social media customer relationship management marketing . Automation website design advertising small business finance sales volume small business marketing systems results business . Clients certification agencies about about us contact resources newsletter blog podcast invite john to speak . Books workbook find a certification agency copyright duct tape marketing privacy policy | terms of . Service | disclaimer | accessibility statement hire sections duct tape marketing logo services resources results .
Using Video to Build Relationships
About us contact scheduling strategy meetings using personalized vid crawler data eo to build relationships home blog using . Personalized video to build relationships ethan pree’s marketing podcast podcast transcript avatar today on the . Duct tape marketing podcast my chief with host of the evangelist customer experience podcast and . Co-author of how to rehumanize your business personal videos can accelerate sales and improve customer . Experience people sit down in front of a monitor to read content with less time .
Know How I Am! Same
And less attention. Of course I know that’s how I am! Same with video. It’s . Hard for me to sit in front of a monitor and spend time watching videos . When I could be doing other things. Audio content on the other hand is completely . Portable. I can download a podcast, put my phone in my pocket and go for . A walk. I can turn it on in my car and listen to it on .
The of One-on-one Video for
My commute. I’ve been talking about the value of one-on-one video for a while now . And I have a guest who is as passionate about this marketing strategy as I . Am! Allows you to easily pass and send personalized video emails. Trust it’s better if . You experience it in person they want to be able to easily record video to . Replace some of the less personal text-based communications we rely on in today’s digital age .
Can for a Run the
I can walk the dog I can go for a run. The format’s portability makes . It easy for even the busiest pebou israel email list t yople to consume content at some point in the . Day. So if you don’t create audio content I would encourage you to do so. . There are many ways to get started. If you have already created videos you can . Remove the audio from those videos and run them in other formats.
Talk Your Business and Then
You can use . Audio to talk aour busi measurable achievable relevant and ness and then transcribe the audio and use it as . Written content on a web page. Communicating via video makes it easier to get your . Point across, create a more personal connection and eliminate some of the confusion that sometimes . Occurs with written communication. I discussed the benefits and use cases of personalized video and . Shared some tips to help you create video messages that stand out and generate results.
Is Taking Off – is
. Questions I asked video marketing is really taking off – is it an off crawler data shoot of . This trend? Do you think video messages will replace traditional text messages such as emails? . How to create one-on-one videos easily? What you’ll learn if you listen what you can . Use video in a variety of ways to improve communication. You can also create non-traditional . Podcasts. It doesn’t have to be all guest interviews.
I Do on Marketing
You can occasionally post a rant . Like I do on marketing insights! To get results. Start using audio now not only . For immediate results but also for the long term. I see smart speakers eventually playing . A bigger role in the way people consume more of their daily content. How to . Integrate video into the entire customer journey. How to make sure your video gets played .
Executed From This Episode and
And your call to action is executed. Highlights from this episode and more about learn . More about and check out the customer experience podcast order a copy of rehumanizing your . Business follow on twitter get in touch like the show? Click and give us a . Thumbs up a comment! Zephyr signs this episode of the duct tape marketing podcast is . Brought to you by play my briefing so play my briefing may provide a daily .
I This is Still a
Recap of the audio content. While I think this is still a long way off . It’s never too early to prepare for such a shift! Insights into internal marketing as . A marketing consultant and someone who trains marketing consultants I think more small businesses should . Bring things in-house. There are two areas in particular where outsourcing marketing strategies and techniques . Should be reduced. Is a cloud-based modeight, . Ea iraq email list sy to rnization licensed only to agencies.
To and Incredibly Fast With
The system is lightweuse and incredibly fast. With a range of be testing makes it more understandable and easier autiful themes to choose from . You can get your clients’ websites up and running quickly and easily. Or if you . Want to build a custom website a proxy service can be provided as your plug . And play development store. Passionate about helping agencies create great websites for their clients it’s . Not an either/or proposition when it comes to these two areas of focus.
Handle Day-to-day Stuff That Includes
You hire . A marketer to handle the day-to-day stuff that inclu crawler data des both sides of the coin from . Writing content to publishing social posts to getting comments to publishing posts. I think these . Are all things you should have in-house resources to do but the secret is to . Combine it with a strategic marketing partner. Too often small businesses hire a marketer who . Knows how to manage social media but don’t get any broader guidance on marketing strategy.
Free Tips for Building a
. To learn more please visit. Free ai tips for building a marketing strategy ai tips . For marketing strategy images subscribe to our weekly newsletter join over 1,000 strategic marketers to . Level up your marketing game join today to get free tips! Name * first last . Last email * email previous next tag rehumanizing your business customer experience podcast you may . Also like how to master the science of learning from tetris to teaching read more .
Learning Tetris Square to Teach
How to master the science of learning from tetris square to teach how to win . Consumer boredom the key to eliminating clutter read more how to win consumer boredom the . Key to eliminating clutter how to navigate the new age strategies for understanding consumer search . Behavior read more how to navigate the new age understanding consumer search behavioral strategies duct . Tape marketing logo duct tape marketing is based on the simple belief that marketing is .
Businesses Because There’s Usually No
The most important system for small businesses. That’s because there’s usually no larger strategy. This . Is where a marketing consultant or consultant comes in. They can help you develop an . Analysis of the operational results of your strategic component plans and ensure you stay on . Track toward achieving your big goals. Insiders who also understand the complexities of the business . Can be coached to execertific iran email list atiute the plan and craft messaging that aligns with your strategy.
Certification Licensing Our Systems Hire
. Work with us as a con body licensing our systey their linklets sum it upcharlotte tilbury is tms hire part guide part local . Marketing professional services development agency or consulting business guide marketing strategy plan content marketing customer . Journey testimonials mobile marketing email marketing this paid search social media customer relationship management marketing . Automation website design advertising small business finance sales volume small business marketing systems results business . Clients certification agencies about about us contact resources newsletter blog podcast invite john to speak .
Copyright Tape Marketing Privacy Policy
Books workbook find a certification agency copyright duct tape marketing privacy policy | terms of . Service | disclaimer | accessibility statement hire section duct tape m crawler data rketing logo services resources results . About us contact scheduling strategy meetings the key to online advertising is tracking results home . Blog the key to online advertising is tracking results back in the day advertising was . An expensive and dangerous prospect so you get the best of both worlds.
Going Be Really Important in
I actually . Think this is going to be really important in 2019. We’re creating a certified marketing . Manager program where we’re going to train small business marketers on how to hire someone . Internally and have that person be mentored by an outside resource, like a duct tape . Marketing consultant. Want us to train your staff while you grow your business? Check out . The certified marketing program here and schedule a free coaching session to see how the .
Spend Lot of Money on
Program can work for you. Brands spend a lot of money on print ads tv . Ads or radio ads. Next they will hire an advertising agency to create and execute . The concept. They then have to buy airtime or advertising space. They did all this . Without a deep understanding of whether the concept would actually succeed. Luckily for today’s small . Business owners tracking online advertising is possible! It also provides insights into specific performance insights .
Remember Every Deal Was Done
For each campaign. Humanization and automation. Remember when every deal was done by shaking hands . With a trusted partner you could look into the eye? Then technology came along and . All of a sudden you can do business without actually talking to another human being. . Now the pendulum seems to be swinging the other way and we are looking for . A compromise. So this insight seems a little counum indonesia email list nizatierintuitive but what I’m saying is you .
With Information You Can Tailor
Need both hon and automation. Armed with this info now let’s see how these problems are solved? rmation you can tailor your messaging in . Future campaigns. You’ll gravitate toward strategies that resonate with your audience and abandon those that . Are less successful. If you’re advertising online but not tracking your results then you’re missing . Out on a huge opportunity. Tracking online advertising allows you to better understand your customers . And improve the roi of each marketing campaign.
Right Balance Customers and Business
It comes down to finding the right . Balance. Customers and bus crawler data iness owners alike want things to be convenient and efficient—that’s where automation . Comes in—but they also want a human touch. There’s a lot of research done on . Why people love a company. In many cases it is all human characteristics such as . Facilitation knowledge communication efficiency friendliness etc. But many of the reasons why companies are now .
Technology What You Need to
Convenient and efficient are due to technology. Here’s what you need to do to effectively . Track your online advertising. The first step in creating a conversion goal to track your . Ad performance in analytics is to define your goals. Every ad campaign you run should . Prompt your audience to take a specific action. You can create an ad designed to . Encourage someone to download your white paper.
Communications Reporting
From establishing knowledgeable and . Efficient communications to reporting results to providing friendly interactions with customers everything goes hand in . Hand. This way you can see how people are dropping off on their way to . Completing a specific conversion. For example if the end conversion goal is a successful checkout . In your online store you can see if you are losing people during the product . Viewing stage or if people are putting items in their cart and then abandoning them.
Learn About How to Set
. Watch this video from to learn more about how to set your goals in I . Think as marketers we should spend at least half our time creating a better customer . Exh india email list eiperience and then you can spend the other half on generating more leads and converts . More leads. Insights paid search is more important than ever paid search – google ads . Ads as well as all banner ads – is here to stay.
Not in Their Existence Link
So the new . Insight does not lie in tr exis when to use it ence. Link your ads to analytics now that you’ve . Defined your goals in , it’s time to put your ads and analytics metrics all . On the same page, literally. By linking your and analytics accounts you can keep all . Your campaign and site performance data in one place. Allows you to track the performance . Of each campaign so you know things like impressions and click-through rates in fact some .
Brands Used Paid Search to
Types of businesses such as e-commerce brands have used p crawler data aid search to significantly grow their . Business. But we have now entered an era where any type of local small business . Must embrace paid search. People are increasingly turning to google to find all information about . A business. Even if they are already a customer! Let me tell you a funny . Anecdote the other day I was looking for a plumber in kansas city.
Linked Can Draw a Direct
When your . Two accounts are linked you can draw a direct line between how people interact with . Each ad and the actions they take on your site. Let’s say you own a . Marketing consulting firm. You are running an ad encouraging people to download the latest white . Paper on social media marketing trends for the year. When your ads are linked to . An analytics account you can see the click-through rate for the ads themselves.