Crawler Data

Big Data: Great Results for your Email Marketing Campaign

Nadia Ilardia
Nadia Ilardia
PR teacher and freelance writer. She enjoys writing stories and articles.

Wrote 51 posts


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Big Data in Email Marketing

Big Data is a relatively new concept in the field of Online Marketing. It refers to the large volume of data that we leave behind in our daily consumption . Do you want to find out more about what it is and how it can benefit your Email Marketing campaign ? Keep reading!

What is Big Data?
We live in a very technological environment . Every time we visit a website, use an application (web or mobile), fill out a form, enter a store by passing through a sensor, etc. we leave traces .

These footprints not only reveal our presence in a certain place (physical or virtual). They also help marketers to build a profile of our target audience . These are just some of the sources and applications that the concept encompasses.

The use of Big Data for commercial purposes is one of the latest trends in Online Marketing and will gain momentum in 2014. There are currently companies responsible for collecting and providing all this large amount of information to anyone who is interested.

Please note that this is not limited exclusively to our own websites, premises, etc. and is no consumer data  t always easily processable and cross-referenced between the different sales and communication channels .

Big Data + Email Marketing = Guaranteed ROI
In relation to Email Marketing , Big Data undoubtedly offers a great opportunity, since it allows us to obtain a much more precise x-ray of the profile of our target and thus adapt our strategy and offer to their needs. From this persp to say if you want ective, there are 4 sets of data that will help you achieve this: