Crawler Data

When an update is not a death sentence: growth of a project in the automotive field with a competent strategy and careful work

Website promotionin the automotive theme has its own difficulties dictated by the peculiarities of the niche. Firstly, there is very high competition here, there are already established market leaders, which are very difficult to displace from their positions. Secondly, there is specific vocabulary, there is professional terminology, which must be taken into account when collecting semantics and compiling content. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the case of an auto parts store – in it we will show what results were achieved with meticulous work on the site.

Basic information about the client and the purpose of the work

A company selling spare parts for Chinese and Korean cars contacted us for a service. These are brands KIA, Chery, Hyundai, etc. The parts are supplied by reliable manufacturers from China, Korea and Europe. In addition, already in the process of cooperation with us, charging stations Ecoflow, Sunseed, Daranener appeared in the catalog due to the relevance of such products for Ukrainian consumers. Although the main target audience of the company is in Ukraine, in 2024 it became possible to order abroad with delivery by Nova Poshta – this speaks of the successSEO promotion of online storespare parts and the client’s denmark telegram data readiness to expand the business.

Initial data:

promotion period – from July 2022 to the present moment;

  • region of promotion – Ukraine;
  • service – SEO.

It should be noted that during this time, there was a certain break in our cooperation with the client, but painstaking work initially allowed us to maintain good positions.

The main goals of SEO promotion of auto parts were:

  • improving the website’s performance database d in accordance with search engine requirements;
  • improve search results for relevant queries;
  • collect a complete semantic core and create high-quality texts based on it;
  • increase business profitability through online promotion.

The situation at the very beginning, the difficulties with the project and the promotion strategy

Before working with us, the client had not done search engine optimization. In addition, the website was developed. Practically without the participation. Of an seo specialist, so there was. No so-called prepared platform. For our team in this project – all work was. Carried out after the launch of the resource.

The initial indicators can be seen in the screenshot below.


Given these goals, our strategy was as follows:

  1. collection of semantic corewith its gradual replenishment in accordance with the range of goods;
  2. planninglink building– increasing the an seo strategy to boost your sales during the sales link mass, including with the help of backlinks;
  3. full technical optimization of the site taking into account the requirements of the search engine;
  4. creating a content plan for an auto parts store, as well as creating technical assignments for copywriters, checking and placing texts on pages.



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