Crawler Data

3 Non-Obvious Features of Universal Google Analytics

Today we will talk about new functionalities of Universal Google Analytics that you might not know about. Very often, when analyzing traffic. On your site, you can find that the. Statistics in google analytics do not always. Display real data. For example, during the. Promoted period, you observe an increase. In referral traffic on the site, but in. Reality this growth is due to an increase in the number. Of spam referrals, whose time spent. On the site is 0 minutes. Or you want to. Understand how effectively the resource is being promoted, identify the amount. Of search traffic on the site, as well as the most .effective search queries.<p>Today you don’t have to “reinvent the wheel” and think about how to get real statistics. For these purposes, there are a number of new Universal Google Analytics functions that will allow you to easily exclude traffic from unwanted referrals and search queries, as well as increase or decrease the session timeout if your site requires it.

>1 Session Timeout Handling Function

By default, the session timeout is 30 minutes, but today you can adjust the session duration depending on the specifics of your site. The minimum session timeout you can set is 1 minute.


      1. If your site is set to automatically end a session after a certain amount of time, then the session duration should also be the same.
      2. If you are the owner of an electronic library or a movie portal, then it makes sense to increase the session waiting time. However, if your site has little content, then the session waiting time can be reduced.


How to change session timeout in Google Analytics?

      1. Open your resource in Google Analytics
      2. Go to the “Administrator” tab
      3. In the “Resource” column, select your resource.
      4. Open the “Tracking code” item and select the “Session settings” sub-item.
      5. In the “Timeout Management” field, specify the desired session time and click the “Apply” button:


Search query exclusion function

Another equally useful feature of Universal Google Analytics is the search query exclusion feature. This feature allows you to exclude certain brazil telegram data search queries so that data for these queries does not appear in search traffic reports in Google Analytics.

For example, in the previous article I already told you,how to track branded and non-branded search traffic in google analyticsusing the advanced filter setting, and today I’ll tell you how to do it using the search query exclusion feature.

How does it work? We exclude certain search queries, after which Google Analytics intercepts the clicks on these queries and interprets them database d not as search traffic, but as direct traffic. So, you can exclude search queries with the company name, and after users click on these queries, Google Analytics will count these clicks as direct traffic. Thus, branded traffic is direct traffic, and non-branded traffic is search traffic.

How to exclude queries from search traffic?

      1. Select your resource in Google Analytics
      2. Go to the “Administrator” tab
      3. Select “Tracking code” — “List of excluded search queries”, and click the “Create search query” button
      4. In the “Search query” field, enter the keyword or phrase that we want to exclude.
      5. Click the “Create” button.




Transition Exclusion Function

Referral traffic — transitions to our site from third-party web resources. Google Analytics automatically determines where the user was before going to the site and registers this domain name as a referral source. Universal Google Analytics allows you to exclude transitions from certain domains.

Typically, this feature is used when you want to exclude a transition from a third-party shopping cart/checkout page so that returning from it to the checkout page does not create a new session and does not count the transition.

By default, each time a referral is sent, a new session is created. If the referral domain is excluded, then traffic coming from it does not create a new session.

<strong>NB Only traffic from domains included in the list 10 days before the launch of the sales of excluded referral sources and their subdomains is excluded. Traffic from domains in which only part of the string matches the entry in the list is not excluded. If you want to exclude traffic from these referrals, you should also include them in the list of excluded referral sources.



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