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5 steps to cancel electronic invoices STANDARD according to Circular 78

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1. Cases of canceling electronic invoices
2. How to cancel an electronic invoice in just 5 steps
3. Instructions for canceling electronic invoices on MISA Meinvoice software
4. Notes when canceling electronic invoices
About the deadline for canceling electronic invoices
Penalty level for canceling electronic invoices in violation of regulations

The best electronic invoice software today

1. Cases of canceling electronic invoices
When there is an error in the content of an issued electronic invoice, depending on the case, the accountant is required to make a record of canceling the electronic invoice, re-issue it, or adjust the electronic invoice. Specifically, there are 2 cases where the cancellation of an electronic invoice is allowed:

Case 1: the electronic invoice has errors. Has been assigned a code by the tax authority .but has not been sent to the buyer. According to the provisions of clause 1. Article 19 of decree 123/2020/nd-cp.case 2: the seller issues an. Invoice when  israel telegram datacollecting money. In advance or. During the provision of services.as prescribed in clause 2, article 9 of decree no. 123/2020/nd-cp, then there is a. Cancellation or termination. Of the provision of services. The seller shall cancel the issued. Electronic invoice and notify the. Tax authority of the cancellation of the invoice.

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2. How to cancel an electronic invoice in just 5 steps

To cancel an electronic  this parameterization allowed invoice, follow these 5 steps: issued in Appendix IA of Decree 123/2020/ND-CP
Step 2: proceed to create a new electronic  consumer data invoice as usual. Sign and send to the tax authority to be issued .a new invoice code to replace the incorrectly. Created invoice to send to the buyer.
Step 3: cancel the electronic. Invoice that has been reported.o have an error.
Step 4: Make a record of the invoice cancellation agreement to avoid risks when the tax authority

comes to inspect and check.

Step 5: Check whether the error notice has been accepted by the tax authority or not as well as the status of the invoice on the website
For businesses to easily use, MISA supports maximum costs for implementing electronic invoices. Customers who want to try MISA meInvoice electronic invoice software for FREE, please contact

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