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6 Similar Audience Targeting (FB)
Fast attraction of targeted traffic
a wide range of analysis and more.
However, today Internet advertising is not limited to search engines, extensive banner networks and YouTube. One of the leading roles in this is played by targeted advertising in social networks.
- Demography
- Geography
- Education
- Interests
- Birthdays
- Social network login devices
- Applications the user is a member of
- Travelers and shoppers
1 Targeting by phone numbers (FB, VK, OK)
The initial advertising setup should be based on your analysis of the target audience and the answers to these 8 questions. In the future, you can adjust. This data by receiving detailed information. About those who responded to your message. As well as analyzing the response itself. The cost of the transition, the cost of the action that you cambodia telegram data have set for advertising purposes. But if you already know your target audience and you have a community with active users, then you can use broader targeting functions, namely, use the “Custom Audiences” tool.
Types of custom audiences:
Suitable for those who have a database of customer phone contacts. In this case, advertising will be shown only to those users whose pages are linked to these numbers.
2 Targeting by e-mail (FB, VK, OK)
Do you collect your customers’ email addresses? Do you usee-mail newsletters? Great! Now you can also upload it to a social network and target those users whose pages are linked to these email addresses.
3 ID targeting (VK, OK)
Each user page has its own unique id. Using ready-made solutions for collecting them, you can target your advertising to specific users, delivering to them an offer that will solve their problem.
4 Targeting Website Visitors (FB, VK, OK)
In contextual advertising systems, this type of targeting is called remarketing and its principle is essentially the same. The code received in the advertising account is placed on the site, lists are formed and advertising is shown only to those who have been on your site, visited certain pages or sections of your site.
Do you know where your competitors are hiding your target audience? Or what communities your hypothetical client is a member of? Set database d uptargetingto these communities and offer them conditions that will demonstrate your quality advantages.
If you have a community with more than. People (not a requirement, but desirable. You can create an. Audience of users who are similar in interests. And behavior to those who have already. Subscribed to your updates. This is done in the. “audiences” tab in the facebook advertising account.
5 Targeting community members (VK, OK)
Social networks give you the opportunity to see each individual user personally. They make brands more human, more accessible, and users more loyal. Using the advertising capabilities of social networks, you can attract even more what are trending searches on google? people to your communities. Through which you can contact them. And motivate them to take actions that are. useful to you.
To achieve good results in. Advertising, adhere to the following principles:
- “Break” your targeting into narrow categories
- Create 2-3 ad variations
- Address your target audience in your ads
- Solve the customer’s problem
- Use a unique selling proposition
- Post high quality content to your community
- Use an image that displays the product/service/company
- Analysis! Analysis! Analysis.
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